I imagine a service provider might want to revoke a consumer secret.
You might specify how the service provider can signal that it has done
so, to enable the consumer to automatically get a fresh consumer
secret.  You might extend http://oauth.pbwiki.com/ProblemReporting for
the purpose.

You might recommend that consumers limit the useful lifetime of a
confirmation token.  It seems like a good idea to invalidate a token
after a single use and/or a fairly short time interval.

When validating a confirmation token, it seems like a good idea to use
HTTPS and to require that the consumer (HTTPS server) present a
certificate issued by a trusted authority and matching the HTTPS
server's host name.  (Browsers often require this.)

An entirely different protocol occurs to me.  When requesting a
consumer secret, the consumer could sign the request with its
certificate.  That is, the request contains a certificate, issued by a
trusted authority, that matches the consumer key (that is the
consumer's root URL).  And the request is signed with the private key
associated with that certificate.  The service provider validates the
certificate and uses the certificate's public key to validate the
signature.  If all is valid, it returns the desired consumer secret.
The consumer would not send a confirmation token, and the service
provider would not validate a confirmation token.

Perhaps this won't work for OpenMicroBlogging.  Perhaps it's a bad
idea in general. :-)
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