
In section 1:

   The STS
   protocol defined in this specification is not itself RESTful (an STS
   doesn't lend itself particularly well to a REST approach) but does
   utilize communication patterns and data formats that should be
   familiar to developers accustomed to working with RESTful systems.

A colleague expressed concern that token exchange can not be RESTful. Given 
that the token exchange endpoint defined here is the same as the token 
endpoint, is this a restatement that this endpoint itself is not RESTful as 
opposed to a different change. AFAICT, none of the other OAuth RFCs mention 
RESTful concerns.

In Section 2.1:
Regarding exchanging an access token for an id token, OIDC allows the caller to 
provide a claims parameter to specify the specific claims returned in an id 
token. See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimsParameter
I'm not sure that this spec explicitly constrains parameters to be passed to 
this method, but it also doesn't have any language to suggest that it will 
allow extended parameter lists to be passed and interpreted by the auth server.

Josh McKinney

OAuth mailing list

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