I was going to ask this question during the just-concluded WG session at 
IETF-92, but with a full agenda and little time I thought it might be better to 
ask this question on-list.

The Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP, a work product of the WEIRDS WG) 
uses a RESTful web service to access data associated with things like domain 
names and IP address blocks. It's intended to be a replacement for the aged 
WHOIS protocol. I co-authored a security services document for RDAP that 
describes how a federated authentication system can address an operational need 
for client identification, authentication, and authorization, but that document 
doesn't specify any particular solution or how it can actually be deployed. In 
the near future implementers will be standing up services and I'd like explore 
some workable options. So, I'm looking for advice from people who know more 
about federated authentication systems than I do.

RDAP clients will be the same type of people who use WHOIS today. Servers will 
need to be able to identify and authenticate clients and grant appropriate 
privileges based on their identity and purpose. What kind of federation could 
be deployed today to meet these needs? Which protocol(s) will do the job and be 
brain-dead simple for human end users?


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