-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet :         SOLVED [Obm] Mail + roundcube
Date :  Thu, 3 Sep 2015 15:52:51 +0100
De :    Benito Chamberlain <ben...@itcsnam.com>
Pour :  David DOLCIMASCOLO <ddolcimasc...@linagora.com>

Thank you , Got the mail server running now. I love OBM so far. Thanks for helping. Now the Thunderbird obm plugin and lightning... I'm going to start a new mail for this problem.


On 09/03/2015 12:48 PM, David DOLCIMASCOLO wrote:

OK you did follow the correct documentation :)
If authentication works, you do not have to log-in twice (one in OBM, one in Roundcube), you should get your mailbox directly if you are already logged-in in OBM. Something must be wrong with your setup, please:

  * Check that you ran the "yellow pill", as mentioned in the "Apply
    the modifications" section of http://obm.org/wiki/getting-started?
  * Post the contents of /var/log/mail.log after a failed attempt?
  * Run testsaslauthd -u "login@domain" -p "password", replacing
    login/domain/password with your values.


Resp. Equipe OBM / OBM Team Lead
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Le 03/09/2015 13:30, Benito Chamberlain a écrit :
Hi David

Thank you for the reply.

I installed 3.1.6 - follow the instructions , the only thing I skipped was the PostgreSQL 9 part. I used version 8 as stated. I created a host , domain and user for testing. used example.com as shown here :http://obm.org/wiki/getting-started

Now I want to login into the roundcube mail window shown at this users Mail section after logging in from the obm web interface. If I put https://localhost/webmail into the address bar - I get to the rouncube login into which I enter the above configured username and password, to no avail. Tried without the example.com at the end of the username too.

The fact that the roundube interface is displayed makes me wonder why I cant log in.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


On 09/03/2015 12:01 PM, David DOLCIMASCOLO wrote:
Hello Benito,

You should install OBM 3.1 as per http://obm.org/wiki/install-obm-3-centos-6, you'll end up with roundcube properly configured and all set up, so that you can access it directly.

Which version did you install?


Resp. Equipe OBM / OBM Team Lead
Resp. Adjoint Equipe OpenPaas / OpenPaas Team Deputy
+33 6 76 20 62 28
80 rue Roque de Fillol
92800 Puteaux
Message envoyé avec OBM, La messagerie Libre : http://www.obm.org/

Le 02/09/2015 11:55, Benito Chamberlain a écrit :
Hi, Got OBM installed on Centos 6.5 test server. Got a domain and user configured.
Now I'm trying to configure the mail part and roundcubemail.

I cannot log in to the roundcube web interface with my username and password.

Do I need to do a fresh install of roundcube? Do I need to configure cyrus ? because I did a health and the IMAP status is IMAP connection failed (using URL://127.0.01/INBOX) for domain 'example.com' Error 67.

Also I checked the documentation of the roundcube package you provide. ( it says that this is BETA software and should not replace existing roundcube install. ) What is the best approach to get the mail server up and running ?

Kind Regards

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