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From: Steve Sigur
Reply-To: Subject: Re: [EMHL] 2006 USAMO, problem 6
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2006 16:48:31 -0400

Dear François and Quang Tuan,

You both found the two ways that I found, one by angle chasing and
Miquel and one by symmetry. The position of the point is independent
of E and F.

François, I bet the folds who made the problem did not consider E and
F as distracting elements. None of the Georgia students (8 of them)
who took this test got this problem.


On Apr 19, 2006, at 10:53 PM, Quang Tuan Bui wrote:

> Dear Steve and All,
>   (One typo correction of Steve: E and F be points on AD and BC
> respectively, such that AE/ED = BF/FC)
>   It is very nice configuration. I try to proof as follow:
>   We denote intersection of BC and AD as U.
>   Use Miquel theorem for quadrilateral we have:
>   - Circle(SBF), circle(SAE) concur with circle(ABU), circle(EFU)
>   - Circle(TCF), circle(TDE) concur with circle(CDU), circle(EFU)
>   So now problem is:
>   Let's ABCD is quadrilateral, E, F is midpoint of AD, BC and AD,
> BC intersect at U then three following circles concur
>               circle(ABU), circle(CDU), circle(EFU)
>   Let circle(ABU), circle(CDU) concur at V, we should proof UVEF is
> concyclic.
>   Draw perpendicular bisectors of EF and UV. They intersection at
> W. Note that center of circle(ABU) as Oa, and center of circle(CDU)
> as Oc then Oa, Oc are on perpendicular bisector of UV. From Oa, Ob,
> W draw perpendiculars to FU at Ka, Kb, M. Easy to show
>   M is midpoint of FU. That means W is on the perpendicular
> bisector of FU. Analogously we have W is on the perpendicular
> bisector of EV. So W is center of circle pass through UVEF. Please
> note that W is midpoint of OaOb.
>   Remark:
>   1. Miquel theorem about four circles concurrency can be easy and
> elementary proof by inscribed angles.
>   2. There are many other circles pass through concurrent point of
> the problem (by Miquel theorem).
>   3. You can see Steiner proof for Miquel theorem in FG (Ten
> theorems of complete quadrilateral proof by Steiner)
>   Best regards,
>   Bui Quang Tuan
> Steve Sigur wrote:  This question was on
> today's USA math olympiad. Enjoy.
> Let ABCD be a quadrilateral, and let E and F be points on AC and BC,
> respectively, such that AE/ED = B/FC. Ray FE meets rays BA and CD at
> S and T, respectively. Prove that the circumcircles of SAE, SBF, TCF,
> and TDE pass through a common point.
> A neat schema.
> Steve Sigur

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