Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-17 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
On Thu, 17 Jun 2010 16:04:51 +0200
BAUDRACCO Pierre  wrote:

> Hello,
> this is a great news !
> Can you contribute back your translation and commit these on the
> minig repo ?
> Pierre

Hi Pierre,

I can't commit it, because I have read only access there :) But I can
send it to you when I'll finish my translation and polish it a bit :) 

My best regards,

Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-17 Par sujet BAUDRACCO Pierre

this is a great news !
Can you contribute back your translation and commit these on the minig repo ?


Paweł Tęcza a écrit :
> Paweł Tęcza pisze:
> > # Translate English staff
> [...]
> > $ cp dist/WebmailUI.en.html dist/
> > $ sed -i 's/locale=en/locale=pl/' dist/
> Hurray! My problem has been resolved! :D I didn't notice that meta tag
> for locale was commented out in English file:
> $ grep locale= dist/WebmailUI.en.html
> I've fixed it and now I have Polish version of MiniG :D
> Cheers,
> Pawel
> ___
> Obm mailing list
Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-17 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
Paweł Tęcza pisze:

> # Translate English staff
> $ cp dist/WebmailUI.en.html dist/
> $ sed -i 's/locale=en/locale=pl/' dist/

Hurray! My problem has been resolved! :D I didn't notice that meta tag
for locale was commented out in English file:

$ grep locale= dist/WebmailUI.en.html

I've fixed it and now I have Polish version of MiniG :D


Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-17 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
Paweł Tęcza pisze:
> On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 17:21:11 +0200

> I've checked out the MiniG sources from your Subversion repo and I'm
> reading the file webmail-frontend/gwt/README. I hope it will help me to
> resolve my problem.

Hello again,

I believe that now I know how to add a support for a new language to my
MiniG webmail. I did the following steps:

# Get GWT
$ mkdir ~/gwt; cd ~/gwt/
$ wget
$ unzip

# Get MiniG sources from Subversion repo
$ mkdir ~/svn; cd ~/svn/
$ svn checkout minig

$ cd minig/webmail-frontend/gwt/
$ GWT_HOME=~/gwt/gwt-2.0.3
$ ./ "$GWT_HOME"

# Translate English staff
$ cp
$ vim ./src/fr/aliasource/webmail/client/lang/

# I'm quite not sure whether it's really necessary
$ #cp

$ vim ./src/fr/aliasource/webmail/WebmailUI.gwt.xml

$ cp dist/WebmailUI.en.html dist/
$ sed -i 's/locale=en/locale=pl/' dist/
$ cp dist/ war/

# Build MiniG permutations
$ ./
 [echo] Preparing distribution of webmail-frontend-gwt
 [echo] Running GWT compiler...
 [java] Compiling module fr.aliasource.webmail.WebmailUI
 [java]Compiling 18 permutations
 [java]   Compiling permutation 0...
 [java]   Process output
 [java]  Compiling permutation 1...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 2...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 3...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 4...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 5...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 6...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 7...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 8...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 9...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 10...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 11...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 12...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 13...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 14...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 15...
 [java]   Compiling permutation 16...
 [java]  Compiling permutation 17...
 [java]Compile of permutations succeeded

$ find . -type f -name

# Deploy MiniG
# cd /usr/share/
# tar czf minig.backup.tgz minig/
# cd minig/
# cp ~/svn/minig/webmail-frontend/gwt/minig-frontend-0.1502M.war .
# unzip minig-frontend-0.1502M.war
Archive:  minig-frontend-0.1502M.war
   creating: META-INF/
replace minig/gwt/minig/minig_rtl.css? [y]es, [n]o, [A]ll, [N]one,
[r]ename: A

# /etc/init.d/obm-tomcat restart
# /etc/init.d/minig-backend restart

Unfortunately when I login to OBM and click "Webmail", then I still can
see English version of MiniG... What's wrong with me? ;)

My best regards,

Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 17:13:46 +0200
ALQUIER Vincent  wrote:

> It seems that Tom doesn't read mails from the mailing list these
> days... I think you should contact him directly !

Hello Vincent,

Thank you for your interesting and your time! Now I'm trying to find the
solution by reading MiniG sources and documentation downloaded from
Subversion repo :)

My best regards,

Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 17:21:11 +0200
CATALDO Thomas  wrote:

> ALQUIER Vincent a écrit :
> > It seems that Tom doesn't read mails from the mailing list these
> > days...
> no I don't, minig crashes on mailing list emails ;-)

Hi Tom,

You can use openssl client for connecting to port 993 on your mail
server. I believe that IMAP protocol is pretty easy for you ;)

I've checked out the MiniG sources from your Subversion repo and I'm
reading the file webmail-frontend/gwt/README. I hope it will help me to
resolve my problem.

My best regards,

Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet CATALDO Thomas
ALQUIER Vincent a écrit :
> It seems that Tom doesn't read mails from the mailing list these days...

no I don't, minig crashes on mailing list emails ;-)

> I think you should contact him directly !
Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet ALQUIER Vincent
Paweł Tęcza a écrit :
> I've googled a blog entry [1] by Thomas Cataldo and now I know more
> about relationship between MiniG and GWT :) Thanks a lot!
> I read a bit about internationalization of GWT applications and I also
> added the following line
> to my file
> /usr/share/minig/WEB-INF/classes/fr/aliasource/webmail/WebmailUI.gwt.xml.
> But still I don't know how to rebuild and deploy modified MiniG with my
> new Polish translation... Could you please show me how I can do it from
> console on my server with OBM and MiniG?
> Cheers,
> Pawel
> [1]
> ___
> Obm mailing list

It seems that Tom doesn't read mails from the mailing list these days...
I think you should contact him directly !

Vincent Alquier
Linagora GSO
Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
Paweł Tęcza pisze:
> I grepped MiniG again and I found the following files with French
> translation:
> $ cd /usr/share/minig/
> $ find . -name \*_fr\*
> ./WEB-INF/classes/fr/aliasource/webmail/client/composer/RichTextToolbar$
> ./WEB-INF/classes/fr/aliasource/webmail/client/lang/
> Probably I should create appropriate files for Polish language. Am I
> right? I've just done it, but unfortunately it's not enough... Could you
> please give me any hint? :)

I've googled a blog entry [1] by Thomas Cataldo and now I know more
about relationship between MiniG and GWT :) Thanks a lot!

I read a bit about internationalization of GWT applications and I also
added the following line


to my file

But still I don't know how to rebuild and deploy modified MiniG with my
new Polish translation... Could you please show me how I can do it from
console on my server with OBM and MiniG?



Obm mailing list

Re: [Obm] MiniG localization

2010-06-09 Par sujet Paweł Tęcza
Paweł Tęcza pisze:

> # cd WEB-INF/classes/
> # cp -r fr/ pl
> # vim pl/aliasource/webmail/client/lang/

Please forget about the commands above. I'm quite sure it was very
stupid idea :)

I grepped MiniG again and I found the following files with French

$ cd /usr/share/minig/
$ find . -name \*_fr\*

Probably I should create appropriate files for Polish language. Am I
right? I've just done it, but unfortunately it's not enough... Could you
please give me any hint? :)

Have a nice day!

Obm mailing list