Kenaikan harga minyak sama perusahaan minyak ternyata gak ada hubungannya. 
Masak harga minya naik, laba bersih MEDC tahun lalu malah turun drastis 
gara-gara "biaya lain-lain"?


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ricky Dahlan 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:24 PM
  Subject: [!! SPAM] [obrolan-bandar] Why oil could hit $180 a barrel

        Terus, kenapa saham MEDC mandek di sini?

        --- On Wed, 4/23/08, James Arifin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

          From: James Arifin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
          Subject: [obrolan-bandar] Why oil could hit $180 a barrel
          To: "" <>
          Date: Wednesday, April 23, 2008, 2:00 AM

          On 4/22/08, <> wrote: 
            For your pleasure readings.


            Why oil could hit $180 a barrel

            Just when crude is becoming more costly to extract and process, 
producers in 
            three key countries are short of cash. And without that money, 
recent finds 
            won't do much good.
            By Jim Jubak

            Yikes! Oil at $117 a barrel. It has to go down from here, right?

            Wrong. In the short term -- say, the next two years or so -- we're 
            at bad news about global oil supply that could take the price of a 
barrel of 
            crude to $180.

            Needless to say, today's $3.50-a-gallon gasoline would look cheap 
if oil 
            prices hit $180 a barrel. At that price for a barrel of oil, 
gasoline would 
            cost somewhere north of $5.50 a gallon.

            The good news is that's about the price, experts now say, that 
would send 
            global consumption tumbling and oil prices into retreat, as drivers 
            scrambled to find ways to conserve.

            Of course, experts once thought $3-a-gallon gasoline would lead to 
a drop in 
            consumption. The latest forecast from the International Energy 
Agency calls 
            for global oil demand of 87.2 million barrels a day this year. That 
would be 
            an increase in consumption of 1.3 million barrels a day from 2007 
-- despite 
            a U.S. economic slowdown and soaring oil prices.

            So why do I think oil prices will keep climbing for two more years 
at least?

            A terrible coincidence of geology and geopolitics. Just when oil is 
            more expensive to produce, the oil industries in three key 
countries -- 
            Mexico, Russia and Nigeria -- find themselves short of cash. And 
            that cash, oil production in these countries, and global oil 
production in 
            general, is headed into a decline.

            The Russian oil industry, for example, announced that production 
had fallen 
            1% in the first quarter of 2008. According to the Russian energy 
            oil production for the full year could be lower than in 2007.

            Any decline would mark a huge turnaround. Russian production has 
            steadily over the past 10 years, and in its supply-and-demand 
            the International Energy Agency has been counting on growth in 
            production of 5% by 2012 to offset big declines in older fields in 
the North 
            Sea and Mexico. 



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