Bernanke Gets Top Marks as Investors Say Economy Is Past Worst

By Rich Miller

July 22 (Bloomberg) -- Global investors give Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. 
Bernanke top marks for combating the worst financial crisis since the Great 
Depression and overwhelmingly favor his reappointment amid optimism that the 
world economy is on the mend.

Sixty-one percent of investors surveyed in the first Quarterly Bloomberg Global 
Poll say the world economy is stable or improving and almost 75 percent take a 
favorable view of the 55-year-old chairman. By almost a three-to-one margin, 
they say Bernanke has earned another four-year term when his current one 
expires in January.

"He's the best, maybe around the world," said Wallace Lin, an investment 
manager with Euro Asset Management in Hong Kong, who participated in the poll. 
Investors ranked Bernanke higher than his counterparts at other major central 
banks, including European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet.

The vote of confidence strengthens Bernanke's hand as he faces congressional 
criticism that the Fed overstepped its authority by helping to rescue failing 
financial institutions in the midst of the crisis. It also gives his bid for 
another term a boost. President Barack Obama has praised Bernanke's performance 
atop the central bank without saying whether he wants him to stay.

Market Repercussions

"If he weren't renominated, it could have potentially very serious and severe 
repercussions on the stock market and the economy," said Jack Liebau, a poll 
participant and president of Pasadena, California-based Liebau Asset Management 

Investors consider recession a bigger threat to the U.S. economy than rising 
prices over the next two years, the poll showed. Sixty-one percent cite 
recession as the greater risk, compared with 37 percent who name inflation.

Martin Feldstein, a professor of economics at Harvard University who was 
considered for the position of Fed chairman before Bernanke took over in 2006, 
praised the policy maker. Bernanke has "done a very good job and I think he 
should be reappointed," Feldstein said in an interview yesterday on Bloomberg 

The first Quarterly Bloomberg Global Poll is a survey of investors and analysts 
on six continents. It is based on interviews from July 14 to July 17 with a 
random sample of 1,076 Bloomberg subscribers, who represent leading decision 
makers in markets, finance and economics.

Trichet, King, Zhou

The poll showed Trichet received a favorable rating of 54 percent, while Bank 
of England Governor Mervyn King garnered 50 percent approval and China's 
central-bank governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, received 42 percent. Bernanke outpolled 
the other central bank chiefs even in their own regions.

Bernanke also received a higher rating than U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy 
Geithner, who formerly ran the New York Federal Reserve Bank. The Treasury 
secretary got a 57 percent rating worldwide -- even though a majority of 
investors in the U.S. view him unfavorably. More than 52 percent of American 
respondents take a negative view of Geithner, compared with about 32 percent in 
Europe and 24 percent in Asia.

Bernanke has countered the credit crisis with actions unprecedented in the 
central bank's 95-year history. He cut the benchmark lending rate to as low as 
zero and expanded credit to the economy by $1.1 trillion over the past year.

U.S. Banks Recovering

More than three-quarters of investors expect U.S. financial institutions will 
be in better shape a year from now, though only 2 percent say they will be back 
to full health. Just 10 percent think they will be in worse shape.

Respondents aren't as sanguine about European banks, with 23 percent saying 
their condition will deteriorate in the next year.

Investors in Asia are more optimistic than those in the U.S. and Europe about 
the outlook for the global economy, the poll showed. More than three-quarters 
of Asian investors say the world economy is stable or improving, compared with 
62 percent in Europe and 50 percent in the U.S.

Regional differences in the global outlook "may be a matter of what they see 
around them," said J. Ann Selzer, president of Selzer & Co. of Des Moines, 
Iowa, which conducted the poll for Bloomberg. Half of Asian investors "say the 
economy in their region is improving -- more than three times as many as say 
that in the U.S.," she said.

The International Monetary Fund said July 8 that emerging- market economies 
including China will help pull the world out of the deepest contraction in six 

China's Recovery

China's gross domestic product grew 7.9 percent in the second quarter, the 
government reported last week in Beijing, making the nation the first major 
economy to rebound from the global recession.

"Fiscal policy and monetary stimulus have been introduced around the world, and 
we are seeing signs, particularly in China, that they are beginning to work," 
Jim Owens, chief executive officer of Caterpillar Inc., said in a statement 
yesterday. Peoria, Illinois-based Caterpillar, the world's largest maker of 
construction equipment, reported second-quarter profit that exceeded analysts' 

More than half the investors polled expect long-term interest rates to rise 
over the next six months as global growth picks up. Among equity investors, 52 
percent foresee higher yields, compared with 49 percent of fixed-income 

Higher Long-Term Rates

"I don't see them going anywhere but up," said David Jaderlund, municipal bond 
portfolio manager with Jaderlund Investments in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 
Currently, he said, Treasury securities "aren't paying anything."

Benchmark 10-year notes yielded 3.48 percent at 5:15 p.m. yesterday in New 
York, compared with an average 4.56 percent over the last decade.

Investors expect short-term interest rates to be little changed over the next 
six months, the poll showed. Almost three quarters say central banks will hold 
rates near current levels to support growth.

"Monetary policy remains focused on fostering economic recovery," Bernanke said 
in his semi-annual report to Congress yesterday. The Fed intends to maintain a 
"highly accommodative" monetary policy for "an extended period," he said.

"The U.S. economy may be ailing," said Selzer. "But these financial leaders 
agree the man at the helm of the economy is the right guy for the job, for now 
and for another term."

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