
The Lehman Shock
*Why the bank's failure one year ago was so much more devastating for the
rest of the world than for the United States.*

The failure of Lehman Bros. on Sept. 15, 2008, was an epic calamity, but it
may have been more important overseas--where September 2008 is referred to
as "Lehman Shock"--than it was here.

In the United States, the sudden bankruptcy of America's fourth-largest
investment bank was the cathartic culmination of a process that had been
building since subprime lenders began to go bust in 2007. Before Lehman was
allowed to fail, we had witnessed the shocking demise of well-known firms
such as Bear Stearns and of much larger institutions Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac
(the two largest U.S. financial institutions as measured by the size of
their balance sheets), and AIG. Throughout the summer of 2008, Treasury
Secretary Henry Paulson and the Federal Reserve had been dealing with
systemic failure. Yes, Lehman's demise kicked the level of hysteria up
several notches and required unprecedented intervention, particularly in the
commercial paper market. But it wasn't a solitary event. The same day Lehman
failed, Bank of America and Merrill Lynch--a larger firm than
Lehman--merged. The same week, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converted to
bank holding companies so they could access new sources of credit.
Meanwhile, the Bush administration began to concoct a large-scale bailout
and a hot presidential election took a decisive turn. Our attention quickly
shifted from the dead to the living and wounded.

But for the rest of the world, Lehman's failure stands out, in part because
it marked a beginning rather than an end, and in part because Lehman's
failure triggered a series of events that affected economies around the
world to a much greater degree than the other failures did. It seemed to be
the direct cause of serious problems in a way that these other events

Lehman had issued hundreds of billions of dollars in short-term debt,
including commercial paper. Commercial paper is usually a boring and unsexy
market. But it's a vital cog in the global economic engine. Companies need
access to lots of short-term credit (30 days, 90 days, 180 days) to finance
production and shipment of goods. Without it, they're toast. When Lehman
filed for Chapter 11, it rendered a lot of its commercial paper worthless
(or worth a lot less) and caused a panic among the investors and funds that
owned it. For all intents and purposes, the commercial-paper market seized
up. If Lehman couldn't make good on its short-term debt, was it safe to lend
money to anybody? Banks and financial institutions around the world lost
trust in one another, causing short-term lending rates to spike. Since
short-term credit is both the lubricant and fuel of global trade, the effect
of the Lehman failure was a little like sucking the engine oil and gas out
of a race car going 180 miles per hour. The whole machine stalled.

All of a sudden, the world seemed to change. Yes, the United States had been
in recession since the beginning of 2008. But world trade had held up quite
well. But after the Lehman shock, all world trade began to shrink rapidly.
Starting in September 2008, the volume of world trade began to plummet
sharply. As the World Trade Organization reported in March, "the months
since last September have seen precipitous drops in global production and
trade, first in the developed economies, then in developing ones as well."
In late 2008, world trade was contracting at a 40 percent annual rate. In
Japan, exports, which had held up well in 2008, fell 57 percent between
August 2008 and January 2009. (Go here and click on "exports.") Through the
first half of 2009, they were down nearly 40 percent from the first half of
2008. In Germany, exports in July 2009 were 25 percent below the level of
July 2008. China's exports have fallen, too, although less dramatically.
This sharp contraction in exports was as much of a shock to these countries'
systems as the sharp fall in housing was to the United States. The United
States had built an economy that was highly dependent on housing, leverage,
and easy credit--and that was unable to weather stress in any of those
sectors. Japan, Germany, and many other countries, by the same token, had
built economies that were highly dependent on credit-fueled trade. For other
economies, the Lehman shock meant the sudden recognition that what for years
had been a source of jobs and growth was no longer reliable. It's not just
that exports to the United States shriveled after September 2008; the flow
of goods everywhere, in all directions, has fallen.

*© 2009*

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