Report: N.Korea launches 2 missile tests hours after UN Security Council 
condemns nuke test

HYUNG-JIN KIM | Associated Press Writer
7:06 AM EDT, May 26, 2009

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea launched tests Tuesday of two more 
short-range missiles a day after detonating a nuclear bomb underground, a news 
report said, pushing the regime's confrontation with world powers further 
despite the threat of U.N. Security Council action.

Two missiles — one ground-to-air, the other ground-to-ship — with a range of 
about 80 miles (130 kilometers) were test-fired from an east coast launch pad, 
South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported, citing an unnamed government 

South Korean spy chief Won Sei-hoon had informed lawmakers earlier Tuesday that 
a missile test was likely, according to the office of Park Young-sun, a 
legislator who attended the closed-door briefing.

Yonhap reported that North Korea was preparing to launch a third missile from a 
west coast site, again citing an unnamed official.

North Korea appeared to be displaying its might a day after conducting an 
underground atomic test in the northeast that the U.N. Security Council 
condemned as a "clear violation" of a 2006 resolution banning the regime from 
developing its nuclear program.

France called for new sanctions, while the U.S. and Japan pushed for strong 
action against North Korea for testing a bomb that Russian officials said was 
comparable in power to those that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki during 
World War II.

South Korea, meanwhile, announced it would join a maritime web of more than 90 
nations that intercept ships suspected of spreading weapons of mass destruction 
— a move North Korea warned would constitute an act of war.

North Korea had threatened in recent weeks to carry out a nuclear test and fire 
long-range missiles unless the Security Council apologized for condemning 
Pyongyang's April 5 launch of a rocket the U.S., Japan and other nations called 
a test of its long-range missile technology. The North has said it put a 
satellite into orbit as part of its peaceful space development program.

Monday morning's nuclear test appeared to catch the world by surprise, but Won 
told lawmakers that Beijing and Washington knew Pyongyang was planning a test 
some 20-25 minutes before it was carried out, said Choi Kyu-ha, an aide to 
lawmaker Park.

Won said Pyongyang warned it would test the bomb unless the head of the 
Security Council offered an immediate apology. Russia said the test went off at 
9:54 a.m. local time (0054 GMT) Monday. Won confirmed that two short-range 
missile tests from an east coast launch pad followed.

Yonhap reported that three missile tests were carried out Monday, and two more 

North Korea's neighbors and their allies scrambled to galvanize support for 
strong, united response to Pyongyang's nuclear belligerence.

President Barack Obama and South Korea's Lee Myung-bak "agreed that the test 
was a reckless violation of international law that compels action in response," 
the White House said in a statement after the leaders spoke by telephone. They 
also vowed to "seek and support a strong United Nations Security Council 
resolution with concrete measures to curtail North Korea's nuclear and missile 

Obama also spoke with Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso, the White House said, 
with the leaders agreeing to step up coordination with South Korea, China and 

Obama reiterated the U.S. commitment to defend both South Korean and Japan, 
U.S. and South Korean officials said.

North Korea responded by accusing the U.S. of hostility, and said Tuesday that 
its army and people were ready to defeat any American invasion.

"The current U.S. administration is following in the footsteps of the previous 
Bush administration's reckless policy of militarily stifling North Korea," the 
North's main Rodong Sinmun newspaper said in commentary carried by the 
country's official Korean Central News Agency.

In Japan, which suffered the devastation of two atomic bombs in 1945, the lower 
house of parliament quickly passed an unanimous resolution condemning the test 
and demanding that North Korea give up its nuclear program, a house spokeswoman 

"This reckless act, along with the previous missile launch, threatened peace 
and stability in the region, including Japan," the resolution said.

"North Korea's repeated nuclear tests posed a grave challenge to international 
nuclear nonproliferation," it said. "Japan, the only nation to suffer atomic 
attacks, cannot tolerate this." Japan is considering tightening sanctions 
against North Korea, the statement said.

Russia, which called the test a "serious blow" to the effort to stop the spread 
of nuclear weapons, suspended a Russia-North Korean intergovernmental trade and 
economic commission, apparently in response to the nuclear test. The slap on 
the wrist was a telling indication that Moscow, once a key backer of North 
Korea, was unhappy with Pyongyang.

Seoul reacted to the nuclear test by joining the U.S.-led Proliferation 
Security Initiative, joining 94 nations seeking to intercept ships suspected of 
carrying nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, materials to make them, or 
missiles to deliver them.

North Korea for years has warned the South against joining the U.S.-led 
blockade. The Rodong Sinmun last week said South Korea's participation would be 
"nothing but a gambit to conceal their belligerence and justify a new northward 
invasion scheme."

Joining the PSI would end in Seoul's "self-destruction" it said.

In Beijing, the defense chiefs of South Korea and China were holding a security 
meeting Tuesday, South Korean officials said.

South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-hee and China's Gen. Liang Guanglie were 
expected to discuss ways to respond to the nuclear test, Cho Baek-sang, 
international policy director at the Ministry of National Defense in Seoul, was 
quoted as saying by Yonhap news agency.

China said Monday it "resolutely opposed" North Korea's test and called on 
Pyongyang to return to talks on ending its atomic programs.


Associated Press writers Kwang-tae Kim and Jean H. Lee in Seoul, Shino Yuasa in 
Tokyo and Mike Eckel in Moscow contributed to this report,0,7165797.story


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