The 11 Laws of Bear Market Success Video

About 50,000 investors registered for this special emergency event —
and thousands more attended the special encore presentation on Saturday.

Now, to make sure YOU don't miss this all-important briefing, we're
leaving the video recording of the entire event online for a few more

Just turn up your computer speakers, and then CLICK THIS LINK to learn ...

The 11 rules I use to identify profitable bear market investment
opportunities: How you can confidently get off the sidelines and get
your money growing again.

Hundreds of opportunities to make money more quickly than in virtually
any bull market: Including six types of prudent investments that offer
you substantial profit potential right now.

Why following bull market rules at a time like this is a recipe for
disaster: How big mutual funds, financial planners and Wall Street
brokers have dumped pure garbage into your portfolio.

Why many of the investments you may think are "safe" are NOT: Why
"too-big to fail" banks, "insured" municipal bonds, and junk bonds
masquerading as quality bonds — are little more than ticking
time-bombs set to blow your portfolio apart at virtually any moment. 
If you're wondering how you'll keep your money growing no matter how
severe this bear market becomes or how long it lasts, this could be a
make-or-break event for you. 

And if you'd welcome a full hour of money-making strategies and
tactics that fit this bear market hand-in-glove, it's a must. 

ONE WORD OF WARNING:  As fast as events are moving right now, we will
NOT be able to leave the record of this seminal event online for long.

So be sure to click this link to watch the video.

Or click here to download the transcript while you still can.

Good luck and God bless!

Dear Subscriber, 

If you're waiting for this bear market to end any time soon, please do
NOT hold your breath ... 

This morning, Washington announced that AIG, our nation's largest
insurer, lost a staggering $61.7 billion in the last three months of
2008 ... 

That's the single largest loss ever suffered by a U.S. corporation,
larger than the record losses at Bank of America and Citigroup COMBINED!

Worse: To keep AIG from going belly-up, Washington is giving the
company another $30 billion, bringing the total bailout for this one
company to a staggering $180 billion.

That's equivalent to nearly HALF the U.S. government's entire budget
deficit for all of 2008!

Worse still: The company's stock, which sold for nearly $50 per share
last May is now only 49 cents. Any investor who bought $10,000 of AIG
stock eight short months ago now as a meager $98 left. The rest — a
whopping $9,902 — is gone with the wind.

You have to wonder:

If this is what happens to companies that are seized and operated by
Washington bureaucrats, what's going to happen to Citigroup now that
those same people have controlling interest?

What's going to happen to Bank of America? To GM? To Ford? To all the
other stocks getting money from Washington?

And what's going to happen to the millions of investors stubbornly
sticking with bull market buy-and-hold strategies — who are still
hanging on to these doomed stocks — as this crisis continues to intensify?

More importantly, it makes one wonder ...

Why are so many smart investors 
doing so many brain-dead stupid things? 

Take Warren Buffet, for example. The Wizard of Omaha's Berkshire
Hathaway just put in its worst year ever. Its shares have plunged 48%
in value. 

To his credit, in the letter Mr. Buffet sent to investors over the
weekend, he freely admits that "dumb investments" have cost his
company about $7.5 billion so far.

But has Buffett learned his lesson? Apparently not!

Although his letter admits that "the economy will be in shambles
throughout 2009, and, for that matter, probably well beyond," Buffet
continues by saying, "But that conclusion does not tell us whether the
stock market will rise or fall."

Is this his rationale for continuing to own billions in companies that
are almost certain to get hammered by "an economy in shambles?" 

Won't the "economy in shambles" also devastate his holdings in
retailers, furniture and jewelry stores, real estate firms and so many

My view: Buy-and-hold investing is risky enough when you have a
reasonable assurance that the economy will be stable. But in an
economy that's admittedly broken — and in a stock market that's been
falling or six straight months — it's utterly insane! 

As long as he stays on that tack, Mr. Buffett is not only losing money
hand over fist as the market sinks, he's also completely missing out
on the truly explosive profit potential this bear market offers.

This is why my team and I hosted last week's emergency briefing — and
it's also why ...

The 11 Laws of Bear Market Success Video

About 50,000 investors registered for this special emergency event —
and thousands more attended the special encore presentation on Saturday.

Now, to make sure YOU don't miss this all-important briefing, we're
leaving the video recording of the entire event online for a few more

Just turn up your computer speakers, and then CLICK THIS LINK to learn ...

The 11 rules I use to identify profitable bear market investment
opportunities: How you can confidently get off the sidelines and get
your money growing again.

Hundreds of opportunities to make money more quickly than in virtually
any bull market: Including six types of prudent investments that offer
you substantial profit potential right now.

Why following bull market rules at a time like this is a recipe for
disaster: How big mutual funds, financial planners and Wall Street
brokers have dumped pure garbage into your portfolio.

Why many of the investments you may think are "safe" are NOT: Why
"too-big to fail" banks, "insured" municipal bonds, and junk bonds
masquerading as quality bonds — are little more than ticking
time-bombs set to blow your portfolio apart at virtually any moment. 
If you're wondering how you'll keep your money growing no matter how
severe this bear market becomes or how long it lasts, this could be a
make-or-break event for you. 

And if you'd welcome a full hour of money-making strategies and
tactics that fit this bear market hand-in-glove, it's a must. 

ONE WORD OF WARNING:  As fast as events are moving right now, we will
NOT be able to leave the record of this seminal event online for long.

So be sure to click this link to watch the video.

Or click here to download the transcript while you still can.

Good luck and God bless!


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