dear elaine,

BOZZ ? what do YOU do today. ?


i'm still ride with F22 to North. all sector. 
where my mothership to go?  lol. 

i love this game.. 

artomoro ( don't sell anything).

Rei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             
Let's make him say it EL...together we can! huehehehe
 Bull bull bull...

 2008/11/26 Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      Oentoeng mau say bullish tetapi masih malu malu saja ah... ^_^ kalau bear 
ribut, bull sembunyi.. [EMAIL PROTECTED] .ha ha ha ha. Elaine bercanda ya.


2008/11/26 denni denni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
      huhuy...jangan bangunin macan tidur ....:)

Elaine Sui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Don't lie to me!!! bisa bawa BUMI naik pasti general. Now everyone's counting 
you, and the burden is all yours to handle, general  ^_^ See, I'm watching the 
right person, at the right moment, at the right price. lol..
Where's oentoeng anyway... is he still around?


 2008/11/25 artomoro9 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
i am not generals lho, itu temen2 aja yg suka ngeledek saya pake nama itu.
BUMI bawa ke 8000? waooo.. itu baru generals.  generals is GM, not artomoro. 


artomoro (jangan jual murah BUMI anda)

From: Elaine Sui [mailto:elainesui83@] 
Sent: Monday, November 24, 2008 9:55 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Subject: Re: [obrolan-bandar] To elaine: Re: full ammo for tommorow

I'm watching you cuz I want to know how good you really are. I heard you're
one of those generals, so show me that you're as good as I expect you to be.
 Bring bumi up to where it fell from, 8000 that is. This could be the biggest
swing trades on earth, like 1000% gain? 

If you, come on. You're that big, right? Make them happy, general.

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