Yea I'm Still waiting suname to come.

Up ok. down juga ok.

* just watch indicator on this miliss. if the atmosphere sense
too Bearish then Suname wont come. hehe2..
* damn it always like that  naturlich

On 4/26/08, cuan lagi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Everyone wish, myself included, IHSG will revive its orignal path towards
> 3000, but let's look at the facts ... what are the positive indictors
> prevailing today that will support an uptrend,  Answer is NONE.  Subprime
> issue is not over, commodities/costs spiraling up, inflation/BBM
> inevitable.....etc.
> The impending Tsunami is yet to strike.  All the volatility to date are
> merely earthquakes prior to the tsunami. I believe we have just entered
> a second phase with low volumes and index straddling within a narrow range.
> This is akin to receding water prior to the tsunami.
> It's time to run for the high ground, at least with half your assets in
> cash.  The present market only suit traders and not investors.
> My only wish is for the Tsunami to strike soon rather than dragging like
> cancer.  The longer it's dragged the more deadly will be the cancer.  Eg. no
> more cover up of sub-prime losses, BBM prices should go up tomorrow.  Once
> the Tsunami is over, the flowers will blossom and  the investors would then
> be recalled.  A long recession would then be avoided.
> God bless !
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