comment: Udah susah taroh di Bank, uang kotor masuk BEJ, Properti. Tapi 
bukannya di Australia, dan Singapore juga pejabat2 kita yg korup rajin beli 
  DJ INDONESIA PRESS: Capital Markets Flush With Dirty Money

JAKARTA (Dow Jones)--Indonesia's capital markets are awash with cash derived 
from money laundering, the Jakarta Post reported Wednesday. 

"We've seen many indications of money laundering recently through financial 
institutions and the capital market," the report quoted Fuad Rahmany, chairman 
of the Capital Market and Financial Institutions Supervisory Agency, as saying. 

The report said the agency signed a memorandum of understanding with the 
official Corruption Eradication Commission to boost supervision of the capital 
markets and the activities of listed companies. 

Newspaper web site: http

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