Nah klo ini baru cocok, bisnis yang nggak pakai piutang. Langsung cash.
Bahkan bisa terima bayaran dimuka lagi. Bisa dapat price segitu dari harga
sekarang berarti >30%, mayan dah. Pas-nya kapan tercapainya nih, bolak-balik
mulu. Ntar penumpang kepenuhan, berat berangkatnya, jalan terseok2, jalan
tambah macet, jalan tolnya cepat rusak. Biaya jadi bengkak lagi, untung
 turun lagi. TP diturunin lagi.

2009/2/16 simon bolenang <>

>  *Jasa Marga *
> Looking for opportunities
> Jasa Marga, as the main player in the toll road business, is looking to
> acquire another two toll road sections that should be linked to its current
> toll road network. By extending its toll road network, Jasa Marga expects
> better volume growth from both the new and mature sections. On a negative
> note, Jasa Marga has a minority stake in the troubled Juanda Airport
> expressway. However, its exposure is limited since it only has a 5% stake in
> the project.  All in all, we remain positive on the stock and maintain our
> BUY recommendation with a target price of Rp1,540.
> Chandra S. Pasaribu
> (62-21) 351 0748


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