Turut berduka cita.
Semoga bagi yg ditinggalkan diberi kekuatan dan ketabahan

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, "Arnest Lisal"
> Innalilahi wa ina illahi rojiun, Telah wafat Mustafa Kamil (analis
(KK) Philips Securities), jenazah disemayamkan di pondok labu jln.
margasatwa 108. Mohon dimaafkan atas kesalahan almarhum. Semoga amal
ibadah almarhum diterima disisi-NYA dan keluarga yang ditinggalkan
diberi kekuatan.
> Komunitas broker & research_equity turut berbelasungkawa.
> Regards,
> Ucup Keliik
> Disclaimer : The information contained here gathered from sources
deemed reliable, however, no claim is made by Research Equity Groups
as to its accuracy or content. This does not contain specific
recommendation to BUY or SELL at particular price or times, nor should
any of the examples presented be deemed as such. There is a risk of
loss in trading stock and you should carefully consider your financial
position before making any trade. Stocks trading caries significant
risk and you can lose some, all or even more then your investment

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