Resistance & Crowd
We have all heard of the term `resistance', but what exactly is meant
by this loosely used term? Well, in
the context of market mechanics, resistance to any up-move is caused
by somebody selling the stock as
soon as a rally starts. In this case, the floating supply has not yet
been removed. The act of selling into a
rally is bad news for higher prices. This is why the supply
(resistance) has to be removed before a stock
can rally (rise in price).
Once an up-move does take place, then like sheep, all other traders
will be inclined to follow. This concept
is normally referred to as `herd instinct' (or crowd behaviour). As
human beings, we are free to act
however we see fit, but when presented with danger or opportunity,
most people act with surprising
predictability. It is this knowledge of crowd behaviour that helps the
professional syndicate traders to
choose their moment to make a large profit. Make no mistake –
professional traders are predatory beasts
and uninformed traders represent the symbolic `lamb to the slaughter'.
We shall return to the concept of `herd instinct' again, but for now,
consider the importance of this
phenomenon, and what it means to you as a trader. Unless the laws of
human behaviour change, this
process will always be present in the financial markets. You must
always try to be aware of `Herd
There are only two main principles at work in the stock market, which
will cause a market to turn. Both of
these principles will arrive in varying intensities producing larger
or smaller moves:
1. The `herd' will panic after observing substantial falls in a market
(usually on bad news) and will
usually follow its instinct to sell. As a trader who is aware of crowd
psychology, you must ask
yourself, "Are the trading syndicates and market-makers prepared to
absorb the panic selling at these
price levels?" If they are, then this is a good sign that indicates
market strength.
2. After substantial rises, the `herd' will become annoyed at missing
the up-move, and will rush in and
buy, usually on good news. This includes traders who already have long
positions, and want more. At
this stage, you need to ask yourself, "Are the trading syndicates
selling into the buying?" If so, then
this is a severe sign of weakness.
Does this mean that the dice is always loaded against you when you
enter the market? Are you destined
always to be manipulated? Well, yes and no.
A professional trader isolates himself from the `herd' and becomes a
predator rather than a victim. He
understands and recognises the principles that drive the markets and
refuses to be misled by good or bad
news, tips, advice, brokers, or well-meaning friends. When the market
is being shaken-out on bad news, he
is in there buying. When the `herd' is buying and the news is good, he
is looking to sell.
Master the Markets 23
You are entering a business that has attracted some of the sharpest
minds around. All you have to do is to
join them. Trading with the `strong holders' requires a means to
determine the balance of supply and
demand for an instrument, in terms of professional interest, or lack
of interest, in it. If you can buy when
the professionals are buying (accumulating or re-accumulating) and
sell when the professionals are selling
(distributing or re-distributing) and you do not try to buck the
system you are following, you can be as
successful as anybody else can in the market. Indeed, you stand the
chance of being considerably more
successful than most!

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