Quote : 
  "I dunno if ppl still get irritated with it, i mean forget about stocks for a 
while okay..

btw I used Protools 7 LE.. this one is awesome..

  yeah... let's forget about stocks for a while, :-p 
  elaine ... have you tried Garage Band or Logic Studio 8, this toyzz are 
awesom too, they are loads with tons of sexy plug-ins, and they don't need 
digidesign hardware to start with, try it out .. (i used it for podcasting). 
  i used protools too, but only for capturing some ugly talent voices (i would 
say "screaming").. and mostly just trying to impress client.. sigh..BIG SIGH.. !
  soo elaine... , how about .. you make a podcast about stock and put it here 
?, instead of replying on by one the"faa faa foooom" myth runing around 
recently. :-P
  at least you can keep the process of nail rottening/damaging to the "minimum" 
level by not typing too much ! lol ..
  well .... just keep posting .. you *#$^$&%**^& creature ! 
  ( don't get me wrong .. it's a compliment :-p )
  cheers !!

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