Thanks Bu Fifi..., Bu Fifi ini memang paling rajin ikut workshop... 


Buat yang mau belajar TA, kita ada kelas TA yg cukup Comprehensive,
materinya Modern & Classic TA.., termasuk Basic Candle Stick., waktunya
tanggal 23-24 Januari ini...., yang berminat silahkan japri ke pak Hans atau


Kelas ini di design buat yang belum mengenal TA atau yg baru tau sikit-sikit
dan ingin memperdalamnya. Notebook diperlukan, as we will install Metastock
Trial for You.





From: []
On Behalf Of fifi young
Sent: 12 Januari 2010 16:19
Subject: Re: [ob] Fwd: ***HI MBAH! WINDOWDRESSING***


Belajar, belajar...!
Yang blom ngerti, yang blom bisa2 juga,
cepet2 ngikut workshop ALLIGATOR-nya 
JT & Hans...
Dan jangan lupa belajar juga OPTIMASI MFI-nya
Pak Tasrul...
dijamin pinter deh...

* dibayar berapa neh testimonial ini...? hihi...

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:13 PM, JT <> wrote:


Waaaa.., diem-diem kamu ikut workshop saya ya ?? pantes waktu itu ada cewek
cantik yg ikut....  hahaha... ge'er  mode on


Anyway, nice to hear you learn something about TA.., to newbie, dengerin
tuh., sekelas EL aja masih mau belajar TA... hehehe




From: []
On Behalf Of It's Elaine!
Sent: 12 Januari 2010 15:53


Subject: [ob] Fwd: ***HI MBAH! WINDOWDRESSING***



Hi all,

Just want to share that below was my love letter to Embah, sent about a
month a go when IDX was 2400. Currently my target is only 25% until Jan-Feb
(balanced-diversified), which translates to 30xx level, so help us God.
About the dollar shock, check your chart, you will know what I mean. 

The rally may be late, but it's better late than never. Laggards would be
Bakrie stocks, property and metal miners (I believe they're technically
confirmed, or whatever, JT should be able to help you). Esp on prop/constr
don't sell until 100% gain at least. Some of them are grossly underpriced.
FA enthusiasts should be able to help you.

For 2010, you can read the letter below. That's all I can say at this
moment. Anyway, when I was away, I learned a bit about TA, and I'd say it's
amazing, really. Should've done a long time ago.

Fifi, ....

...... he's mine. lolz.. 


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: It's Elaine! <>
Date: Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 2:40 PM

Just want to share that this December to Jan 10, Asia Pacific is expected to
have two month straight window dressing, around 10-25% average upside.
Though the general market will be affected, laggards will play major role so
be prepared. Also expect to see good news (even ridiculous ones) to flavor
the year end rally. 

US Dollar will stay low.. or lower.. for some time. Consider stock markets
reversals when public thinks that USD is "too" low and fears that Chinese
Government will stop buying US treasury that will lead to debt crisis and
will spark hyperinflation (I call it the dollar shock), so focus on your
currency. Anything can happen dependending on your central bank action. On
the longer view, 2010 is quite volatile and sideway-ish since many
corporations poses higher default risk. What happened in Dubai was only a

We're in a process of deflating and deleveraging economy. But for now, just
be quiet and enjoy the show. ^_^


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