Repost....ini bertanggal 8 Mei 2008 lho:
Investor Hints:

Some of my posts didn't explicit time frame so I would like to 
explain my point of view regarding to commodity price.

As I said the USD strengthens could harms commodity but when it will 
be happened?

I can't tell you precisely when but my guess is sometime near end 
2008. At that time Oil would be around $70-80, Nickel $ 20.000, TBS 
(FFB) Palm Oil Rp. 800/kg, Gold $ 500. So if you want to invest for 
one year or two then wait at least near commodity prices as I 
mentioned above. 

Or you can start BOEW (Buy On Every Weakness) consumer, automotive, 
property, infra, and finance. 

If your time horizon is 5 years or more then pick good stock with 
excellent Financial Report no matter what sector is.

Sekali-sekali pake bhs inggris biar ngga lupa, ya khan mbah?!

Posting ini boleh disimpan nanti akhir 2008 boleh dibuka 

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