2007-01-31 19:19:50 -0800 (Wed, 31 Jan 2007)
Added "none" option to map and battle music, previous "none" renamed to 

A map with music set to none continues after a battle to play the music that it 
was playing before the battle, this seemed the most logical. Victory music is 
also ignored. After a textbox with music with "reset music" set to off, a map 
with 'none' music reverts to its old tune, just like a regular map. I'm not 
100% about these behaviours.

Made a small improvements to zintgrabber and added a little documentation

Renamed stopsong in allmodex.bas to pausesong (which is what it really does), 
and added a wrapper stopsong to GAME, which updates presentsong. changed 
instances of pausesong in CUSTOM and common.bas to pausesong.

Because of that change, fixed a bug where currentsong didn't return -1 when 
music wasn't playing - also added this fact to the dictionary.
U   wip/allmodex.bas
U   wip/allmodex.bi
U   wip/bmod.bas
U   wip/common.bas
U   wip/docs/plotdict.xml
U   wip/game.bas
U   wip/mapsubs.bas
U   wip/menus.bas
U   wip/subs.bas
U   wip/whatsnew.txt
U   wip/yetmore.bas
U   wip/yetmore.bi
U   wip/yetmore2.bas

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