> I'm not exactly sure. I've been using a UNIX-like operating systems for the 
> past 15 years personally and professionally in one form or another. I've 
> followed the free and open source movement for as long. I've always wanted to 
> contribute to a FOSS project but I've never had the time. Now, I find myself 
> with a lot of time and was looking for a project that I could contribute to. 
> I can program in: Shell, C and Lisp relatively well; I'm a quick study. I 
> poked around the OpenIndiana site for where help was needed but didn't find 
> anything. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction?

Hi Scott,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you!

The OpenIndiana site is quite out of date. The wiki is a bit better, but it's 
also very out of date.

So I'd say the quickest way to get involved is probably to hop onto #oi-dev and 
#illumos on irc.freenode.net - this way you can chat in real time with the devs.

I myself aren't involved at all as a developer although I hang around pointing 
people in the right direction occasionally.

The main area of development is on the /hipster branch (not sure if you're 
familiar with this). You can see the Git repo here:



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