Hi Adam

Thanks for your work this makes contributing from linux a lot easier.

I have tested the box now for a bit and found the following things:

It works very well when developing applications on linux and run them in the vagrant box to test. Especially when your IDE has integrations for that.

Building oi-userland inside the shared folder is not usable.

When using vboxsf the performance is slow and rsync deletes all files not on the host (build artifacts, pkgrepo, prototype dir)

Outside of the shared folder it works very well.

The biggest benefit is that when i need a clean new install to test i can just destroy the box and start it again. No installing new vm's no playing with zones etc.

And when you work on two different things at once you don't need to play with clones in virtualbox.



On 16.06.2016 12:26, Adam Števko wrote:

I prepared OpenIndiana vagrant box from the latest hipster 2016.04 snapshot. This is targeted mostly at users and developers, who do not run OI as their main platform, but use VirtualBox for developing software or doing illumos builds on OpenIndiana. This box is created from text installer. GUI variant can come at the later phase and I am willing to accept contributions for that. Also, this box comes only with virtualbox as I don’t have access to VMWare Fusion or Vagrant vmware provider. If somebody has access to it and is willing to contribute, I’d gladly appreciate it.

How to get started:

1) Download and install Vagrant from https://www.vagrantup.com
2) Download and Install VirtualBox
3) Run following commands:

vagrant init openindiana/hipster; vagrant up --provider virtualbox

This will download the hipster box, create Vagrantfile in the current directory and bring up the hipster vagrant box.

4) Do you development/test it.
5) After finished, run this command to destroy the instnace:

vagrant destroy

Please, test this box and let me know any issues. Once, bugs are removed, I will recreate the box and push the final build to Hashicorp’s Atlas.

I am aware of only these 2 minor bugs, which annoy me:

- grub timeout is set to 30 seconds, which will be lowered to 5 (no need to have it 30 seconds in this case) - box size. The box is compressed and has around 1GB in size. This is rather more complicated, but I’d like to try to minimize the box size a little bit.

In the future, I’d like to start rolling out OI images for more platforms. I might do qcow2 image in near future (based on how fast I might come to KVM resources).

If there are any questions, just ask.


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