On Sat, 12 Oct 2019, Jeremy Andrews wrote:

I can get it to find the dist/bin libraries by hardcoding that path, but
ideally I'd want to use something like $ORIGIN so the program doesn't
have to rely on a hardcoded install path. I can't seem to get that flag
working. I just want the binary to search the directory it's currently
located in for libraries. I've tried -Wl,-R,\$$ORIGIN and
-Wl,-R,\$ORIGIN, and neither one seems to work. When I run elfdump, I
see that it keeps mangling the $ORIGIN flag in various ways... giving me
RIGIN with the O cut off, or a string of numbers before ORIGIN, etc.

Maybe a linker script would work better? It seems like layers of shell script must be trashing this option.

And it is being exceptionally stubborn about GCC libraries. It simply
won't look for them in /usr/bin/gcc/7/lib/amd64 even if that path is
hardcoded in, requiring an LD_LIBRARY_PATH as an override. I'm using GCC
7 because the application apparently doesn't support GCC 6, and the
system seemingly just won't have it without an explicit override.

This seems like a strange path (under /usr/bin) to compiler run-time libraries. Hard coding paths to compiler-specific libraries may be avoided by using 'crle' to set system-wide search paths. This way, if the compiler run-time library is installed somewhere else on a somewhat different system, it may be found due to this local configuration.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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