1. Today I came across a record that had been edited to include spam (here). 
Slimy! Since the bot (bots?) that created the spam has been updating this 
record with fresh spam hourly, I don't think that me changing the record will 
help: my little handmade changes will be washed away in the wave of spam pretty 
quickly. Has anyone else encountered this before? If so, what did you do?

2. What size do you resize your cover images and author photos to? I have been 
limiting cover images to 600px on the longest edge and author photos to 500px 
on the longest edge. Sometimes I come across a book where I appear to be the 
only one who has shared a scan of it (ie. no images on other sites like Amazon, 
Goodreads, PaperbackSwap, etc.) and I wonder if I should leave the image larger 
to capture all the detail. There doesn't seem to be a guideline on OL, although 
I could be missing it. Any thoughts? Do you have a standard size you use?

3. I'm still not sure what to do with duplicate records. This problem seems to 
affect a vast number of editions. It would be great if we could merge editions 
like we can merge authors. It would even be nice if we could gather all the 
editions of a single work (including translations) into one work. Since we 
don't have this ability, is there a workaround that anyone is using? It's 
disappointing to clean up an author, but then not be able to clean up his or 
her corpus. For example, I have been slowly getting all of Charles Lamb's works 
into one author record, but right now that author record has almost 400 works 
in it. In fact he didn't write nearly that much: most of what is in there is 
duplicate records, spread across dozens of different records which represent 
the same work. I would like to go further so that there is just one page for 
every work, and all the editions listed on that page are actually different 

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