[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: 17th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM 2024)

2024-03-15 Thread svcmathdoxmail

Call for Papers
   formal papers - doctoral programme

  17th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2024 -
August 5–9, 2024
Montréal, Canada


More  and  more  mathematical  information is  digitally  processed,  generated,
communicated, stored and curated.

CICM  brings  together  the  many   separate  communities  that  have  developed
theoretical  and  practical  solutions  for mathematical  applications  such  as
computation, deduction, knowledge management, and  user interfaces.  It offers a
venue for  discussing problems and  solutions in each  of these areas  and their

CICM 2024  invites submissions  in all topics  relating to  intelligent computer
mathematics, in particular but not limited to

* theorem proving and computer algebra
* mathematical knowledge management
* digital mathematical libraries

*** Important Dates ***

 Formal submissions 
  - Abstract deadline:  March 25, 2024
  - Full paper deadline:April 1, 2024
  - Reviews sent to authors:May 7, 2024
  - Rebuttals due:  May 10, 2024
  - Notification of acceptance: May 24, 2024
  - Camera-ready copies due:June 7, 2024
  - Conference: August 5-9, 2024

Doctoral programme applications
   - Submission deadline:   June 13, 2024
   - Notification of acceptance:June 28, 2024

*** Programme committee ***
The program committee is listed at 

The  program committee  is chaired  by  Andrea Kohlhase  (Neu-Ulm University  of
Applied Sciences, Germany) and Laura Kovács (TU Vienna, Austria).

The CICM  community appreciates the varying  nature of the relevant  research in
computer mathematics and invites submissions of two different forms:

*** Formal Paper Submissions ***

Formal  submissions will  be reviewed  rigorously  and accepted  papers will  be
published in a volume of Springer LNAI:

   * regular papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography) present novel 
 research results
   * project and survey papers (up to 15 pages + bibliography)
 summarize existing results
   * system and dataset descriptions (4 to 5 pages + bibliography)
 present digital artifacts

*** Doctoral Symposium: Two-Page Abstracts***

The doctoral programme provides PhD students a forum to present early results to
receive constructive feedback and mentoring.  To attend, submissions of two-page
abstracts are expected in which the focus and research questions of the expected
PhD  theses are  described; details  on completed  research tasks  and remaining
research plans should be given. In addition to these abstract, a two-pages CV of
the applicant should also be  submitted, detailing background information (name,
university,   supervisor),   education   (sought  degree,   previous   degrees),
employments   and   relevant   research   experience   (publications,   attended

*** Submissions ***   

All submissions should be made via EasyChair at


using the Springer LNCS style files (see 

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers (3 days to go): 2023 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUANTUM SOFTWARE (QSW 2023)

2023-03-10 Thread Quantum Software Conference
(SERVICES 2023)July 2-8, 2023 (Hybrid)in Chicago, Illinois,


The 2023 IEEE World Congress on Services will be held in Chicago, Illinois
USA. The IEEE International Conference on Quantum Software (QSW) is
focusing on quantum software engineering, including hybrid quantum
software, quantum software development, quantum in the cloud, quantum
applications, and quantum software analysis & evolution. The goal of QSW is
to bring together researchers and practitioners from different areas of
quantum computing and (classical) software and service engineering to
strengthen the quantum software community and discuss, e.g., architectural
styles, languages, and best practices of quantum software as well as many
other aspects of the quantum software development lifecycle.

SERVICES 2023 is solely sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society under the
auspice of the Technical Community on Services Computing (TCSVC). The scope
of SERVICES 2023 covers all aspects of services computing and applications,
current or emerging. Centered around services computing, SERVICES 2023
covers various systems and networking research pertaining to cloud, edge
and Internet-of Things (IoT), as well as technologies for intelligent
computing, learning, Big Data and blockchain applications, addressing
critical issues such as knowledge network, high performance, security,
privacy, dependability, trustworthiness, and cost-effectiveness.
Particularly, the 2023 Congress will welcome papers on the aftermath and
the impact of COVID-19 on services and the world infrastructure. In
addition to co-located theme-topic conferences, the Congress will also
include symposia and workshops supporting deep-dive discussions on emerging
important topics, and complement the SERVICES 2023 program with industry
and application presentations and panels. Authors are invited to prepare
early and submit original papers to any of these conferences at
www.easychair.org. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at
least three reviewers. Accepted and presented papers will appear in the
conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.
SERVICES 2023 is the only premier professional event for the services
computing field offered by IEEE.


- Ismael Faro, IBM Research, TJ Watson Research Center
- Frank Leymann, University of Stuttgart


- Johanna Barzen, University of Stuttgart
- Sebastian Feld, Delft University of Technology
- Manuel Wimmer, Johannes Kepler University Linz


All topics relevant to Quantum Software are of interest. QSW 2023 will
organize refereed paper reviews in 5 research areas. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to, the following:

Hybrid Quantum Software:
- Architectural Styles of Hybrid Quantum-Classical Applications
- Architecture Blueprints for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Applications
- Best Practices and Patterns for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Applications
- Integration and Orchestration of Quantum/Classical Components in Hybrid
- Specification & Verification of Functional/Non-functional Requirements of
Hybrid Applications

Quantum Software Applications
- Migration from Proof-of-Concept Quantum Applications to Production
- Scalability of Quantum Applications (e.g., sensitivity of increasing
qubits, gate fidelity,…)
- Migration between different Quantum Technologies
- Software-perspective Experience Reports of Applying Quantum Technologies
- Best Practices and Patterns for Quantum Applications

Quantum Software Analysis and Evolution
- Quantum Software Analysis and Mining
- KPIs and Quality Metrics for Quantum Applications
- Evolution and Re-engineering of Quantum Applications
- Quantum Software Visualization and Comprehension
- Quantum Software Maintenance, Repair, and Improvement

Quantum Software Development
- Development Process for Quantum Applications
- Lifecycle Models for Quantum Applications
- Data Preparation and Error Mitigation Techniques
- Testing of Quantum Applications
- Quantum Software Languages, Code Generators, Compilers, and Simulators

Quantum in the Cloud
- Quantum Computing as a Service
- Interoperability and Portability of Quantum Software
- Deployment Automation of Quantum Software
- Cloud-based Quantum Software Development Environments
- Quantum Software Performance and Benchmarking


Please visit the
https://conferences.computer.org/services/2023/author_info/ page
on the Conference website for manuscript guidelines.


[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers -- Mathematics of Program Construction 2022

2022-03-29 Thread Daggitt, Matthew


14th International Conference on Mathematics of Program 

26th-28th of September 2022, Tbilisi, Georgia

Co-located with the Computational Logic Autumn 
Summit (CLAS'22)



Abstract submission 10th April 2022

Paper submission  17th April 2022

Author notification27th May 2022

Camera ready copy24th June 2022

Conference  26th-28th September 2022


The International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction
(MPC) aims to promote the development of mathematical principles and
techniques that are demonstrably practical and effective in the
process of constructing computer programs.

MPC 2022 will be held in Tbilisi, Georgia, on the 26th-28th September
2022, and is co-located with the Computational Logic Autumn 
Summit (CLAS'22).

Previous conferences were held in Porto, Portugal (2019);
Königswinter, Germany (2015); Madrid, Spain (2012);
Québec City, Canada (2010); Marseille, France (2008);
Kuressaare, Estonia (2006); Stirling, UK (2004); Dagstuhl, Germany (2002);
Ponte de Lima, Portugal (2000); Marstrand, Sweden (1998); Kloster Irsee,
Germany (1995); Oxford, UK (1992); Twente, The Netherlands (1989).


MPC seeks original papers on mathematical methods and tools put to use
in program construction. Topics of interest range from algorithmics to
support for program construction in programming languages and systems.
Typical areas include type systems, program analysis and transformation,
programming language semantics, security, and program logics. The notion
of a 'program' is interpreted broadly, ranging from algorithms to hardware.

Theoretical contributions are welcome, provided that their relevance
to program construction is clear. Reports on applications are welcome,
provided that their mathematical basis is evident. We also encourage
the submission of 'programming pearls' that present elegant and
instructive examples of the mathematics of program construction.


Submission is in two stages. Abstracts (plain text, maximum 250 words)
must be submitted by 10th April 2022. Full papers (pdf, formatted using
the llncs.sty style file for LaTex) must be submitted by 17th April 2022.
There is no prescribed page limit, but authors should strive for brevity.
Both abstracts and papers will be submitted using EasyChair.

Papers must present previously unpublished work, and not be submitted
concurrently to any other publication venue. Submissions will be
evaluated by the program committee according to their relevance,
correctness, significance, originality, and clarity. Each submission
should explain its contributions in both general and technical terms,
clearly identifying what has been accomplished, explaining why it is
significant, and comparing it with previous work. Accepted papers must
be presented in person at the conference by one of the authors.

The proceedings of MPC 2022 will be published in the Lecture Notes
in Computer Science (LNCS) series, as with all previous instances
of the conference.  Authors of accepted papers will be expected to
transfer copyright to Springer for this purpose.

After the conference, authors of the best papers from MPC 2022
will be invited to submit revised versions to a special
issue of Science of Computer Programming (SCP).

For any queries about submission please contact the program chair,
Ekaterina Komendantskaya  or
publicity chair Matthew Daggitt 


Daniela Petrisan University Paris Diderot, France

Conor McBride   University of Strathclyde, UK


Georg Struth  University of Sheffield, UK

Ana Sokolova University of Salzburg, Austria

Annabelle McIver Macquerie University, Australia

Jacques CaretteMcMaster University, Canada

Shin-Cheng Mu Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Jose Oliveira  University of Minho, Portugal

Johan JeuringUtrecht University, Netherlands

Ambrus Kaposi  Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Henning Basold Leiden University, Netherlands

Peter Hoefner   Australian National University, Australia

Grant PassmoreImandra, USA

Kathrin Stark Princeton University, USA

Philip Saville  University of Oxford, UK

William Byrd University of Arizona, USA

Andrea Costea National University of Singapore, Singapore

Radu Mardare  University of Strathclyde, UK

Patricia JohannAppalachian State University, USA

Aurore Alcolei University of Bologna, Italy

Abdulaziz Mohammad  TU Muni

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers SYNASC 2020

2020-07-01 Thread SYNASC 2020
Final Call for Papers SYNASC 2020___
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[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers

2020-06-17 Thread SYNASC 2020
Final Call for Papers SYNASC 2020___
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[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: FSEN 2019

2018-10-22 Thread Maurice ter Beek


Eighth International Conference on
Fundamentals of Software Engineering 2019 -
Theory and Practice (FSEN '19)
Tehran, Iran
May 1-3, 2019

IFIP Supported Event (IFIP WG 2.2 and IFIP TC2)

ACM In-Cooperation event

-- About FSEN --

Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN) is an international 
conference that aims to bring together researchers, engineers, 
developers, and practitioners from academia and industry to present and 
discuss their research work in the area of formal methods for software 
engineering. Additionally, this conference seeks to facilitate the 
transfer of experience, adaptation of methods, and where possible, 
foster collaboration among different groups. The topics of interest 
cover all aspects of formal methods, especially those related to 
advancing the application of formal methods in the software industry and 
promoting their integration with practical engineering techniques. 
Following the success of the previous FSEN editions, the next edition of 
the FSEN conference will take place in Tehran, Iran, May 1-3, 2019.

-- Important Dates --

Abstract Submission (optional): October 19, 2018 (AoE)
Paper Submission: October 28, 2018 (AoE)
Notification: December 18, 2018
Final pre-Conference Version: January 20, 2019 (AoE)
Conference: May 1-3, 2019

-- Keynote Speakers --

Rocco De Nicola, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy
  Title: Programming Collective Adaptive Systems by Relying on 
Attribute-based Communication

Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, University of Geneva, Switzerland
  Title: First and Second-Order Emergence - From Bio-Inspired Design 
Patterns to Reliable Self-Composing Spatial Services

Martin Wirsing, LMU Munich, Germany
  Title: Towards Formally Designing Collective Adaptive Systems

-- Topics of Interest --

The topics of this conference include, but are not restricted to, the 

* Models of programs and software systems
* Software specification, validation, and verification
* Software testing
* Software architectures and their description languages
* Object, actor and multi-agent systems
* Coordination, feature interaction and software product lines
* Integration of formal and informal methods
* Integration of different formal methods
* Component-based and Service-oriented software systems
* Collective, self-adaptive and cyber-physical software systems
* Model checking and theorem proving
* Quantitative formal methods
* Software and hardware verification
* CASE tools and tool integration
* Industrial Applications

-- Paper Submission --

Authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 15 pages including 
references) describing original research, applications and tools; or 
short papers (up to 6 pages including references) describing ongoing 
research or new ideas that have not yet been fully validated.
Both categories of papers must be submitted electronically in Postscript 
or PDF using the online submission process via the Easychair conference 
system at the following link: 

Contributions must be written in English, should be formatted according 
to the Springer LNCS style (LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates) that can be 
found at the following link 
and not exceed the page limit for the category (including figures and 

Each submission will be thoroughly reviewed by at least three reviewers 
considering scientific originality, significance, relevance to the FSEN 
conference, technical soundness, clarity, self-containedness and 
discussion of appropriate related work.

The reviewers will be asked to rate the submissions and evaluate whether 
they can be accepted as:

1) Full paper for the LNCS post-proceedings and conference pre-proceedings
2) Short paper for the LNCS post-proceedings and conference pre-proceedings
3) Poster included only in the pre-proceedings
Papers accepted in the first 2 categories will be invited for 
presentation at the conference. Posters will be illustrated by the 
authors in separate poster sessions.

Submissions are required to report on original, unpublished work and 
should not be submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere (cf. 
IFIP's Author Code of Conduct, see http://www.ifip.org/ under 

-- Proceedings and Special Issue --

The post-proceedings of FSEN'19 will be published by Springer Verlag in 
the LNCS series. Pre-proceedings, printed locally by IPM, will be 
available at the conference. Following the tradition of FSEN, we plan to 
have a special issue of the Science of Computer Programming journal 
devoted to FSEN'19 (to be confirmed). After the conference a selection 
of papers will be invited for this

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers Software Verification and Testing Track (SVT) @ ACM SAC 2019

2018-08-29 Thread Matthias Güdemann
 34th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
Software Verification and Testing Track
Limassol, Cyprus
   April 8 – 12, 2019


Important dates

Sep. 10, 2018 - Submission of regular papers and SRC research abstracts
Nov. 10, 2018 - Notification of paper / SRC abstract acceptance/rejection
Nov. 25, 2018 - Camera-ready copies of accepted papers/SRC
Dec. 10, 2018 - Author registration due date

ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

The ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has gathered scientists from
different areas of computing over the last thirty years. The forum represents an
opportunity to interact with different communities sharing an interest in
applied computing.

SAC 2019 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing
(SIGAPP), and will be hosted by the University of Cyprus, Limassol, Cyprus.

Software Verification and Testing Track

The Software Verification and Testing track aims at contributing to the
challenge of improving the usability of formal methods in software
engineering. The track covers areas such as formal methods for verification and
testing, based on theorem proving, model checking, static analysis, and run-time
verification. We invite authors to submit new results in formal verification and
testing, as well as development of technologies to improve the usability of
formal methods in software engineering. Also are welcome detailed descriptions
of applications of mechanical verification to large scale software. Possible
topics include, but are not limited to:

* model checking
* theorem proving
* correct by construction development
* model-based testing
* software testing
* symbolic execution
* static and dynamic analysis
* abstract interpretation
* analysis methods for dependable systems
* software certification and proof carrying code
* fault diagnosis and debugging
* verification and validation of large scale software systems
* real world applications and case studies applying software testing
and verification
* benchmarks and data sets for software testing and verification

Submission Guidelines

Paper submissions must be original, unpublished work. Author(s) name(s) and
address(es) must not appear in the body of the paper, and self-reference should
be avoided and made in the third person. Submitted paper will undergo a blind
review process. Authors of accepted papers should submit an editorial revision
of their papers that fits within eight two-column pages (an extra two pages, to
a total of ten pages, may be available at a charge). Please comply to this page
limitation already at submission time. Accepted papers will be published in the
ACM SAC 2019 proceedings.

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of papers, posters, or
SRC abstracts in the conference proceedings. An author or a proxy attending SAC
MUST present the work. This is a requirement for the presented work to be
included in the ACM/IEEE digital library. No-show of registered papers, posters,
and SRC abstracts will result in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital

After the Symposium we will organize a special issue of the Software Quality
Journal (SQJ) on the topics of SVT.

Student Travel Award

The SIGAPP Student Travel Award Program (STAP) was established to provide
financial support for SIGAPP student members to attend SIGAPP primary conference
(SAC) to present their accepted work. Student primary authors and co-authors are
eligible to apply for these awards. For details please see:

Student Research Competition

As previous editions, SAC 2019 organises a Student Research Competition (SRC)
Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas
with researchers and practitioners in their areas of interest. Guidelines and
information about the SRC program can be found at

Program Committee Chairs

Leonardo Mariani, University of Milano Bicocca
Matthias Güdemann, Diffblue Ltd.

Program Committee

 Marcelo d’Amorim, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
 Sébastien Bardin, CEA, France
 Ezio Bartocci, TU Vienna, Austria
 Marius Bozga, CNRS, France
 Radu Calinescu, University of York, UK
 Lucas Cordeiro, University of Manchester, UK
 Cristina David, University of Cambridge, UK
 Giovanni Denaro, University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy
 Gidon Ernst, University of Melbourne, Australia
 Yliès Falcone, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, France
 Maria de

[Om-announce] FINAL CALL for papers: Sixth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation (VPT 2018)

2018-01-09 Thread John Patrick Gallagher

Sixth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
==> April 20th 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece 
Co-Located with ETAPS 2018

The Sixth International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation
(VPT 2018) aims to bring together researchers working in the areas of
Program Verification and Program Transformation.

The previous workshops in this series were:

VPT 2013, Saint Petersburg, Russia
VPT 2014, Vienna, Austria
VPT 2015, London, UK
VPT 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
VPT 2017, Uppsala, Sweden

The workshop solicits research, position, application, and system
description papers with a special emphasis on case studies, demonstrating
viability of the interactions between the research fields of program
transformation and program verification in a broad sense. Also papers in
related areas, such as program testing and program synthesis are welcomed.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Verification by Program Transformation
Verification Techniques in Program Transformation and Synthesis
Verification and Certification of Programs Transformations
Program Analysis and Transformation
Program Testing and Transformation
Verifiable Computing and Program Transformation
Case studies

Important Dates

January 16th, 2018: Abstract submission deadline
January 22nd, 2018: Paper submission deadline
February 19th, 2018: Acceptance notification
February 25th, 2018: Camera ready version (for the pre-proceedings)
April 21st, 2018: Workshop

Submission Guidelines

Authors should submit an electronic copy of the paper in PDF, formatted in
the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science LaTeX Style
(http://style.eptcs.org/), via the Easychair submission website for VPT
2018 : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=vpt2018

Papers must describe original work that has not been published, or
currently submitted, to a journal, conference, or workshop with refereed
proceedings. Also papers that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshop proceedings may be submitted.

Each submission must include on its first page the paper title; authors and
their affiliations; contact author's email; abstract; and three to four
keywords that will be used to assist the PC in selecting appropriate
reviewers for the paper. Page numbers should appear on the manuscript to
help the reviewers in writing their report.

Submissions should not exceed 15 pages including references but excluding
well-marked appendices not intended for publication. Reviewers are not
required to read the appendices, and thus papers should be intelligible
without them.


The post-proceedings will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in
Theoretical Computer (EPTCS) series (http://about.eptcs.org/), as was done
for previous editions of VPT.

If the workshop attracts sufficiently many high quality papers, a
special issue of a journal on the topic of the workshop will be considered.
The special issue will be open to high quality papers accepted for
presentation in previous editions of the workshop.

Program Committee:
Emanuele De Angelis, University G.d'Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
Olivier Danvy, Yale-NUS College, Singapore
John Gallagher, Roskilde University and IMDEA Software Institute, Denmark and 
Spain (Chair)
Robert Glueck, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Geoff W. Hamilton, Dublin City University, Republic of Ireland
Bishoksan Kafle, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Julia Lawall, INRIA Paris, France
Alexei Lisitsa, The University of Liverpool, UK
Andrei P. Nemytykh, Program Systems Institute of RAS, Russia
Maurizio Proietti, IASI-CNR, Rome, Italy
C. R. Ramakrishnan, Stony Brook University, USA
Kostis Sagonas, Uppsala University, Sweden
Hirohisa Seki, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan

Alexei Lisitsa (The University of Liverpool, UK)
Andrei P. Nemytykh (Program Systems Institute of RAS, Russia)
John Gallagher (Roskilde University and IMDEA Software Institute)

Alexei Lisitsa, a.lisi...@csc.liv.ac.uk
Andrei P. Nemytykh, nemyt...@math.botik.ru
John Gallagher, j...@ruc.dk
Web: http://refal.botik.ru/vpt/vpt2018/, 

Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] FINAL Call For Papers and DEADLINE EXTENSION: FLOPS 2018: 14th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming

2017-11-13 Thread John Patrick Gallagher
FINAL Call For Papers 

FLOPS 2018: 14th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming

In-Cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN

9-11 May, 2018, Nagoya, Japan


Writing down detailed computational steps is not the only way of
programming. The alternative, being used increasingly in practice, is
to start by writing down the desired properties of the result. The
computational steps are then (semi-)automatically derived from these
higher-level specifications. Examples of this declarative style
include functional and logic programming, program transformation and
re-writing, and extracting programs from proofs of their correctness.

FLOPS aims to bring together practitioners, researchers and
implementors of the declarative programming, to discuss mutually
interesting results and common problems: theoretical advances, their
implementations in language systems and tools, and applications of
these systems in practice. The scope includes all aspects of the
design, semantics, theory, applications, implementations, and teaching
of declarative programming.  FLOPS specifically aims to
promote cross-fertilization between theory and practice and among
different styles of declarative programming.


FLOPS solicits original papers in all areas of the declarative

* functional, logic, functional-logic programming, re-writing
 systems, formal methods and model checking, program transformations
 and program refinements, developing programs with the help of theorem
 provers or SAT/SMT solvers;
* foundations, language design, implementation issues (compilation
 techniques, memory management, run-time systems), applications and
 case studies.

FLOPS promotes cross-fertilization among different styles of
declarative programming. Therefore, submissions must be written to be
understandable by the wide audience of declarative programmers and
researchers. Submission of system descriptions and declarative pearls
are especially encouraged.

Submissions should fall into one of the following categories:
* Regular research papers: they should describe new results and will
 be judged on originality, correctness, and significance.
* System descriptions: they should contain a link to a working
 system and will be judged on originality, usefulness, and design.
* Declarative pearls: new and excellent declarative programs or
 theories with illustrative applications.
System descriptions and declarative pearls must be explicitly marked
as such in the title.

Submissions must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted. See also ACM SIGPLAN
Republication Policy.


The proceedings will be published by Springer International Publishing
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, as a printed
volume as well as online in the digital library SpringerLink. 

Post-proceedings: The authors of 4-7 best papers will be invited to
submit the extended version of their FLOPS paper to a special issue of
the journal Science of Computer Programming (SCP).

Important dates

29 November 2017  (any time zone): Abstract Submission (extended)
4  December 2017  (any time zone): Submission deadline (extended)
29 January 2018:   Author notification
9-11 May 2018: FLOPS Symposium

Invited Speakers

William E. Byrd, University of Utah, USA
Zhenjiang Hu, National Institute of Informatics, SOKENDAI, Japan
+ 3rd speaker to be announced


Submissions must be written in English and can be up to 15 pages long
including references, though pearls are typically shorter. The
formatting has to conform to Springer's guidelines.  Regular research
papers should be supported by proofs and/or experimental results. In
case of lack of space, this supporting information should be made
accessible otherwise (e.g., a link to a Web page, or an appendix).

Papers should be submitted electronically at

Springer Guidelines

Program Committee

Andreas RossbergGoogle, Germany
Atsushi Ohori   Tohoku University, Japan
Bruno C. D. S. Oliveira The University of Hong Kong, China
Carsten FuhsBirkbeck, University of London, UK
Chung-chieh ShanIndiana University, USA
Didier Remy INRIA, France
Harald Søndergaard  The University of Melbourne, Australia
Jacques GarrigueNagoya University, Japan
Jan Midtgaard   University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Joachim BreitnerUniversity of Pennsylvania, USA

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers

2017-06-19 Thread SYNASC 2017
Final Call for Papers

   SYNASC 2017

  19th International Symposium on
 Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
   September 21-24, 2017, Timisoara, Romania

   In honor of the anniversaries of
  Stefan Maruster  (80)
  Bruno Buchberger (75)
  Tetsuo Ida (70)

SYNASC aims to stimulate the interaction between the two scientific communities 
of symbolic and numeric computing and to exhibit interesting applications of 
the areas both in theory and in practice. The choice of the topic is motivated 
by the belief of the organizers that the dialogue between the two communities 
is very necessary for accelerating the progress in making the computer a truly 
intelligent aid for mathematicians and engineers.

Important Dates

25 June 2017  :  Paper submission (firm deadline)
 (the papers can be submitted even without a 
preliminary abstract) 
5  August 2017:  Notification of acceptance
01 September 2017 :  Registration
01 September 2017 :  Revised papers according to the reviews
21-24 September 2017  :  Symposium
30 November 2017  :  Final papers for post-proceedings

Invited Speakers 

* Plenary talks

Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Bruno Buchberger, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
Panagiota Fatourou, University of Crete
Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Gheorghe Paun, Romanian Academy, Romania
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Software Competence Center Hagenberg, Linz, Austria

* Tutorials 

Erika Abraham, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Wolfgang Windsteiger, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria


* Symbolic Computation
+ computer algebra
+ symbolic techniques applied to numerics
+ hybrid symbolic and numeric algorithms
+ numerics and symbolics for geometry
+ programming with constraints, narrowing

* Numerical Computing
+ iterative approximation of fixed points
+ solving systems of nonlinear equations
+ numerical and symbolic algorithms for differential equations
+ numerical and symbolic algorithms for optimization
+ parallel algorithms for numerical computing
+ scientific visualization and image processing

* Logic and Programming
+ automatic reasoning
+ formal system verification
+ formal verification and synthesis
+ software quality assessment
+ static analysis
+ timing analysis

* Artificial Intelligence
+ intelligent systems for scientific computing
+ recommender and expert systems for scientific computing
+ scientific knowledge management
+ agent-based complex systems modeling and development
+ uncertain reasoning in scientific computing 
+ computational intelligence
+ soft computing
+ machine learning
+ data mining, text mining and web mining
+ natural language processing
+ computer vision
+ intelligent hybrid systems

* Distributed Computing
+ parallel and distributed algorithms for clouds, GPUs, HPC, P2P 
systems, autonomous systems. Work should focus on scheduling, scaling, load 
balancing, networks, fault-tolerance, gossip algorithms, energy saving
+ applications for parallel and distributed systems, including work on 
cross disciplinary (scientific) applications for grids/clouds, web 
applications, workflow platforms, network measurement tools, programming 
+ architectures for parallel and distributed systems, including 
self-managing and autonomous systems, negotiation protocols, HPC on clouds, GPU 
processing, PaaS for (inter)cloud, brokering platforms, mobile computing
+ modelling of parallel and distributed systems including models on 
resources and networks, semantic representation, negotiation, social networks, 
trace management, simulators
+ any other topic deemed relevant to the field

* Advances in the Theory of Computing
   + Data Structures and algorithms
   + Combinatorial Optimization
   + Formal languages and Combinatorics on Words
   + Graph-theoretic and Combinatorial methods in Computer Science
   + Algorithmic paradigms, including distributed, online,
 approximation, probabilistic, game-theoretic algorithms
   + Computational Complexity Theory, including structural complexity, 
boolean complexity, communication complexity, average-case complexity, 
derandomization and property testing
   + Logical approaches to complexity, including finite model theory
   + Algorithmic and computational learning theory
   + Aspects of computability theory, including computability in
 analysis and algorithmic information theo

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers - 9th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics - CICM 2016 - Abstract Submission Deadline 9. March 2016

2016-03-07 Thread Serge Autexier
   Second Call for Papers & Updates
9th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
- CICM 2016 - 
   July 25-29, 2016
   University of Bialystok, Poland

+- NEWS -+
| Abstract Deadline: March 9th, 2016 |
| CICM will host *5* workshops (Formal Mathematics for   |
| Mathematicians, Mathematical User Interfaces, Openmath, Proof  |
| Engineering (Constructing, Maintaining and Understanding Large |
| Proofs) and Theorem Provers Components for Educational Software)   |
| as well as 2 tutorials |

Digital and  computational solutions are becoming  the prevalent means
for the generation, communication, processing, storage and curation of
mathematical  information.  Separate  communities  have  developed  to
investigate  and build  computer based  systems for  computer algebra,
automated deduction, and mathematical publishing as well as novel user
interfaces. While all of these systems excel in their own right, their
integration  can   lead  to   synergies  offering   significant  added
value.  The  Conference  on Intelligent  Computer  Mathematics  (CICM)
offers a  venue for discussing  and developing solutions to  the great
challenges posed by the integration of these diverse areas.

CICM has been held annually as a joint meeting since 2008, co-locating
related   conferences  and   workshops  to   advance  work   in  these
subjects. Previous  meetings have been  held in Birmingham  (UK 2008),
Grand Bend (Canada 2009), Paris (France 2010), Bertinoro (Italy 2011),
Bremen (Germany  2012), Bath (UK  2013), Coimbra (Portugal  2014), and
Washington DC (USA 2015).

This  is a  call for  papers  for CICM  2016,  which will  be held  in
Bialystok, Poland, July 25-29, 2016.

The principal tracks of the conference will be:

* Track: Calculemus (chair: Leonardo de Moura)
* Track: Digital Mathematical Libraries (DML) (chair: Frank Tompa)
* Track: Mathematical Knowledge Management (MKM) (chair: Bruce Miller)
* Track: Systems & Data (chair: Moa Johansson)
* Track: Doctoral Programme (chair: Martin Suda)

Like in previous years, project descriptions are welcomed as well.

The  overall  programme is  organized  by  the General  Program  Chair
Michael Kohlhase.  The workshop and publicity chair is Serge Autexier.
The local arrangements will be coordinated by Adam Naumowicz.

We plan  to have proceedings  of the  conference as in  previous years
with  Springer Verlag  as  a  volume in  Lecture  Notes in  Artificial
Intelligence (LNAI).

*New Important Dates* 

 Conference submissions
  - Abstract submission deadline:  *9. March 2016*
  - Submission deadline:   16. March 2016
  - Reviews sent to authors:   20. April 2016
  - Rebuttals due: 23. April 2016
  - Notification of acceptance:5. May 2016
  - Camera ready copies due:   20. May 2016
  - Conference:25.-29. July 2016

 Work-in-progress and Doctoral Programme
  - Submission deadline (Doctoral: Abstract+CV): 10. May 2016
  - Notification of acceptance:  29. May 2016
  - Camera ready copies due: 29. June 2016

More details on the conference are available from


Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS -- ICTAC 2015

2015-05-27 Thread Maurizio Proietti
12th International Colloquium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computing
  29-31 October 2015, Cali, Colombia


* Seven invited talks: Jean-Raymond Abrial, Volker Diekert, César
Muñoz, Catuscia Palamidessi, Davide Sangiorgi, Moshe Vardi, and Glynn
* Submissions are welcome in three categories: full papers (18 pages),
short and tool papers (10 pages).
* Conference proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer).
* Special issue in Mathematical Structures in Computer Science
(Cambridge Journals).


ICTAC 2015 will take place at the campus of Universidad Javeriana,
Cali, Colombia during October 29-31, 2015.
The ICTAC conference series aims at bringing together practitioners
and researchers to exchange ideas and experiences addressing
challenges in theoretical aspects of computing as well as in
theory through methods and tools for system development.  ICTAC also
aims to promote cooperation between participants and institutions from
developing and industrial countries in research and education.

Topics of interest include theories of computation and programming,
foundations of software engineering and formal techniques in software
design and verification, as well as  tools that support formal
for software modeling, system design and verification.

The topical areas of the conference include, but are not limited to
* Automata theory and formal languages;
* Principles and semantics of programming languages;
* Theories of concurrency, mobility and reconfiguration;
* Logics and their applications;
* Software architectures, their models, refinement and verification;
* Relationship between software requirements, models and code;
* Program static and dynamic analysis and verification;
* Software specification, refinement, verification and testing;
* Model checking and theorem proving;
* Models of object and component systems;
* Coordination and feature interaction;
* Integration of theories, formal methods and tools for engineering
computing systems;
* Service-oriented architectures: models and development methods;
* Models of concurrency, security, and mobility;
* Theory of distributed, grid and cloud computing;
* Real-time, embedded, hybrid and cyber-physical systems;
* Type and category theory in computer science.

* Jean-Raymond Abrial (Consultant, France)
* Volker Diekert (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
* César Muñoz (NASA, USA)
* Catuscia Palamidessi  (INRIA and École Polytechnique, France)
* Davide Sangiorgi (University of Bologna, Italy)
* Moshe Vardi (Rice University, USA)
* Glynn Winskel (University of Cambridge, UK)

* ICTAC Summer School on Formal Methods (October 25-27)
* DCM 2015: 11th International Workshop on Developments in Computational
Models (October 28)

== Important Dates
* Abstract submission: Monday, June 1, 2015.
* Paper submission:   Friday, June 5, 2015.
* Author notification:  Monday, July 20, 2015.
* Camera ready:  Monday, August 3, 2015.

== Paper Categories and Format
We call for submissions, related to the above areas and topics,
according to the following three categories:
* Regular papers, with original research contributions;
* Short papers, with original work in progress or with proposals of
new ideas and emerging challenges;
* Tool papers, on original descriptions of tools that support formal
techniques for software modeling, system design, and verification.

Submissions must be written in English and should adhere to the LNCS
format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html for
details). Regular papers should not exceed 18 pages.
Short and tool papers should not exceed 10 pages.

Submissions to the colloquium must not have been published or be
concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions
will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field,
technical and presentation quality, as well as their relevance to the

Submissions not conforming to the above requirements may be rejected
without further consideration.

==Submission Link
Papers must be submitted by using

As for the past editions, the proceedings of ICTAC 2015 will be
published by Springer in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science

==Special Issue
Extended versions of selected papers from ICTAC 2015 will be invited
to a special issue of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: PNSE'15 Petri Nets and Software Engineering

2015-05-11 Thread PNSE15

International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering

  Brussels, Belgium, June 22-23, 2015
  a satellite event of

 Petri Nets 2015


  More information:
   Contact e-mail: pnse15_at_informatik_dot_uni-hamburg_dot_de


   Important Dates

 Deadline for full papers: May 15th, 2015
 Deadline for short papers: May 15th, 2015
   Notification of paper acceptance: May 28th, 2015
Deadline for posters: May 31st, 2015
  Notification of poster acceptance: May 31st, 2015
Deadline for final revisions: June 3rd, 2015


   Development of complex systems is an everlasting challenge.
   The workshop addresses this by discussing the whole range of topics
   that belong to development approaches: theory, software engineering
   and modelling. With the background of the Petri net and ACSD conference
   it has on the one hand a strong background in any kinds of Petri nets and
   related formalisms. On the other hand software engineering and modelling
   with their much wider facets are also addressed: Formalisms and their
   theoretical and practical results need to be embedded. Modelling is one
   of the dominant topics in this perspective.

   This year we explicitly invite papers beside the traditionally Petri net
   biased papers: In addition to more theoretical papers we look for
   contributions that put the main emphasize on modelling or software
   engineering. Papers that aim at the cross-fertilization of applied and
   theoretical research in the above mentioned areas are most welcome.
   Especially applications and tools provide settings for empirical and
   practical research projects, which are of high relevance for the workshop.

   Languages supporting the tasks of planning, analysing, specifying,
   validation, verification, design, implementation, testing or maintaining.
   Fundamental concepts and aspects like causality, concurrency, distribution,
   time, efficiency, correctness, fairness etc. can be addressed with the means
   of formal modelling as well as with practical means of software engineering.
   During the workshop we will discuss the mutual dependencies and
   possibilities of improvements when applied simultaneously.


   We welcome contributions describing original research in topics of the above
   mentioned scope, addressing open problems, presenting new ideas, describing
   applications or tools. We explicitly invite papers with the main emphasize
   on software engineering or modelling.

   Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

 representation of formal models by intuitive modelling concepts
 model-driven architecture and model transformation
 modelling as a process and as a discipline
 adaptation and integration of concepts from other disciplines
 open modelling challenges or representative examples

Software Engineering
 software development approaches and processes
 modelling, meta-modelling, reference models
 mobile systems and mobile software engineering
 adaptive and self-managing software
 software security and privacy, software robustness, safety

Validation and Execution
 simulation, observation, animation
 code generation and execution
 testing and debugging
 process mining

 structural methods, structural subclasses
 state space based approaches
 assertional and deductive methods (e.g. temporal logics)
 process algebraic methods
 applications of category theory and linear logic
 general analysis for software engineering contexts
 practical examples and use cases

Petri Nets and other Modelling techniques
 concurrency theory, net formalisms
 verification, validation and execution
 case studies

Applications, in particular in the domains of (but not restricted to)
 flexible manufacturing,
 workflow management,
 embedded systems,

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers -- Abstracts Due MAY 2: Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), 2015

2015-04-29 Thread Thomas Wahl

*** Abstract Registration Due May 2 -- End of This Week ! **

International Conference on 
Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)

Austin, Texas, USA, September 27-30, 2015


** Note: ** FMCAD 2015 will be held at the end of September,
several weeks earlier than in previous years!


FMCAD will be co-located with the SAT conference, and with the DIFTS and
ACL2 workshops. The conference program will include, in addition to regular
paper presentations, tutorials by Isil Dillig (UT Austin), Priyank Kalla
(Utah), Andre Platzer (CMU), and Roderick Bloem (TU Graz); new editions of
the Hardware Model Checking competition and the FMCAD Student Forum; an
industrial panel discussion on 'Formal Verification in the Industry -- a
2020 Vision'; and keynote talks.

A small number of outstanding FMCAD submissions will be considered for
inclusion in a Special Issue of the journal on Formal Methods in System
Design (FMSD).

FMCAD 2015 has technical co-sponsorship from the IEEE Council on Electronic
Design Automation, and in-cooperation status with ACM SIGPLAN (Special
Interest Group on Programming Languages) and ACM SIGSOFT (Special Interest
Group on Software Engineering).


Abstract Submission:May  02,2015
Paper Submission:   May  11,2015
Author Response Period: June 15-19, 2015
Author Notification:July 06,2015
Camera-Ready Version:   July 31,2015


FMCAD Tutorial Day:September 27,2015 (joint with SAT and DIFTS)
FMCAD Regular Program: September 28-30, 2015


SAT conference: September 24-27, 2015
DIFTS workshop: September 26-27, 2015
ACL2 workshop:  October   01-02, 2015


FMCAD 2015 is the fifteenth in a series of conferences on the theory and
applications of formal methods in hardware and system verification. FMCAD
provides a leading forum to researchers in academia and industry for
presenting and discussing groundbreaking methods, technologies, theoretical
results, and tools for reasoning formally about computing systems. FMCAD
covers formal aspects of computer-aided system design including
verification, specification, synthesis, and testing.

FMCAD employs a rigorous peer-review process. Accepted papers are
distributed through both ACM and IEEE digital libraries. In addition,
published articles are made available freely on the conference page; the
authors retain the copyright. There are no publication fees. At least one
of the authors is required to register for the conference and present the
accepted paper. A small number of outstanding FMCAD submissions will be
considered for inclusion in a Special Issue of the journal on Formal
Methods in System Design (FMSD).


FMCAD welcomes submission of papers reporting original research on advances
in all aspects of formal methods technology and its application to
computer-aided design. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

-- Model checking, theorem proving, equivalence checking, abstraction and
   reduction, compositional methods, decision procedures at the bit- and
   word-level, probabilistic methods, combinations of deductive methods and
   decision procedures.

-- Synthesis and compilation for computer system descriptions, modeling,
   specification, and implementation languages, formal semantics of
   languages and their subsets, model-based design, design derivation and
   transformation, correct-by-construction methods.

-- Application of formal and semi-formal methods to functional and
   non-functional specification and validation of hardware and software,
   including timing and power modeling, verification of computing systems
   on all levels of abstraction, system-level design and verification for
   embedded and cyberphysical systems, hardware-software co-design and
   verification, transaction-level verification.

-- Experience with the application of formal and semi-formal methods to
   industrial-scale designs; tools that represent formal verification
   enablement, new features, or a substantial improvement in the automation
   of formal methods.

-- Application of formal methods in areas beyond computer systems,
   including formal methods describing processes studied in other areas of
   science, engineering, and humanities.


Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair, at


(If you do not already have an EasyChair account, you will need to sign up
for one.)

Two categories of papers are invited: Regular papers, and Tool & Case Study
papers. Regular papers are expected to offer novel foundational ideas,
theoretical results, or algorithmic improvements to existing methods etc,
along with experimental impact validation where applicable. Tool & Case
Study papers are expected to report on the design, implementation or use of

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers : 6th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next Generation Networks (SPNGN) in association with ITNG 2015

2014-11-27 Thread Kashif Akhtar Saleem
My apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call for papers (CFP)

* Due to several requests, the submission deadline has been extended to 1st 
December, 2014 *

The 6th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next-Generation Networks (SPNGN 

in association with

12th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 

April 13-15, 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

-: Accepted and registered papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society 
Press, Indexed by SCI, SCOPUS, DBLP, ACM DL and other databases :-

-: Extended version of Distinguished Papers that are registered and presented, 
after further revision, will be recommended for possible publication in special 
issues of SCI Indexed Journals :-

-:Best Paper Award with the waiver of registration fees:-

It is a fabulous opportunity to explore, share and experience new research 

Please, forward this CFP to your friends, department colleagues, advanced 
graduate students and colleagues at local community/junior colleges.

wikiCFP link: 

KSU website: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/ksaleem/announcement/77999

We look forward to seeing you at the conference venue in April 2015!

For submissions after due date and any other queries please email 

Best Regards,
Kashif Saleem l Assistant Professor
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA)
Phone (+966) 11 469 6458
Fax (+966) 11 469 6452
P.O Box  92144 ~ Riyadh 11653
CoEIA web site:  http://coeia.edu.sa , King Saud 
University web site:  http://www.ksu.edu.sa
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia.

This communication is intended for the above named person and is confidential 
and / or legally privileged. Any opinion(s) expressed in this communication are 
not necessarily those of KSU (King Saud University). If it has come to you in 
error you must take no action based upon it, nor must you print it, copy it, 
forward it, or show it to anyone. Please delete and destroy the e-mail and any 
attachments and inform the sender immediately. Thank you.
KSU is not responsible for the political, religious, racial or partisan opinion 
in any correspondence conducted by its domain users. Therefore, any such 
opinion expressed, whether explicitly or implicitly, in any said correspondence 
is not to be interpreted as that of KSU.
KSU may monitor all incoming and outgoing e-mails in line with KSU business 
practice. Although KSU has taken steps to ensure that e-mails and attachments 
are free from any virus, we advise that, in keeping with best business 
practice, the recipient must ensure they are actually virus free.
Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: 6th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next Generation Networks (SPNGN) in association with ITNG 2015

2014-11-18 Thread Kashif Akhtar Saleem
My apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call for papers (CFP)

Friendly reminder and the Final Call for Papers, and for submissions after due 
date and any other queries please email 

Please, forward this CFP to your friends, department colleagues, advanced 
graduate students, colleagues at local community and junior colleges.

Extended Hard DEADLINE: 17th November, 2014

The 6th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next-Generation Networks (SPNGN 

in association with

12th International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 

April 13-15, 2015, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

-: Accepted and registered papers will be published by IEEE Computer Society 
Press as well as submitted to DBLP and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) 
databases :-

-: Extended version of Distinguished Papers that are registered and presented, 
after further revision, will be recommended for possible publication in special 
issues of SCI Indexed Journals :-

-:Best Paper Award with waiver of registration fees:-

It is a fabulous opportunity to explore, share and experience new research 

Please, forward this CFP to your friends, department colleagues, advanced 
graduate students and colleagues at local community/junior colleges.

wikiCFP link: 

KSU website: http://fac.ksu.edu.sa/ksaleem/announcement/77999

We look forward to seeing you at the conference venue in April 2015!

Best Regards,
Kashif Saleem l Assistant Professor
Center of Excellence in Information Assurance (CoEIA)
Phone (+966) 11 469 6458
Fax (+966) 11 469 6452
P.O Box  92144 ~ Riyadh 11653
CoEIA web site:  http://coeia.edu.sa , King Saud 
University web site:  http://www.ksu.edu.sa
King Saud University
Saudi Arabia.

This communication is intended for the above named person and is confidential 
and / or legally privileged. Any opinion(s) expressed in this communication are 
not necessarily those of KSU (King Saud University). If it has come to you in 
error you must take no action based upon it, nor must you print it, copy it, 
forward it, or show it to anyone. Please delete and destroy the e-mail and any 
attachments and inform the sender immediately. Thank you.
KSU is not responsible for the political, religious, racial or partisan opinion 
in any correspondence conducted by its domain users. Therefore, any such 
opinion expressed, whether explicitly or implicitly, in any said correspondence 
is not to be interpreted as that of KSU.
KSU may monitor all incoming and outgoing e-mails in line with KSU business 
practice. Although KSU has taken steps to ensure that e-mails and attachments 
are free from any virus, we advise that, in keeping with best business 
practice, the recipient must ensure they are actually virus free.
Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: OCL 2014 Submissions Due in One Week

2014-07-06 Thread Achim D. Brucker
(Apologies for duplicates)

14th International Workshop on OCL and Textual Modeling
Applications and Case Studies (OCL 2014)

Co-located with ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference on
   Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2014)
September 28-30 (tbc), 2014, VALENCIA, SPAIN

Modeling started out with UML and its precursors as a graphical
notation. Such visual representations enable direct intuitive
capturing of reality, but some of their features are difficult to
formalize and lack the level of precision required to create complete
and unambiguous specifications. Limitations of the graphical notations
encouraged the development of text-based modeling languages that
either integrate with or replace graphical notations for
modeling. Typical examples of such languages are OCL, textual MOF,
Epsilon, and Alloy. Textual modeling languages have their roots in
formal language paradigms like logic, programming and databases.

The goal of this workshop is create a forum where researchers and
practitioners interested in building models using OCL or other kinds
of textual languages can directly interact, report advances, share
results, identify tools for language development, and discuss
appropriate standards. In particular, the workshop will encourage
discussions for achieving synergy from different modeling language
concepts and modeling language use. The close interaction will enable
researchers and practitioners to identify common interests and options
for potential cooperation.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
- Mappings between textual modeling languages and other languages/formalisms
- Algorithms, evaluation strategies and optimizations in the context
  of textual modeling languages for
  -- validation, verification, and testing,
  -- model transformation and code generation,
  -- metamodeling and DSLs, and
  -- query and constraint specifications
- Alternative graphical/textual notations for textual modeling languages
- Evolution, transformation and simplification of textual modeling expressions 
- Libraries, templates and patterns for textual modeling languages
- Complexity results for textual modeling languages
- Quality models and benchmarks for comparing and evaluating
  textual modeling tools and algorithms
- Successful applications of textual modeling languages
- Case studies on industrial applications of textual modeling languages
- Experience reports
  -- usage of textual modeling languages and tools in complex domains,
  -- usability of textual modeling languages and  tools for end-users
- Empirical studies about the benefits and drawbacks of textual modeling 
- Innovative textual modeling tools
- Comparison, evaluation and integration of modeling languages
- Correlation between modeling languages and modeling tasks

This year, we particularly encourage submissions describing
applications and case studies of textual modeling as well as test
suites and benchmark collections for evaluating textual modeling

The workshop will be organized as a part of MODELS 2014 Conference in
Valencia, Spain. It continues the series of OCL workshops held at
UML/MODELS conferences: York (2000), Toronto (2001), San Francisco
(2003), Lisbon (2004), Montego Bay (2005), Genova (2006), Nashville
(2007), Toulouse (2008), Denver (2009), Oslo (2010), Zurich (2011, at
the TOOLs conference), 2012 in Innsbruck, and 2013 in Miami.  Similar
to its predecessors, the workshop addresses both people from academia
and industry. The aim is to provide a forum for addressing integration
of OCL and other textual modeling languages, as well as tools for
textual modeling, and for disseminating good practice and discussing
the new requirements for textual modeling.

Workshop Format
The workshop will include short (about 15 min) presentations, parallel
sessions of working groups, and sum-up discussions.

Two types of papers will be considered: 
* short papers (6 pages) and 
* full papers (10 pages) 
in LNCS format. Submissions should be uploaded to EasyChair
(https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocl2014).  The program
committee will review the submissions (minimum 2 reviews per paper,
usually 3 reviews) and select papers according to their relevance and
interest for discussions that will take place at the workshop.
Accepted papers will be published online in a pre-conference edition
of CEUR (http://www.ceur-ws.org).

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their workshop paper to a special issue of the Electronic
Communications of the EASST (http://journal.ub.tu-berlin.de/eceasst)

Important Dates
Submission of papers:  July  11, 2014
Notification:  August 8

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: MathUI'14 (New Deadline: 2014/05/22)

2014-05-13 Thread Michael Kohlhase
Dear all (sorry for multiple copies),
please consider to contribute to *MathUI'14*:

9th Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop 2014
 Coimbra (Portugal),  2014/07/10
   at the Conference on
  Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM'14)

Please have a look at the Call-for-Papers below for more details,
redistribute if possible and join us in Coimbra.
Looking forward to your submissions (9 days to go ...),
Andrea Kohlhase and Paul Libbrecht


   Call for Papers: MathUI'14
9th Mathematical User Interfaces Workshop 2014
 at the Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
  Coimbra, Portugal, 10th of July 2014
 please redistribute

 MathUI is an international workshop to discuss how users interact with
  mathematics represented on a computer.

  - Did users of your software have the a-ha moment
after exploring mathematical objects?
  - Did you meet a team of people that exchanged math electronically
as easily as talking together on a blackboard?
  - Is it as easy to search for mathematics facts as to search
for a history date?
  - Have mathematics learning resources a special flavor
that make them less easy to re-use?
  We invite all questions, that care for the use of mathematics
  on computers and how the user experience can be improved,
  to be discussed in the workshop.

  Topics include:
  - user-requirements for math interfaces
  - presentation formats
  - mobile-devices powered mathematics
  - cultural differences in practices of mathematical languages
  - didactically sensible scenarios of use
  - spreadsheets as mathematical interfaces
   - manipulations of mathematical expressions
  This workshop follows a successful series of workshops
  held at the Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics
  since 10 years; it features presentations of brand new ideas
  in papers selected by a review process, wide space for discussions,
  as well as a software demonstration session.

  The organizers invite authors to submit contributions of 6 to 12 pages
  on the workshop-related topics in PDF format optionally
  illustrated by supplementary media such as video
  recordings or access to demos.

  Deadline for submissions:  May 22th 2014.

  Method of submission: please login and submit via EasyChair.

  The submissions will be reviewed by the international programme
  committee whose comments and recommendations will be sent back
  by June 10th requesting a final version no later than June 20th.

  Moreover, MathUI will be concluded by an expo-like
  demonstration session. Proposed demonstrations should be sent
  by email until June 20th, containing a URL to a software
  description, a title, a short abstract of the demonstrated features,
  and the indication of hardware expectations (own/lent laptop/tablet,
  internet access (speed?), power, ...). After a short elevator pitch,
  the demonstration session will run for 1-3h, each demonstrating to
  interested parties.

  See the web-page:

  - Marco Pollanen, Trent University
  - Olga Caprotti, University of Helsinki
  - Frederic Wang, Free Math Software Projects, Paris
  - Christoph Lange, University of Bonn / Fraunhofer IAIS
  - Paul Libbrecht (organizer), University of Education ofWeingarten
  - Andrea Kohlhase (organizer), Jacobs University, Bremen
  - Andrea Hoffkamp, HU Berlin
  - Helena Mihaljevic-Brandt, Zentralblatt MATH
Great Britain
  - Paul Cairns, University of York
  - David Aspinall, University of Edinburgh
  - Patrick Ion, American Mathematical Reviews
  - Elena Smirnova, Texas Instruments Inc. Education Technology
  For other inquiries please contact Paul Libbrecht,p...@cermat.org  or
Andrea kohlhasea.kohlh...@jacobs-university.de  .

Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] [Final Call for Papers] IEEE WCNC'2014 Workshop on Internet of Things

2013-10-28 Thread Daqiang Zhang
IEEE WCNC'2014 Workshop on IoT Communications and Technologies


Deadline: October 31, 2013 23:59:00
Istanbul, Turkey, April 6-9, 2014
CFP: *http://wcnc2014.ieee-wcnc.org/workshop-cfp/


All accepted papers will be recommended to *Our Special Issue on IoT
Communications and Technologies at Springer Telecommunication Systems
(Impact Factor: 1.027) *. The CFP is avaialble
The SI submission for workshop extension deadline: *March 15, 2014,
23:59:00 EDT*


The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel design paradigm, envisioned as a
network of billions or trillions of machines communicating with one another
and rapidly gaining global attention from academia, industry, and
government. IoT is recognized as one of the most important areas of the
future Internet; enabling ubiquitous computing among global networked
machines and physical objects. Equipped with auto identification devices
such a RFID tags in addition to sensors, actuators and machine-to-machine
(M2M) devices, IoT has applications in a wide variety of areas such as
smart grid, e-health, intelligent transportation, and logistics.

IEEE WCNC 2014 International Workshop on the Internet of Things
Communications and Technologies follows the steps of the successful IEEE
WiMob 2013 IoT workshop. It aims to provide a forum that brings together
researchers from academia, practitioners from industry, standardization
bodies, and government to meet and exchange ideas on recent research and
future directions for the IoT. The technical discussion will be focused on
the communications aspects and key enabling technologies for IoT,
especially M2M communications and networking, RFID technology and Near
Field Communications (NFC). The technical topics of interest to the
workshop include, but are not limited to:

   - IoT network infrastructure
   - IoT applications and services
   - IoT networking and communication
   - Channel and traffic models
   - Spectrum management for IoT radio communications
   - RFID, sensors, actuator technologies
   - Security and privacy issues for devices and services
   - Cloud computing interworking
   - Semantic technologies
   - Smart grids and smart space

Author Guidelines

The authors should follow the IEEE guidelines that apply to all WCNC
submissions when preparing their contributions (maximum paper length: 5
pages with 10-pt font). The submission website is:
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[Om-announce] Final Call For Papers RTA 2012

2012-01-02 Thread Georg Moser
 *  Final Call For Papers   *
 *   RTA 2012   *
 * Rewriting Techniques and Applications*
 * 23rd International Conference*
 *  *
 * May 28 - Jun 2, 2012, Nagoya, Japan  *
 *   http://rta2012.trs.cm.is.nagoya-u.ac.jp/   *
 *  *

The 23rd International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and
Applications (RTA 2012) is the major forum for the presentation
of research on rewriting.

Abstract:   Jan 04, 2012
Paper Submission:   Jan 09, 2012
Notification:   Mar 02, 2012
Final version:  Mar 26, 2012

RTA 2012 seeks original submissions on all aspects of rewriting.
Typical areas of interest include (but are not limited to):

  * Applications: case studies; analysis of cryptographic protocols;
rule-based (functional and logic) programming; symbolic and
algebraic computation; SMT solving; theorem proving; system
synthesis and verification; proof checking; reasoning about
programming languages and logics; program transformation;
XML queries and transformations; systems biology;

  * Foundations: equational logic; rewriting logic; rewriting models
of programs;  matching and unification; narrowing; completion
techniques; strategies; rewriting calculi; constraint solving;
tree automata; termination; complexity; combination;

  * Frameworks: string, term, and graph rewriting; lambda-calculus
and higher-order rewriting; constrained rewriting/deduction;
categorical and infinitary rewriting; stochastic rewriting;
net rewriting; binding techniques; Petri nets;

  * Implementation: implementation techniques; parallel execution;
rewrite and completion tools; confluence and termination checking;
certification of rewriting properties; abstract machines; explicit

An award is given to the best paper or papers as decided by the
program committee.

Limited student support will be available and announced in future
versions of this call.

  * Ashish TiwariSRI International, Menlo Park, CA

  * Andreas Abel Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
  * Zena Ariola  University of Oregon
  * Paolo Baldan Universita degli Studi di Padova
  * Ahmed Bouajjani  University of Paris 7
  * Evelyne ContejeanLRI Universite Paris-Sud-CNRS
  * Irene Anne DurandLaBRI Universite of Bordeaux
  * Joerg Endrullis  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  * Silvio Ghilardi  Universita degli Studi di Milano
  * Guillem GodoyUniversidad Politecnica de Cataluna
  * Nao Hirokawa Japan Advanced Institute of Science and 
  * Deepak Kapur University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
  * Jordi Levy   IIIA - CSIC
  * Paul-Andre Mellies   University of Paris 7
  * Pierre-Etienne MoreauEcole des Mines de Nancy
  * Joachim Niehren  INRIA Lille
  * Grigore Rosu University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  * Albert Rubio Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna
  * Masahiko Sakai   Nagoya University
  * Carolyn Talcott  SRI International
  * Rene ThiemannUniversity of Innsbruck

  * Masahiko Sakai   Nagoya University

  * Hirokazu AnaiFujitsu Labs. & Kyushu University
  * Claude Kirchner  INRIA & LORIA
  * Sebastian Maneth NICTA & Univ. of New South Wales

RTA proceedings will be published by LIPIcs (Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics). LIPIcs is open access, meaning that
publications will be available online and free of charge, and authors
keep the copyright for their papers. LIPIcs publications are indexed
in DBLP. STACS, FSTTCS and ICLP proceedings also appear in LIPIcs. See
http://www.dagstuhl.de/lipics for more information
about LIPIcs.
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in a special issue
of the journal Logical Methods in Computer Science (LMCS).

Submissions must be original and not submitted for publication
elsewhere. Submission categories include regular research papers,
applications of rewriting techniques, problem sets, and system

The page limit for submissions is 10 proceedings pages for system
descriptions and 15 proceedings pages for all other categories.
Additional material may be provided in an appendix which is not
subject to the page limit. However, submissions must be self-contained
within the respective page li

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: DBSec 2011

2011-02-04 Thread Adam J. Lee
Call for Papers

The 25th Annual WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and 
Privacy (DBSec 2011) provides a forum for presenting original 
unpublished research re-sults, practical experiences, and innovative 
ideas in data and applications security and privacy. Both research 
papers and panel proposals are solicited. Proceedings will be published 
by Springer as the next volume in the Research Advances in Database and 
Information Systems Security series (http://www.springeronline.com/lncs).


Papers may present theory, techniques, applications, or practical 
experience on topics of relevance to IFIP WG 11.3:

Access control
Applied cryptography in data security and privacy
Identity theft and countermeasures
Integrity maintenance
Intrusion detection
Knowledge discovery and privacy
Organizational security
Privacy and privacy-preserving data management
Secure transaction processing
Secure information integration
Secure semantic web
Secure sensor monitoring
Secure web services
Threats, vulnerabilities, and risk management
Trust management

Additional topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Critical 
Infrastructure Protection, Cyber Terrorism, Information Warfare, 
Database Forensics, Electronic Commerce Security, and Security in 
Digital Health Care.

[Paper Submissions:]

Authors are invited to submit their contributions electronically to the 
conference submission web site at 
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dbsec11. Submission must be 
in the form of a PDF file. Manuscripts must be in English, typed in 
double spaced format in 11-point font (minimum), and must not be more 
than 16 pages long. Manuscripts must have a cover page with title, names 
and addresses (including e-mail address) of authors, an abstract, and a 
set of keywords. At least one author of each accepted paper is required 
to register with the confer-ence and present the paper. Accepted papers 
will be published in the conference proceedings. The final copy of a 
paper for the proceedings must use La-TeX, and must be laid out 
according to the Camera Ready Copy format required by Springer.
A submitted paper must not be under review for inclusion in any other 
conference or journal, and must be substantially different from 
previously published work. Duplicate submissions will be automatically 
rejected and without review.

[Panel Proposals:]

Proposals for panels should be e-mailed to the PC chair 
(y...@smu.edu.sg). Proposals should include a one-page description of 
the sub-ject matter, the name and address (including e-mail address) of 
the organizer, and a list of proposed panelists.

[Important Dates:]

Paper submission due: February 14, 2011
Notification to authors: April 18, 2011
Camera ready due: May 2, 2011

[Organization Committee:]

General chairs:
Peng Liu (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Meng Yu
  (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)

PC chair:
Yingjiu Li (Singapore Management University, Singapore)

Publicity chair:
Adam J. Lee (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

Local arrangement chair:
Wanyu Zang (Virginia Commonwealth University, USA)

Web chair:
Qijun Gu (Texas State University, USA)

IFIP WG 11.3 chair:
Vijay Atluri (Rutgers University, USA)

[Program Committee:]

Claudio A. Ardagna (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Vijay Atluri (Rutgers University, USA)
Kun Bai (IBM Research T.J. Watson, USA)
Steve Barker (King’s College London, UK)
Joachim Biskup (Technische Universität Dortmund Germany)
Marina Blanton (University of Notre Dame, USA)
David Chadwick (University of Kent, UK)
Frédéric Cuppens (TELECOM Bretagne, France)
Sabrina De Capitani di Vimercati  (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Josep Domingo-Ferrer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain)
Eduardo B. Fernandez (Florida Atlantic University, USA)
Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University, Sweden)
Simon Foley (University College Cork, Ireland)
Sara Foresti (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Qijun Gu (Texas State University, USA)
Ehud Gudes (Ben-Gurion University, Israel)
Ragib Hasan (Johns Hopkins University, USA)
Sokratis Katsikas (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Adam J. Lee (University of Pittsburgh, USA)
Tieyan Li (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore)
Peng Liu (Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Javier Lopez (University of Malaga, Spain)
Emil Lupu (Imperial College London, UK)
Martin Olivier (University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Stefano Paraboschi (Università di Bergamo, Italy)
Wolter Pieters (University of Twente, Netherlands)
Indrajit Ray (Colorado State University, USA)
Indrakshi Ray (Colorado State University, USA)
Kui Ren (Illinois Institute of Technology, USA)
Mark Ryan (University of Birmingham, UK)
Kouchi Sakurai (Kyushu University, Japan)
Pierangela Samarati (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
Anoop Singhal (NIST, USA)
Traian Marius Truta (Northern Kentucky University, USA)
Jaideep Vaidya (Rutgers University, USA)
Hui Wang (Stevens Institute of Technology, USA)
Lingyu Wa

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: DisCoTec 2011, Reykjavik, Iceland (COORDINATION + DAIS + FMOODS/FORTE)

2011-01-24 Thread DisCoTec2011
[We apologize for multiple copies]

  Final Call for Papers

   DisCoTec 2011

 6th International Federated Conferences on
  Distributed Computing Techniques


 Reykjavik, Iceland, 6-9 June 2011

The DisCoTec series of federated conferences is one of the major
events sponsored by the International Federation for Information
processing (IFIP). The main conferences are:

  * DAIS

This year IFIP offers some travel grants for students and an award for
the best paper of DisCoTec.  All conferences share the same deadlines:

* Important Dates *

February 6, 2011  Abstract Submission
February 13, 2011 Paper Submission
March 20, 2011Notification of Acceptance
April 3, 2011 Camera ready version
June 6-8, 2011Conference
June 9, 2011  Workshops

* General Chair *
Marjan SirjaniReykjavik University, Iceland

* Publicity Chair *
Gwen Salaün   Grenoble INP - INRIA, France

* Workshops Chair *
Marcello M. Bonsangue University of Leiden, Netherlands
Immo GrabeCWI, Netherlands

* Poster Session Chair *
Martin SteffenUniversity of Oslo, Norway

* Steering Board *
Elie Najm (Chair) Telecom ParisTech, France
Rocco De Nicola   University of Florence, Italy
Kurt GeihsUniversity of Kassel, Germany
Farhad Arbab (Coordination)   CWI, Netherlands
Lea Kutvonen (DAIS)   University of Helsinki, Finland
John Derrick  (FMOODS-FORTE)  University of Sheffield, UK
Frank de Boer CWI, Netherlands
Marjan SirjaniReykjavik University, Iceland


 13th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages


COORDINATION is the premier forum for publishing research results and
experience reports on software technologies for collaboration and
coordination in concurrent and distributed systems. Its distinctive
feature is the emphasis on high-level abstractions that capture
interaction patterns manifest at all levels of the software
architecture and extending into the realm of the end-user
domain. Social networking, Internet technologies, wireless
communication, and inexpensive multicore processors altered
fundamentally the computing milieu and the way one thinks about the
development of modern software systems. Coordination techniques seek
to enhance our ability to develop software that is responsive to
emerging societal demands and changing application needs and exploits
effectively recent advances in computing and communication technology.

Coordination 2011 seeks high-quality contributions on the usage,
study, design and implementation of languages, models and techniques
for coordination in distributed, concurrent, and multicore software
systems. The focus is on languages, formalisms, models, middleware,
patterns, and algorithms that conceptually separate behavior from
interaction. Research results should demonstrate an ability to
increase modularity, simplify reasoning, and ultimately enhance the
software development process. The conference is concerned with the
design and implementation of models that allow compositional
construction of large-scale concurrent and distributed systems. Both
practical and foundational perspectives are of interest.

Given the increasing importance of concurrency and distribution in
almost every domain of our existence, the organizers of Coordination
2011 are keen to provide a forum for studies that address practical
concerns and industrial grade solutions, e.g., the introduction of
concurrency and distribution concepts to novel domains, comparative
evaluations of programming models on important problems, and the
adoption of domain-specific languages. Experience reports should
describe lessons learned from the application of proposed models and
techniques to problems in the real world. Coordination 2011 also seeks
proposals for discussion panels. Proposed topics are expected to
address new and exciting subjects that challenge fundamental
assumptions or open new directions for creative and high-impact

Topics of Interest

COORDINATION 2011 topics of interest include:

languages and middleware related to multicore programming, stream
programming, data parallel programming, event-driven programming, web
programming, reactive progra

[Om-announce] Final Call for Papers: VSTTE workshops on Theory and on Experiments & Tools

2010-05-16 Thread Gudmund Grov
-- Apologies for multiple copies --

VSTTE 2010: Workshops on Theories, Tools and Experiments
Edinburgh, Scotland, 19th August 2010

   (*** only 1 week to go! *)

The Third International Conference on Verified Software: Theories,
Tools, and Experiments (VSTTE) is part of the Verified Software
Initiative (VSI), a fifteen-year, cooperative, international project
directed at the scientific challenges of large-scale software
verification. VSTTE will host two workshops:

* VS-Theory focuses on theoretical foundations of software
verification.  Topics range from the difficult and essential study
of soundness of delicate proof methods, to the discovery of new
specification techniques and proof methods, to dramatic
simplification or unification of existing methods, to as yet
unknown breakthroughs.

* VS-Tools & Experiments focuses on the development of verification
tools and their experimental evaluation. Topics include interfaces
between tools, tool integration platforms, and case studies.

The workshops will provide a forum to present new, possibly unfinished
work and will also give the opportunity to propose research
challenges, which will help form a research agenda for the Verified
Software Initiative. For further details, see the workshop web site:

Papers must be written in English using Springer LNCS style. The
page limit is 10 pages for technical papers and 5 pages for
proposals of verification challenges.  The proceedings will be
published as a technical report. Details on the submission process
are available at http://www.macs.hw.ac.uk/vstte10/Workshops.html.

Important Dates
Submission:May 21, 2010
Notification:  June 25, 2010
Final version: July 23, 2010
Workshops: August 19, 2010, 9am-1pm

* VS-Theory is co-chaired by 
David Naumann, Stevens Institute of Technology, USA and
Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary, University of London, UK

* VS-Tools & Experiments is co-chaired by 
Tiziana Margaria, University of Potsdam, Germany and 
Rajeev Joshi, NASA/JPL Laboratory for Reliable Software, USA

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

Om-announce mailing list

[Om-announce] Final CALL FOR PAPERS: 8th International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2010)

2010-03-03 Thread jun sun

8th International Symposium on Automated Technology
  for Verification and Analysis (ATVA 2010)
21 - 24 September 2010, SINGAPORE


The purpose of ATVA is to promote research on theoretical and
practical aspects of automated analysis, verification and synthesis in
East Asia by providing a forum for interaction between the regional
and the international research communities and industry in the field.
The previous six events were held in Taiwan (2003-5), Beijing (2006),
Tokyo (2007), Seoul (2008) and Macao (2009). The proceedings of ATVA
2010 will be published by Springer as a volume in the LNCS series.
Edmund M. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas A. Henzinger, IST Austria
Igor Walukiewicz, University Bordeaux-1

The scope of interest is intentionally kept broad; it includes:

Theories useful for providing designers with automated support for
obtaining correct software or hardware systems, including both
functional and non functional aspects, such as: theory of (timed and
hybrid) automata, process calculi, Petri-nets, concurrency theory,
compositionality, model-checking, automated theorem proving,
synthesis, performance analysis, correctness-by-construction, infinite
state systems, abstract interpretation, decidability results,
parametric analysis or synthesis.

Applications of theory in engineering methods and other particular
domains and handling of practical problems occurring in tools, such as
analysis and verification tools, synthesis tools, model transformation
tools. Techniques of reducing complexity of verification by
abstraction, improved representations. Methods and tools in handling
user level notations, such as UML. Practice in industrial applications
to hardware, software or real-time and embedded systems. Case studies,
illustrating the usefulness of tools or a particular approach are also
welcome. Theory papers should be motivated by practical problems and
applications should be rooted in sound theory. We are interested both
in algorithms and in methods and tools for integrating formal
approaches into industrial practice.

Submissions to the conference must not have been published or be
concurrently considered for publication elsewhere. All submissions
will be judged on the basis of originality, contribution to the field,
technical and presentation quality, and relevance to the conference.
ATVA 2010 calls for two types of contributions: RESEARCH PAPERS and
TOOL DEMONSTRATION PAPERS. Both types of contributions will appear in
the proceedings and have oral presentations at the conference. Papers
should be written in English in LNCS format.

Research papers: Research papers should contain original research, and
sufficient detail to assess the merits and relevance of the
contribution. Submissions reporting on industrial case studies are
welcome, and should describe both strengths and weaknesses in
sufficient depth. Research papers should be no more than 15 pages.

Tool demonstration papers: Tool demonstration papers present tools
based on aforementioned theories or fall into the above application
areas. Tool demonstration papers allow researchers to stress the
technical and practical side, illustrating how one can apply the
theoretic contributions in practice. Tool demonstration papers should
be no more than 6 pages.

Further information and instruction about submission can be found at
the conference website http://atva10.comp.nus.edu.sg.

Abstract submission:April 5, 2010
Paper submission:   April 12, 2010
Notification of acceptance: May 31, 2010
Final copy for proceedings: June 18, 2010

Conference Organizers
General Chair
Jin Song Dong, National University of Singapore

Program Chairs
Ahmed Bouajjani, University of Paris
Wei-Ngan Chin, National University of Singapore

Keynote Speakers
Edmund M. Clarke, Carnegie Mellon University
Thomas A. Henzinger, IST Austria
Igor Walukiewicz, University Bordeaux-1

Steering Committee
Allen Emerson, Univ of Texas, US
Teruo Higashino, Osaka Univ, JP
Oscar H. Ibarra, Univ of California-S.Barbara, US
Insup Lee, Univ of Pennsylvania, US
Doron A. Peled, Bar Ilan Univ, IL
Farn Wang, National Taiwan Univ, TW
Hsu-Chun Yen, National Taiwan Univ, TW

Program Committee
Jonathan Billington, Univ of South Australia, AU
Florin Craciun, Soter Sys, RO
E Allen Emerson, Univ of Texas, US
Jaco Geldenhuys, Univ of Stellenbosch, ZA
Patrice Godefroid, Microsoft, US
Franjo Ivancic, NEC Labs, US
Laurent Fribourg, ENS de Cachan, FR
Masahiro Fujita, Univ of Tokyo, JP
Susanne Graf, Verimag Laboratary, FR
Teruo Higashino, Osaka Univ, JP
Naoki Kobayashi, Tohoku Univ, JP
Orna Kupferman, Hebrew Univ, IL
Marta Kwiatkowska, Univ of Oxford, UK
Insup Lee, Univ of Pennsylvania, US
Xuandong Li, Nanjing Univ

[Om-announce] Final call for papers: LOPSTR09

2009-05-04 Thread International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation
Our apologies if you receive this multiple times.


19th International Symposium on
Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation
 September 9-11, 2009, Coimbra, Portugal 

 (co-located with PPDP 2009 and CSL 2009)



The aim of the LOPSTR series is to stimulate and promote international
research and collaboration on logic-based program development.  LOPSTR
is open to contributions in logic-based program development in any
language paradigm.  LOPSTR has a reputation for being a lively,
friendly forum for presenting and discussing work in progress. Formal
proceedings are produced only after the symposium, so authors can
incorporate the feedback in the published papers.


Topics of interest cover all aspects of logic-based program
development, all stages of the software life cycle, and issues of both
programming-in-the-small and programming-in-the-large. Papers
describing applications in these areas are especially welcome.
Contributions are welcome on all aspects of logic-based program
development, including, but not limited to:

  specification   synthesis 
  composition security 
  reuse   applications and tools 
  component-based software developmentsoftware architectures 
  agent-based software developmentprogram refinement 

Survey papers, that present some aspect of the above topics from a new
perspective, and application papers, that describe experience with
industrial applications, are also welcome. Papers must describe
original work, be written and presented in English, and must not
substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with refereed
proceedings. Work that already appeared in unpublished or informally
published workshops proceedings may be submitted.

Invited speaker:

German VidalTechnical University of Valencia


Paper/extended abstract submission:   May 8, 2009
Notification (for pre-proceedings):   June 15, 2009
Camera-ready (for pre-proceedings):   July 3, 2009
Symposium:September 9-11, 2009

Submissions can either be (short) extended abstracts or (full) papers
whose length should not exceed 9 and 15 pages, respectively.
Submissions must be formatted in the Springer LNCS style (excluding
well-marked appendices not intended for publication).
Referees are not required to read the appendices, and thus papers
should be intelligible without them. Short papers may describe
work-in-progress or tool demonstrations.

Both short and full papers can be accepted for presentation at the
symposium and will then appear in the LOPSTR09 pre-proceedings. 
Full papers can also be immediately accepted for publication
in the formal proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag
in the LNCS series. In addition, after the symposium,
the programme committee will select further short or full
papers presented in LOPSTR09 to be considered for formal publication.
These authors will be invited to revise and/or extend their submissions 
in the light of the feedback solicited at the symposium. Then after 
another round of reviewing, these revised papers can also be published 
in the formal proceedings.

Papers should be submitted either in PostScript or PDF format and they
should be interpretable by Ghostscript or Acrobat Reader.

Program Committee:

Slim AbdennadherGerman University Cairo, Egypt
Maria Alpuente Frasnedo Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Roberto Bagnara University of Parma, Italy
Danny De SchreyeK.U.Leuven, Belgium (Chair)
John Gallagher  Roskilde University, Denmark
Robert Glueck   University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Michael Hanus   University of Kiel, Germany 
Reinhard Kahle  Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Andy King   University of Kent, UK
Michael LeuschelUniversity of Duesseldorf, Germany
Fabio MartinelliIstituto di Informatica e Telematica Pisa, Italy
Fred MesnardUniversite de La Reunion, France
Mario Ornaghi   Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy
German Puebla   Technical University of Madrid, Spain
Sabina RossiUniversita Ca' Foscari di Venezia, Italy
Josep Silva Technical University of Valencia, Spain
Peter Schneider-KampUniversity of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Tom Schrijvers  K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Petr Stepanek   Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
Wim Vanhoof University of Namur,