Heads up for packagers: the v5.0.0 release has been delayed.  It's taking 
longer than expected to get master stable -- which has ended up slotting v5.0.0 
in to scheduling for later this year, and possibly even 2021.

Instead, we're going to release v4.1.0 "soon".

v4.1.0 will be branched from v4.0.4 (due immanently).  It will therefore have 
all the bug fixes that have gone into the v4.0.x line, and also have a 
relatively small number of minor new features (i.e., features that some 
community members needed in an official release).

Backwards compatibility -- including preserving ABI -- should be preserved 
across the v4.0.x and v4.1.x series.  So if you have released v4.0.x binary 
packages, you should be able to seamlessly upgrade to a v4.1.x binary package.

Expect more details to come on this soon, but we wanted to give all you 
packagers a heads up that that is coming.

Jeff Squyres

ompi-packagers mailing list

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