I've posted a meeting 
for a regular ONAP VVP project team meeting to restart the discussions on this 
project at ONAP.
If you have comments on the agenda or wish to propose other items either email 
me or mark it up on that wiki page.
I expect future meetings to follow a similar agenda for the rest of the 
Amsterdam release, and set up a similar agenda for next week's call as well.

There is an existing set of user stories for this project in JIRA, but I expect 
some of these will need further refinement in the light of the timeframe for 
the Amsterdam release. VVP is  as much about processes as code. I will  tee up 
some tasks and a propose a Sprint-1 for discussion while the code repos are 
getting in place. If you have particular user stories or tasks that _you_ can 
complete to support the VVP  
 in that Amsterdam time frame, please email me or add them to JIRA so we can 
discuss on the call, and get our first sprint kicked off.

Thankyou for your support!

best regards
Steven Wright, MBA, PhD, JD.
[Tech Integration]
AT&T Services Inc.
1057 Lenox Park Blvd NE, STE 4D28
Atlanta, GA 30319
P: 470.415.3156


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