Hi PTLs,

I wanted to bring your attention on the presence of binaries files within your 
Gerrit repositories.
As you know, git and gerrit are exclusively for Software Configuration 
Management (meaning dealing with merging, branching, versioning source code) 
and not for storing jar, war, tar or other types of binaries.
Among other things, presence of binary in your repos make them heavier to clone 
and pull and may on the long term rebut potential developers.

This item was part of the M2 checklist and again in the coming M4 checklist. I 
strongly encourage your team to be proactive and take the measure to get rid of 
these binaries. See the list of files in attachment.
If those binaries are necessary for the execution of your project, you should 
consider alternatives such as retrieving them from Nexus or embed them within 
your Docker image.

Let me know if you have questions.

ONAP Release Manager
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