Hi  Lianhao,

                Please see my comments inline.


发件人: Lu, Lianhao [mailto:lianhao...@intel.com]
发送时间: 2018年3月19日 19:25
收件人: onap-discuss@lists.onap.org
抄送: zhang.maope...@zte.com.cn; Vul, Alex <alex....@intel.com>; Gaoweitao 
(Victor, MANO) <victor....@huawei.com>; Huang, Haibin <haibin.hu...@intel.com>
主题: [model][vCPE] Things missing in Onap Tosca DM?

Hi Guys,

I’m now looking at the vCPE usecase 
 and try to convert its heat template(https://git.onap.org/demo/tree/heat/vCPE) 
into latest onap Tosca  DM 
(https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Data+Model+align+with+TOSCA+NFV+Profile ). I 
found the following things in heat and can NOT find the corresponding mapping 
in the Tosca DM.

1. SSH key pairs for VM
Heat supports creating ssh keypair for VM to enable login with ssh 
public/private keys. However I could not find corresponding in latest onap 
tosca DM. Should we support this in tosca DM?

Victor: I think inject file could handle this.

2. cloudinit user scripts
In heat, vCPE uses cloudinit user script to executed within the VM after VM has 
been launched to configure the VNF softwares within the VM. However, in tosca 
DM, there is no direct mapping to such things in VDU. Should I use 
tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard interface instead or should we add new 
properties in VDU (see openstack tacker’s VDU as an example 
 )? The new userdata should also support inputs like 
tosca.interfaces.node.lifecycle.Standard interface.

Victor: In general, we will use inject file handle this. You can refer here: 
https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Node+Type tosca.nodes.nfv.Vdu.Compute and IM 
inject file definition for more info : 

3. pre-created networks:
vCPE will use 2 pre-created networks which are created when ONAP itself is 
being deployed: onap_public_net is used to make VM be able to connect to 
internet, onap_private_net is the oam network which is used to make some of the 
vCPE vnf talk to some onap component(e.g. dcae_collector). So this requires the 
VNF VM to be connected to a pre-created network. However in tosca DM, it seems 
that there is no way to specify a VDU created by tosca DM connecting to a 
pre-created network which is already created during ONAP deployment using heat. 
 Should we add an property in tosca.nodes.nfv.VnfVirtualLink to indicate 
whether the network is pre-created or not?
Victor:Pre-created network is no difference with new-create network, just use 
vnfvirtualLink describe the pre-created network, orchestrator could handle 
this(if network already created,  vm could re-use it.)

4. VM metadata
vCPE also uses VM metadata which is missing in Tosca DM’s VDU. Should we add 
this?( see openstack tacker’s VDU as an example 
Victor: Lianhao, could u give more usage/info about the VDU/VM metadata, maybe 
we could use other properties or attributes instead.

Best Regards,
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