Hi there,

I noticed that some of the copyleft license policy violations reported by Nexus 
IQ are actually dual-licensed third-party dependecies. 

For example, the widely used jersey are dual-licensed - CDDL 1.1 and GPL 2.0 
with Class-path Exception and it says the downstream project can choose either 
one based on their requirements.

So my question is: can we use this kind of third-party dependencies in ONAP, or 
do I have to modify codes to avoid using any of these kinds of libs? 

Jersey license declaration on its github project page:

Licensing and Governance

Jersey is licensed under a dual license - CDDL 1.1 and GPL 2.0 with Class-path 
Exception. That means you can choose which one of the two suits your needs 
better and use it under those terms.

Thanks a lot,

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