Hi All,

As requested, here’s my summary for the next steps for HPA issue.

I’ve created a poll page regarding whether (and how) to put certain attribute 
into the R2 IM. https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/HPA+Attributes+Poll
Please add comments or supporting materials to that page as you wish. I hope we 
can reach an agreement by Thursday.

Another issue is about the definitions of the key value pairs, by which I mean 
what the “key”s are for each attribute and the structure for the values. That’s 
the mostly heard argument in previous discussions, so I think we also need to 
finalize this.

I think we need to have a document/input for that as soon as possible. (Perhaps 
based on OpenStack Newton/Pike?) And that would help people make their opinions 
on the above poll as well. Hope to hear some suggestions here. I would like to 
see it before this week, or better, before Thursday.

Let’s move forward on this topic.

Best regards,
onap-discuss mailing list

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