Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-08 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Chris Mattmann  wrote:
> I've begun fleshing out components and release versions in JIRA and have
> started to create issues to track the import of the code into SVN.


> Justin, any news on the account requests?

I plan to submit the account requests today.

Thanks.  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-08 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 8:03 AM, Chris Mattmann  wrote:
> Thanks Justin!

Account requests have now been filed.  Account requests are usually
done once a week, so we should have everyone with access by next week.
 After the accounts are created, I need to assign Subversion karma.

While that process chugs along, we can start to begin the code import
process - or we can wait until all of the accounts are created.  I
believe you already filed the software grant as part of the CCLA, so
there shouldn't be any more paperwork required.  If OODT is using
Subversion now, we should be able to import a dump file (preserving
history and logs) and then do cleanups after import.  Or, we can just
do a import from an export or such (no history or logs).  Either way
is acceptable on the infra end, so it's up to what ya'll want to do.

WDYT?  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-08 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 8:35 PM, Chris Mattmann  wrote:
> Let¹s do an SVN dump!

I'll start a thread on general@ about how to proceed with a dump.

I've seen some mention of uploading a dump to JIRA, but that
seems...bizarre.  I think just uploading it to your account on and posting the SHA checksum to the list should be

To set expectations, I'd expect it would take about 48 hours from when
we hand over the dump to being fully available.  In general, the dump
will be loaded into a test repository (to insure no problems in the
loading), let us verify the load is "correct", and then, if all looks
good, load it in to the main repository.  (If we coordinate with the
infra team, this can be reduced to a shorter window if necessary.)  Do
you have an idea how big the dump will be?

If it's rather big, then it may be best to wait until some pending HW
upgrades to the main SVN server are deployed.  Depending upon how we
do it, loading a dump may also knock out the EU mirror until it
receives the dump - so imports are often done when EU is asleep.  (On
the master, we're installing ZFS l2arch's on SSDs - see ; but we're waiting on a SAS
card that is supported by FreeBSD, so...soon...yah...soon.)

> I¹m happy to start the process. I¹ve filed OODT-1 and OODT-2 to track the
> progress on this...

Cool.  -- justin

Re: Too late to change the name?

2010-02-09 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 6:11 AM, Sean Kelly  wrote:
> Hey guys:
> Getting OODT out of the shackles of Caltech intellectual property and into 
> open source is undoubtedly one of the best things we could ever do for the 
> software package. And the fact that we've got such a clear-headed champion to 
> herald it into the Apache Incubator is a real honor.
> However, "OODT" is, itself, a horrible, horrid, ghastly name.
> Would this juncture a good time to explore a more snazzy name for the 
> project? Or is it perhaps better to stick with the name given its recognition?

If you are interested in choosing a new name, the way I'd recommend
going about it is to continue as OODT while in Incubation, but when
graduation rolls around, unveil the new name.  As I've discussed with
Chris, upon graduation is when the forces of the PR machines can be
unleashed.  (The graduation is the formal process where both the
Incubator PMC and the Board "certify" that the project is ready to not
need the Incubator any more and is ready to govern itself.)

So, you have a while to think about new names and ponder what the
community thinks it should be.  As a practical suggestion, I think I
would wait to discuss a new name until you have more diverse
committers so that the new folks can feel a sense of ownership in the
name.  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-09 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 10:21 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
 > +1. I'd imagine the dump being on
the order of 100s of megabytes, but I
> could be off. At certain points the repo included large data files which
> were then removed. Is there a way to exclude those during the dmp process?

Take a look at svndumpfilter - from the O'Reilly SVN book:

That should do the trick...  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-09 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Woot, got it. We found the link when I asked Brian to try and dump the 
> cas-filemgr this morning.
> The dmps don't look too huge, especially when tarballed. Thoughts?

Due to the logistics involved with doing loads, I think it's going to
be best to do all of the imports at one time rather than piecemeal
them over time.  So, how does creating one dump work for ya'll?  --

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-09 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey Justin,
> No probs, we can do it. Is it OK to tar it up? Or do you just want the raw 
> dmp? It would be nice to do one dmp (matching OODT-1) and the other (match 
> OODT-2). Would that be OK? If not, one it is, but let me know if it's OK to 
> tar it up.

It should be okay to tar and bzip2 (or 7zip if that floats your boat)
- as long as there is a FreeBSD archiver port, it'll be fine.  =)

As for the number of dumps, I think it'd be smoothest if we just have
one dump file.  That'll reduce some of the moving pieces when the dump
is loaded as there won't be any ordering issues or whatnot when
loading it up into the main repository.

Based upon the feedback on general@, when you are ready, I'd suggest
copying the dumps into your public_html homedir on people.a.o and
annotating the JIRA with the URL and the SHA1 checksum ("openssl sha1

I haven't yet been able to talk to the Infra team about when we can
schedule the loads - they're doing some conversions of the repository
to an LDAP authz system, so it might take until next week to do the
loads as that is inevitably gonna blow up in everyone's face.  =P  --

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-10 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Justin Erenkrantz  wrote:
> Account requests have now been filed.  Account requests are usually
> done once a week, so we should have everyone with access by next week.
>  After the accounts are created, I need to assign Subversion karma.

Accounts have been created and karma assigned.  If you haven't
received your account information, please let me know ASAP.

In order to figure out when to do the import, the infra team wants to
know how many revisions we are talking about and the approximate size
of the dumps.  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-10 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> We’re working on sizing the dumps right now, but a good metric is ~7K of
> revisions, with probably a tarred up total <= 100 MB?

Ack.  Joe says we can import about 400revs/hr in our current setup -
so given the number of revisions, it's going to probably be best to do
the import over a weekend.  -- justin

Re: JIRA and Wiki

2010-02-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Feb 14, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Chris Mattmann  wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> I went ahead and uploaded the *.dmp file to a public JPL server. See OODT-1
> and OODT-2 for the location:
> My +1 for @joesuf to import, at his convenience and get the OODT Apache ball
> rolling...
> *kick*

INFRA-2503 filed.  Joe says he expects to get to it over the weekend.

Cheers.  -- justin

OODT svn imported...

2010-02-22 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
For those who aren't following and
JIRA, the SVN source should now be imported.

All of the initial committers should have karma to the OODT tree, if
not yell and we'll sort it out.

Let's get crankin'...  =)  -- justin

Re: March 2010 Board Report

2010-03-03 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey All,
> I took a crack at uploading the initial March 2010 Board Report, due next
> Wednesday:
> If anyone sees anything I missed, or wants to add anything, please by all
> means!

Looks good to me - I added my sign-off.

Thanks!  -- justin

Re: Apache OODT-15: One trunk for all OODT components with top level build

2010-03-19 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:40 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> +1 from me. I think it's a good reorg, and we should move towards a single 
> source release artifact under 1 trunk, with sync'ed versions...

My suggestion is that rather than putting things like this in the
JIRA, I'd bring the proposal to the list instead.

I'm not personally a big fan of every commit needing to be associated
with a JIRA, yet for something like OODT-15, I think that's a proposal
that should be discussed on-list first and if the community feels like
a JIRA is needed, then it can be filed after the discussion on-list
(w/a pointer to the relevant discussion mail archives).

Cheers.  -- justin

Re: [jira] Commented: (OODT-6) Import OODT Agility?

2010-03-21 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Sean Kelly (JIRA)  wrote:
> 1.0.0 release

What does "release" mean in this context?  -- justin

Re: [jira] Commented: (OODT-6) Import OODT Agility?

2010-03-21 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 5:34 PM, Sean Kelly  wrote:
> In general, the same meaning as 
> Or if that URL is too long,
> I can probably assume that since you're asking, I must've done something 
> wrong—right?

Sadly, yah.  (But, this is the point of the Incubator to sort these
issues out...)

Releases of Apache code are done via a consensus review process - so
any one individual can not 'release' a project by themselves - it
requires the PMC to approve it.

Here's some recommended reading:

The general process is that someone posts a prospective release
candidate to the list, at least 3 PMC members review it and approve
it, then it can be an official release.

I see Chris just emailed with some similar points, so I'll stop
browbeating ya now.  *grin*

Please let me know if you have any questions.  -- justin

Re: [jira] Commented: (OODT-6) Import OODT Agility?

2010-03-21 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 8:17 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> We should probably document or propose a release process, and maybe upload
> it to the wiki, at:

Yup, I'd highly recommend having documented release policies.  I
posted httpd and Subversion's, but there are others flying around too
that we can crib off of.  -- justin

Re: Apache OODT-15: One trunk for all OODT components with top level build

2010-03-21 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey Justin,
> Thanks for the advice. On the next one of these types of things, we'll do a 
> [PROPOSAL] first, then wait a few days, and see what people think, and then 
> move to JIRA after that, reff'ing the mail archives as you suggested. 
> Personally I'm a fan of more JIRA issues than not, but I understand that's a 
> preference thing so qualms there.

Yah, JIRA is fine to capture the takeaway and resulting items from a
discussion - but it's not really a good place for 'discussion'.

Here is Subversion's guidelines for the issue tracker:

In Subversion, larger work-items tend to appear in the issue tracker,
but more as a supplement to the lists.

> Brian did mention he'd wait a few days for discussion, so I think we're good 
> in that regard. If folks have any objections or issues, please voice them 
> over the next few days.


HTH.  -- justin

Re: OODT-3 progress

2010-04-02 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:25 AM, Mccleese, Sean W (388A)
> Hey Andrew,
> Ok, great!
> I think a good way to divvy up the remaining work is by filetype, 
> specifically *.java and then everything else (xml config files, etc). If that 
> works for you, I'll take the remaining *.java files and go back and ensure 
> we've gotten all the previous ones. Does that work for you?

Just a note that the ASF committers repository has a bunch of
relicensing tools and scripts:

And you can use RAT to verify the licenses are on all appropriate files:

Caveat emptor, but it might help.  =)  -- justin

Re: Incubator PMC/Board report for May 2010 (

2010-05-19 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, May 10, 2010 at 9:31 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Guys,
> I've added a draft report:
> I think it's good to go, but would appreciate any review, especially from 
> mentors.

Sorry I missed this - I've been traveling a bit and some things slid
off my radar.  The report looks good.

BTW, you (Chris) should become an official mentor now.  It's one of
the perks of being a member.  =)  -- justin

Re: Incubator PMC/Board report for May 2010 (

2010-05-19 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey Justin,
> Thanks! How do I become a mentor? I'm on the Incubator PMC, so should I just 
> add myself to the mentor list on the Wiki page for OODT?

Yah, if you are already on the Incubator PMC, then just go ahead and
add yourself to the list.

If we violate some unwritten policy or something, I'm sure it'll be
pointed out.  =)  -- justin

Re: [REVIEW] OODT June 2010 Incubator report

2010-06-08 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Guys,
> FYI, I uploaded a draft report [1] for OODT's June 2010 incubator status.
> Please comment and update as appropriate. I'm now a mentor for the project
> and can thus sign off on it, but it would be great to get another set of
> eyes to look at/contribute to it:)

Ah bollocks, they switched the speaker *again* at TransferSummit.  I'd
be much more comfortable with one of the OODT committers talking about
OODT to this audience.

I'm having dinner with Dave tonight, so I'll talk it over with him.
If Dave isn't interested, is anyone else interested (or able) to go to
Oxford?  =)

BTW, I'll add my +1 to the report soon - Stefan is currently editing
the Wiki page...  Thanks Chris!  -- justin

Re: OODT-15: Status Update

2010-07-14 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> OK, as you've probably seen, I've been really trying to pick up where ahart
> left off, and forge ahead on OODT-15. I've now gone through each and every

Yikes, those are really fine-grained commits!  Could there have been a
way to do it in larger commits?

With my SVN dev hat on, it would probably be good to hear what you
were trying to do over drinks next week at OSCON.  -- justin

Re: OODT-15: Status Update

2010-07-14 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:37 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> P.S. Could someone please run RAT [1] on the OODT source code? I think
> OODT-3 is done, and would like to verify. Please note the comment on OODT-3
> that mentions posting the RAT report to the issue. Thanks!
> [1]

How about this?  If no one gets to it by next week, how about we
figure out how to run RAT during OSCON booth duty?  The ASF has a
booth next week and I'm planning to man it in the afternoons on Wed
and Thurs.  -- justin

Re: svn commit: r964658 - in /incubator/oodt/trunk/profile/src/main/java/org/apache/oodt/profile: ./ activity/ gui/ gui/pstructs/ handlers/ handlers/cas/ handlers/cas/util/ handlers/lightweight/ han

2010-07-17 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:44 PM,   wrote:
> Author: kelly
> Date: Fri Jul 16 02:44:04 2010
> New Revision: 964658
> URL:
> Log:
> Partial commit to work around svn checksum issue

Do you have more information on this "svn checksum" issue?

Thanks!  -- justin

Re: svn commit: r964658 - in /incubator/oodt/trunk/profile/src/main/java/org/apache/oodt/profile: ./ activity/ gui/ gui/pstructs/ handlers/ handlers/cas/ handlers/cas/util/ handlers/lightweight/ han

2010-07-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 4:51 AM, Sean Kelly  wrote:
>> Do you have more information on this "svn checksum" issue?
> I believe it was caused by local corruption of a `.svn` directory or two 
> after some clumsy `sed` applications, and was limited to a few subdirectories.

Ah, so, you borked the pristine files in .svn.  Score one for
checksums doing their job.  =P

Looks like your strategy to "recover" was fine.  Thanks for the info!  -- justin

Re: Drop "query" module

2010-07-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 2:08 PM, Sean Kelly  wrote:
> OK, will do.
> Our incubation sponsors don't read this, right?

Of course not.  -- justin

Re: svn commit: r964662 - in /incubator/oodt/trunk/profile: ./ pom.xml

2010-07-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Jul 15, 2010 at 7:57 PM,   wrote:
> Log:
> svn hates me

Maybe if you stopped dorking with the .svn directories, svn would like
you a bit more!

*duck*  -- justin

Re: One more licensing issue found

2010-07-23 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> This was recently discussed in the Apache Derby project and the understanding 
> there was that we could satisfy the dual license MIT part of jQuery with text 
> in our OODT NOTICE.txt file. See here [1]. The best thing to do would be to 
> quickly join legal-discuss@ by sending a email to 
> and just make sure all is kosher with the 
> approach that Derby used over there.

Ditto.  -- justin

Re: Incubator status page

2010-08-08 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey Sean,
> I can do it, but it's worth checking to see if you have karma to do it too. I 
> went onto people.a.o and did this:
> [mattm...@minotaur]/home/mattmann(24): groups kelly
> kelly committers
> [mattm...@minotaur]/home/mattmann(25):
> It looks like you aren't in the incubator group, which means you wont' have 
> permission to push out the updated page to

I think we can add kelly to the Incubator group (as well as anyone
else who needs the group permissions).  I don't have the syntax handy,
but it should be on the infra pages or you can ask on
gene...@incubator.  -- justin

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Welcome Cameron Goodale as an OODT Committer

2010-08-15 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 3:31 PM, Cameron Goodale  wrote:
> Hey OODT Team,
> Chris thank you for the email and the nomination.


> Now a little about me:
> OODT is my first Open Source Project and I am excited to join the team.  I
> have spent the last few years as a Systems Analyst at JPL so my skills are
> in documentation and testing.

If you have any questions, please yell.  We don't bite, but we will
drink your beer.

> I am a huge fan of Honda and Star
> that order, and I am a Mac.

It's really too bad George Lucas only made three Star Wars movies...
=P  -- justin

Re: oodt-dev

2010-08-15 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Fri, Aug 6, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Foshee, Mark  wrote:
> Subscribe

Hi Mark,

It does look like you did eventually figure out how to subscribe.  =)

For future reference, you can refer to:

Anyway, welcome!  -- justin

Re: [DISCUSS] OODT Podling Incubator Experiment (was Re: Radical revamp (was: an experiment))

2010-08-16 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
[ CCing gene...@incubator as I think I can now place my finger a bit
as to why I'm discomforted with Greg's proposal in the OODT context ;
and more importantly, another potential experiment at the end; leaving
context in for those on gene...@incubator ]

On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 9:21 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> (moving to oodt-...@incubator.a.o, context coming in separate email FWD)
> Hey Justin,
>>> +1 from me with my OODT hat on.
>>> Also, I like Greg's proposal b/c it puts the onus on those (proposed)
>>> $ PMC members who are active, without external "peanut
>>> gallery" oversight.
>> However, I think we should probably have a discussion on the OODT list
>> as we should think through what this means and how it'd affect the
>> nascent community.  With Subversion, it already had a very vibrant,
>> diverse, and self-governing community - OODT isn't quite there so
>> there's a bit of a risk there.  Perhaps this will act as a prod to
>> promote the self-governance - which is ideally what we want anyway.
> +1
>> At the moment, I probably don't have the time necessary to sit down
>> and lead the conversation within OODT.  That alone does give me a bit
>> of a reservation about what exactly we're signing up for.  =)  --
> To me, all we are signing up for with Greg's proposal is basically to have
> something like:
> 1. exists today
> 2. Ian, Chris, Justin and Jean Frederic are OODT PMC members + committers
> 3. OODT committers continue as-is
> 5. There is no more IPMC oversight
> 5. VOTEs on releases are approved by 3 +1s of OODT PMC members
>   - OODT committers weigh in on releases and their weigh in is taken into
> consideration by OODT PMC members (as is done today even with PPMC and IPMC)
> 6. VOTEs on new committers are approved by 3 +1s of OODT PMC members
>   - OODT committers weigh in on new committers and their weigh in is taken
> into consideration by OODT PMC members (as is done today even with PPMC and
> 7. When we're ready (we can even keep the same Incubator checklist), we put
> up a board resolution to "graduate" into *true* TLP. To me,
> ready =
>   - we've made at least 1 release (we're close!)
>   - we've VOTE'd in a couple new committers (keep those patches coming
> people!) hopefully with some diversity in mind, but if we don't get there,
> and the committers are still vibrant and healthy, then we move forward.
> OODT already has a pretty vast user community and healthy community that I'm
> slowing working to get signed up over here in the Incubator. We've had
> contributions from folks from Children's Hospital (thanks guys!), interest
> from other NASA centers (welcome Mark and others!), and some new folks from
> JPL stepping up and earning merit (welcome Cameron, and thanks for popping
> up Rishi!).
> Is that your take too?

Yes, I think that roughly outlines what Greg proposed.

See, here's where I get a bit discomforted by this entire process: I
honestly don't feel that I deserve a "vote" on OODT releases.  I've
known you and Dave for long enough that I have no concerns advising
the OODT community and trying to help out - me a binding

I want to encourage a process where the people doing the work get to
have the power.  At the core, that is what Apache is about - and
having doofus's like me casting a vote for a release seems like
straying from that.  I'm *totally* fine turning on "cranky" mode and
keeping the peanut gallery away so ya'll on oodt-dev@ get real work

For Subversion, I was already a full committer and earned my merit.
So, I had zero qualms about giving my $.02 there whether they wanted
it or not.  =)

Given your (Chris) experience with other ASF projects (and, heck,
being a PMC Chair), I can see exactly how the Subversion analogy (in
my head) applies to you.  You're a member, you know how things work,
you have merit within OODT - so, yah, perfect sense.  Smucks like me
who get confuzzled reading Maven build scripts?  Nah, not right that I
should have a binding vote.

Now, could we say that I would act as a "certifier"/"observer" that
all of the major processes were followed?  Heck yah.  No qualms there.
 Here's an analogy I'm coming around to: in a lot of new democracies,
there are "observers" who are sent in to monitor elections.  They
witness the elections, poke around, and make sure nothing unseemly is
going on.  They don't vote, but they do "observe".  They then issue a
certification or report to be filed with the vote.  (I'm catching up
on my backlog of issues of The Economist; just read their article
about nascent democracies in Africa on the plane...)

Hmm, maybe there's something to this "observer" model as this
reconciles my qualms and could provide the basis for an oversight
model.  Does this analogy move the needle for anyone else?  Could a
combination of "mentor" and "observer" be sufficient?  I think so...
-- justin

Setting the commit bar for OODT?

2010-08-16 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
Instead of having this conversation on oodt-private@, I think it might
be useful to have this discussion in public.

What are folks's feeling around where/when we should offer commit
privileges to OODT codebase?

In the projects I've been involved with, there have been two philosophies:
 - Commit access requires sustained contributions over a period of
time (at least six months for httpd; ~2 months for APR)
 - Commit access should be granted like candy [Subversion]

Subversion has an additional dimension (which got Subversion in
trouble during the Incubator; but...well...Greg "resolved" that
problem *chuckle*) which allows any full committer to "sponsor" a
person for partial commit access.  Anyway, here is Subversion's
write-up regarding commit access:

Subversion's philosophy is centered around "trust" and "Um, it's all
under version control so really what harm could anyone do?"...httpd's
is around "this is a complex codebase; we only want committers who
understand it".  Both are perfectly valid.  The only people who should
be committers are people you are comfortable working with.

There are many right answers to this issue - but I think it'd be good
to make it clear what our expectations are.  Whatever the decision is
would also be good to put a blurb up on our OODT website and
documentation (even in a top-level README).

Thoughts?  It'd be great for *everyone* (committers or not!) on-list
to chime in.  =)  -- justin

P.S. This thought came up as I looked at the patches recently applied
from JIRA and wondering where the commit bar should be.

Re: [DISCUSS] OODT Podling Incubator Experiment (was Re: Radical revamp (was: an experiment))

2010-08-16 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> So basically you are moving more towards Joe's proposal, that the PPMC would
> have the binding VOTEs in e.g., new committers/PMC members, and on releases?
> Of course, with the caveats below, as you mention, i.e., the observers can
> "observe" and step in where necessary, but ultimately, they're there to
> ensure things are going great, and not to get in the way, unless they
> aren't? +1 to that.

Yes, I know Joe was looking to only try something small and
incremental.  Given its history, a small incremental change in process
is probably right for Thrift, but perhaps we can use OODT as an
experiment for something even more bonkers.  I don't see how we have
much to lose - we've already been taken out to the woodshed once by
the Incubator PMC.  =)

> +1. So our OODT "observers" would be:
> You, Jean Frederic, Ross, Ian, and me?
> PPMC stays the same, but they are given:
> * binding release/committer VOTEs

Yes, I think so.

Perhaps to satisfy the governance rules, the "observers" (in the eyes
of the Board, the PMC for the TLP) "certify" the votes from the PPMC
(in the eyes of the PMC, the real ones).  So, maybe it's not directly
a binding vote, but the expectation is that the "observers" are meant
to only "certify" and *not* provide technical oversight - unless they
are *also* part of that PPMC.

> In this case, observers are just really the mentors, and we move towards the
> mentors ensuring all is going well (which they should do now anyways), but
> IPMC "ratification" isn't required, and PPMC gets to self-govern. +1 from me
> on that, I think that's the right thing to teach, and with mentors that pay
> attention, I think we'll be great.


>> Hmm, maybe there's something to this "observer" model as this
>> reconciles my qualms and could provide the basis for an oversight
>> model.  Does this analogy move the needle for anyone else?  Could a
>> combination of "mentor" and "observer" be sufficient?  I think so...
> If my interpretation above is correct, big +1 from me.

I think we could perhaps make something workable from this.  Dunno.
Need to see who else chimes in...hey, a message from Greg.  =)  --

Re: [DISCUSS] OODT Podling Incubator Experiment (was Re: Radical revamp (was: an experiment))

2010-08-16 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 10:20 PM, Greg Stein  wrote:
> You know when to vote and *how* to vote. I see no reason to deny your vote.

Of course.  It's always seemed awkward if you can't contribute
technically to suddenly have a binding vote.  I'm sure if I *wanted*
to learn how to build something with Maven, I could.  But, why?  =)

So, it makes me leery on being forced to cast a vote on a release - on
par with those who have actually tested it and know something about
the codebase.  The standard that I force myself to adhere to on
Subversion and httpd for example would be something that I'd fall
short with in OODT.

> The (only) problem to arise would be if OODT was at the minimum of (3)
> ASF Members, and your vote was required. With Chris becoming a Member,
> OODT is at 5 Members that could comprise the mini/pseudo TLP that I
> propose. (maybe there are others interested, but I have zero insight
> into this community)

Sure.  It's just that Chris and I have discussed the pain points in
the Incubation process, so we're on the lookout for making it easier
on us.  =)  Plus, the experience with Subversion also showed me where
things break down too.

> I'm not sure that I'm reading the above properly, but... whatevs.
> Under my proposed TLP-based approach, the PMC would be comprised of:
> justin, jean, ross, ian, chris. The current committers (who are also
> on the PPMC, presumably) would be invited to the private@ list, but
> would not be on the PMC. Thus, they would have non-binding votes
> across all project decisions. But that should not be a problem as
> those PMC members also understand how to build and listen to
> consensus. If there are issues in the community, then the difference
> between binding and non-binding votes makes *zero* difference.

If we ran it with the intention that the PMC is there to solely
provide non-technical oversight and that the PPMC does the actual
work, I think that's something I could live with and address my
concerns in the overall process.

I don't think this is at odds with what you are saying nor would it
run afoul of any corporate structures.  It could just be the informal
agreement between the PMC members that the PPMC should be the ones
making the technical decisions.  (If some other set of mentors wanted
to run it differently, they could.  But, this separation is one I
could live with myself.)

> The (podling) project/PMC would report directly to the Board. No more
> peanut gallery, or a second-guessing group.

Right.  The listed members of the PMC are on the line dealing with the
Board.  (Hmm...would the PMC require a VP?  I guess so.)  If the Board
has an issue with how they are running things, the Board can chime in.

> I do agree there is a lot of hand-waving around "how to graduate", but
> I presume that the community can figure that out and provide
> information for future projects and communities.

I very much like the Incubator providing what the general checklist
form would look like.  The Board could receive the checklist, review
it, and then vote on the Graduation resolution.

It'd also raise the oversight of the podlings (in this structure) back
to the Board...which is likely a good thing so as things don't get
hidden.  -- justin

Re: A Use Case for Helping Users "Qualify" Their Environment for OODT

2010-08-25 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Bruce Barkstrom  wrote:
> I've included two versions of the use case:
> 1.  A PDF version that could be placed in an
> appropriate place for public visibility.
> 2.  An Open Office version that could be modified
> by developers and contributors.  Open Office doesn't
> cost anything, so it is available to anyone that
> wanted to download it (as opposed to MS Office
> products, say).


Note that I don't see the PDF actually attached and I don't have
OpenOffice, but I'd definitely be +1 to making such docs available.
This would be a very very good thing to have!  -- justin

Re: Incubator PMC/Board report for September 2010 (

2010-09-09 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
Looks good.  Thanks!

(I am not near a setup where I can edit the wiki, but if you want to
throw my +1 into the report, that'd be fine by me.)

Progress!  -- justin

On Wednesday, September 8, 2010, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hi Guys,
> I've submitted an OODT report to the Incubator wiki here [1], and signed off 
> as a mentor. Please review the report and add/update if I've missed anything.
> Cheers,
> Chris
> [1]
> On 9/1/10 7:00 AM, ""  wrote:
> Dear OODT Developers,
> This email was sent by an automated system on behalf of the Apache Incubator 
> PMC.
> It is an initial reminder to give you plenty of time to prepare your quarterly
> board report.
> The board meeting is scheduled for . The report
> for your podling will form a part of the Incubator PMC report. The Incubator 
> requires your report to be submitted one week before the board meeting, to 
> allow
> sufficient time for review.
> Please submit your report with sufficient time to allow the incubator PMC, and
> subsequently board members to review and digest. Again, the very latest you
> should submit your report is one week prior to the board meeting.
> Thanks,
> The Apache Incubator PMC
> Submitting your Report
> --
> Your report should contain the following:
>  * Your project name
>  * A brief description of your project, which assumes no knowledge of the 
> project
>    or necessarily of its field
>  * A list of the three most important issues to address in the move towards
>    graduation.
>  * Any issues that the Incubator PMC or ASF Board might wish/need to be aware 
> of
>  * How has the community developed since the last report
>  * How has the project developed since the last report.
> This should be appended to the Incubator Wiki page at:
> Note: This manually populated. You may need to wait a little before this page 
> is
>       created from a template.
> Mentors
> ---
> Mentors should review reports for their project(s) and sign them off on the
> Incubator wiki page. Signing off reports shows that you are following the
> project - projects that are not signed may raise alarms for the Incubator PMC.
> Incubator PMC
> ++
> Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
> Senior Computer Scientist
> NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
> Office: 171-266B, Mailstop: 171-246
> Email:
> WWW:
> ++
> Adjunct Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department
> University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
> ++

Re: 0.1 release status . . .

2010-10-14 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 6:39 AM, David M Woollard  wrote:
> Thanks for volunteering to be a second person on this. Your comment RE a go 
> minus OODT-22 is my understanding as well. I'm happy to still be the release 
> manager this time even with job stuff, but lets see the actual timing of the 
> release before I make that blanket comment. If it pushes out to end of oct, 
> then lets coordinate and figure out how to make this happen expeditiously.

As I mentioned to both Dave & Chris before, once we have some
candidate tarballs ready for voting, I'll be happy to review the
artifacts.  I'm usually pretty swamped, but if you can find me on
Skype or GTalk, I'll add it to my to-do list.  =)  -- justin

Re: Pending release

2010-10-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> See:
> And...with that, we¹re ready for *RC* time! :)

Cool.  I will review whatever is available tonight...assuming my hotel
has a decent internet connection (which it should).  -- justin

Re: [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating release

2010-10-20 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
Note I tried to run "mvn install" last night from my hotel - took over
4 hours and it wasn't done downloading dependencies.  I will try to
pick up again tomorrow...everything else looks fine on visual
inspection I could see.  -- justin

On Tuesday, October 19, 2010, David M Woollard  wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I am proud to announce the first candidate for the Apache OODT 0.1-incubating
> release. The source code is at:
> For more detailed information, see the included CHANGES.txt file for details 
> on
> release contents and latest changes. The release was made using the OODT
> release process, documented on the Wiki here:
> The release was made from the OODT 0.1-incubating branch (r1024310) at:
> Please vote on releasing these packages as Apache OODT 0.1-incubating. The 
> vote is
> open for the next 72 hours.
> Only votes from Incubator PMC are binding, but folks are welcome to check the
> release candidate and voice their approval or disapproval. The vote passes
> if at least three binding +1 votes are cast.
> [ ] +1 Release the packages as Apache OODT 
> [ ] -1 Do not release the packages because...
> Thanks!
> Dave Woollard
> P.S. Here is my +1.

Re: [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating release

2010-10-21 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 1:21 AM, Justin Erenkrantz
> Note I tried to run "mvn install" last night from my hotel - took over
> 4 hours and it wasn't done downloading dependencies.  I will try to
> pick up again tomorrow...everything else looks fine on visual
> inspection I could see.  -- justin

+1 for release.

But, a caveat: when I tried to build, I got this failure - looks like
it is related to jglobus:

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.globus:cog-jglobus:jar:1.8.0

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
  mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.globus
-DartifactId=cog-jglobus -Dversion=1.8.0 -Dpackaging=jar

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:
  mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.globus
-DartifactId=cog-jglobus -Dversion=1.8.0 -Dpackaging=jar
-Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency:
1) org.apache.oodt:pushpull:jar:0.1-incubating
2) org.globus:cog-jglobus:jar:1.8.0

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  javax-transaction (,
  apache.snapshots (,
  central (

Then, I tried "mvn install" again (it's Java after all) and got:

[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] OODT Core . SUCCESS [10.746s]
[INFO] Common Utilities .. SUCCESS [21.108s]
[INFO] Process Control System Input Data Package . SUCCESS [2.766s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive Service Generic Multi-valued Metadata
Container  SUCCESS [3.697s]
[INFO] Query Expression .. SUCCESS [1.272s]
[INFO] OODT Single Sign On Security Package .. SUCCESS [0.130s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive File Management Component . SUCCESS
[INFO] OODT CAS Virtual Catalog and Integration Service. . SUCCESS [18.116s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive Resource Management Component . SUCCESS [20.532s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive Workflow Management Component . SUCCESS [25.967s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive Crawling Framework  SUCCESS [18.116s]
[INFO] CAS Curation Interface  SUCCESS [9.343s]
[INFO] CAS PGE Adaptor Framework . SUCCESS [19.971s]
[INFO] CAS Installer Maven Mojo .. SUCCESS [1.155s]
[INFO] CAS Push-Pull-Framework ... SUCCESS [30.184s]
[INFO] Product Service ... SUCCESS [5.484s]
[INFO] Profile Service ... SUCCESS
[INFO] OODT Web Grid . SUCCESS [11.899s]
[INFO] XML-configured, DBMS-based Product and Profile Server . SUCCESS [4.092s]
[INFO] CAS File Manager Webapp Application ... SUCCESS [6.470s]
[INFO] CAS Product Server  SUCCESS [8.577s]
[INFO] CAS Workflow Monitor Web Application .. SUCCESS [6.946s]
[INFO] Catalog and Archive File Management Browser ... SUCCESS [3.084s]
[INFO] Apache OODT ... SUCCESS [38.246s]
[INFO] Total time: 8 minutes 30 seconds
[INFO] Finished at: Thu Oct 21 18:28:13 PDT 2010
[INFO] Final Memory: 91M/123M

So, yah, Java sucks or something.  -- justin

Re: [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating release (rc2)

2010-10-22 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 10:22 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hi Dave,
> +1 this time from me!

I'll try to take some time today to re-test the new RC.  Hopefully,
given that I've downloaded all of the dependencies via Maven once
before, it'll go a lot faster this time around...I hope.  *fingers
crossed*  -- justin

Re: [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating release (rc4)

2010-11-01 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 5:29 PM, david woollard  wrote:
> [X] +1 Release the packages as Apache OODT 0.1-incubating

Just did a visual comparison (diff -ru) between RC1 and RC4.  Changes look fine.

+1 for release.

Thanks.  -- justin

Re: [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating release (rc4)

2010-11-01 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 2:10 PM, Alan D. Cabrera  wrote:
> The release doesn't need to be tagged?

It's...uh...version controlled.  So, it's still easy to create a tag:

svn cp
(or just 0.1)

Cheers.  -- justin

Re: FW: [RESULT] [VOTE] Apache OODT 0.1-incubating

2010-11-07 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Thanks mucho my man. Way to go on RM'ing our first Apache release!

+1!  -- justin

Re: [DISCUSS] OODT Graduation to TLP

2010-11-07 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 11:34 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hi Guys,
> OK, so I figured I'd go ahead and start this thread. It seems to me that
> we've achieved that we needed to in the Incubator and are ready to take that
> next step. We've VOTE'd in new committers (e.g., see [1] and [2]). We've
> just finished (or are in the process of finishing) our first release [3].
> We've stood up a community that includes committers and PPMC members from 5+
> different organizations (NASA JPL, Children's Hospital Los Angeles, USC,
> Project WBS, AOL). We've ported our code to the ASLv2 and associated license
> headers. And we've made a great website [4].
> I'd like to propose the following below board resolution to move OODT to TLP
> status. Comments are most definitely welcome. I'll happily volunteer to be
> OODT VP to the board at the present time, with the goal of taking a look at
> it again in +1 years to see where we're at. We'll discuss this this for a
> few days then I'd like to call a VOTE thread by the end of this week. If it
> passes here in OODT-ville, I'll then move the VOTE thread to
> gene...@incubator.a.o. If all goes well there, we can add the below
> resolution (+ any mods) to the board's next meeting on November 17th.

+1 for graduation.

I think we've demonstrated that we're a functioning community.

w00t.  -- justin

Re: [VOTE] OODT Graduation to TLP

2010-11-11 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 7:18 AM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Please VOTE on the below resolution for promoting OODT to an Apache TLP and
> graduating from the Incubator. The VOTE is open for 72 hrs.
> [ ] +1 Accept OODT's graduation from the Incubator
> [ ] +0 Don't care.
> [ ] -1 Don't accept OODT's graduation from the Incubator because...

+1.  -- justin

Re: OODT TLP resolution: passed!

2010-11-17 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J)
> Hey OODT Community:
> Welcome to TLP-level status! At the November 17th board meeting, the board 
> VOTE'd to approve OODT as an Apache Top Level Project (TLP).
> In the coming days, we'll get going on some of the TLP-required 
> tasks...congrats everyone!


Congrats.  -- justin

Re: Building OODT

2010-11-18 Thread Justin Erenkrantz
On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 2:47 PM, Hwang, Victor (388G)
> Hm, does the mailing list not take attachments? Is there somewhere specific I 
> should upload it?

Yes, by default, the mailing lists will strip tarballs and other large

You can download hsqldb from:

HTH.  -- justin