Good afternoon,

my name is Sebastian Tischer and I am student of business and economics at the university of technology in Dresden. At the end of these studies it is mandatory to write a bachelor thesis which is the last exam before having officially finished the studies.

The topic of my thesis is: "Open Source Software - An analysis of the integration of external knowledge carriers based on selected examples".

What does this topic actually mean?

I am investigating and analyzing various open source companies about the way they handle external knowledge of users, contributors and developers. These information will be compared with the structure of the company, the used tools, techniques and documentations.

At the end I want to draw a conclusion with the effect, telling which company makes the best use of external knowledge and where might be improvement.

For that purpose I have a few question prepared and would be very happy if you support me answering these questions in order to complete my survey and the thesis resulting on them...
1. Who is allowed to contribute to the source code?

2. Which criteria need to be fulfilled to contribute?

3. What control mechanisms exist to check which code gets into the productive system?

4. How is the approval process going on to let people contribute?

5. What can be contributed by developers or users? Where is the cut within the development process (untouched parts of the application)?

6. What system is used to contribute? Git?

7. Is it possible to develop within the core sourcecode? Change core functionalities or just fix bugs and create extensions?

If you don't like to get mentioned as source within these paper, then this is no problem! I will only use the given information then and treat your answers completely anonymous...

If you have any further question regarding my survey feel free to ask them anytime.
Best wishes and thank you in advance

Sebastian Tischer

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