As of the end of day, 2012-08-02, the Apache OpenOffice podling
has 109 committers, with 72 on the PPMC.

Since the previous, 2012-07-01 report, there is an increase of
8 committers, with no change on the PPMC.


   1 champion
   5 mentor
   1 mentor/committer
  72 PPMC (all currently committers)
  36 committer (including 18 eligible PPMC)
   7 other
 122 total = pending PPMC? + complete + authz statuses


   0 invite
   0 accepted?
   0 iCLA?
   0 ID chosen?
   0 ID pending
   5 authz
  18 PPMC?
  99 complete
  34 other
 156 total

-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis E. Hamilton [] 
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2012 05:31
Subject: 2012-07-01 Status: PPMC and Committer Roster

As of the end of day, 2012-07-01, the Apache OpenOffice podling
has 101 committers, with 72 on the PPMC.

Since the previous, 2012-06-04 report, there is an increase of
6 committers, with a decrease of 3 on the PPMC.

An audit of the PPMC mailing list was conducted to confirm 
withdrawals from the PPMC that had not been reflected in 
previous reports.

There is currently one committer ID pending setup.  Completion
of that will add one more committer.


Who's on Board:  Tally of Current Committers and PPMC

   1 champion
   5 mentor
   1 mentor/committer (player coach?)
  72 PPMC (all currently committers and not counted below)
  28 committer (includes any in PPMC? status below)
   7 other (ASF Member observers, etc.)
 114 TOTAL = pending 'PPMC?' + 'complete' + 'authz' below

Pending Actions - what the PPMC is working on getting flat

   0 invite (committer/PPMC invitations pending)
   0 accepted? (waiting for acceptance and next steps)
   0 iCLA? (waiting for iCLA)
   0 choose ID (pending invitation to choose ID)
   0 ID chosen? (waiting for choice of ID)
   1 ID pending (ID and account creation pending)
   0 authz (awaiting completion of ooo authorization)
  18 PPMC? (waiting for follow-up joining of PPMC)
  96 complete (nothing further required)
  32 other (some special completion cases, declined, etc.)
 147 TOTAL

 [ ... ]

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