Our www.openoffice.org has a prominent link on the home page called "I
want to participate in OpenOffice.org"

That page -- and this is a change since the hosting moved over to
Apache -- now points to this page in the podling website;


And that pages points users to this page on the wiki, for details
about specific tasks we need help with:


The net result is that wiki page now has prominence that it did not
have earlier.  In fact we've received two posts in the last few weeks
of people wanting to help on those specific tasks.

So it is rather unfortunate that the wiki page has only content from
me, and no one has added a task since I put the page up last July.
Yes, last July.

Could you help me breath some more life into that page?  It would be
great to have 20 or more tasks there, in various disciplines, and with
various skill levels.     That would help with recruiting new project
volunteers, and might even give some ideas for some of the 300+ people
who are already subscribed to ooo-dev.



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