> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rob Weir [mailto:apa...@robweir.com]
> Sent: Friday, 29 July 2011 11:48 PM
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Mailing list moderation question
> I Just noticed that I'm signed up as moderator for the ooo-security list as
> "robw...@apache.org".  This appears to allow me to receive message (the
> forwarding works) but does not allow me to issue list commands.  The list
> manager does not appear to use mailAlias.txt to resolve my other addresses,
> and I don't see any way in which I can originate an email from an apache.org
> address.
> Is this analysis correct?

Yes, as I hinted at to you some weeks ago, sorry I was not clear.

re: ooo-dev list subscriber lists sent 9th July)

>  If so, is there an SMTP I should be using to send
> emails from apache.org?

See http://apache.org/dev/user-email.html#send 

> Or is the solution to use a real address for list
> moderators and not the apache.org forwarding address?

You can do that if you wish yes.

> If the latter is correct, how do I get the moderation address switched on ooo-
> security.incubation.a.o, say from robw...@apache.org to
> apa...@robweir.com?  Does that require an JIRA ticket?  Or is that
> something a mentor can do directly?

send an email to apmail.at.a.o who can change them for you.


> Thanks!
> -Rob

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