Hi there,

there is a refresh available at:

It fixes the libBSF4ooRexx.so bitness problem, but also an installation
quirk on Linux. Will now also display "ooRexxTry.rxj " in the BSF4ooRexx
menu on Linux (after a logoff/logon).



On 20.03.2011 23:27, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Hi there,
> there is a refresh available at
> <http://wi.wu.ac.at/rgf/rexx/bsf4oorexx/archive/2011/2011-03-20/>.
> Two remarks:
>     * this version includes a "raw" installer for MacOSX (without
>       file-associations and menu-system), cf. "readme-MacOSX.txt"; the
>       installation goes into "/opt/BSF4ooRexx"; use "rexxj.sh" to
>       invoke .rxj and .rxo scripts. "ooRexxTry.rxj" can be run with
>       "rexxj.sh /opt/BSF4ooRexx/utilities/ooRexxTry.rxj".
>       You will see, that these Rexx scripts are fully integrated into
>       the MacOSX GUI.
>     * It may be the case that the 32-bit Linux libBSF4ooRexx.so is in
>       fact the 64-bit version. If so, I will create the correct
>       version tomorrow and do another refresh.
> Regards,
> ---rony
> On 19.03.2011 21:26, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> at <http://wi.wu.ac.at/rgf/rexx/bsf4oorexx/archive/2011/2011-03-19/>
>> there is a new BSF4ooRexx package, which is at a beta level (needs
>> testing on the various platforms). It should fix the problem reported by
>> Uli Zinngrebe.
>> Will be testing this version over this weekend and once regarded to be
>> o.k. I will move on to setup an own BSF4ooRexx communication area on
>> Sourceforge (probably next weekend), such that purely BSF4ooRexx related
>> discussions can be moved there.
>> ---rony
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