Hi there,

this is just to inform you that I have created a refresh for the BSF4ooRexx 
distribution (bridges
ooRexx and Java) and uploaded it to Sourceforge at
  The name of the
new installation file is "BSF4ooRexx_install-20130714-GA-refresh20140112.zip".

All new downloads will be linked to this new refresh installation package.

This refresh fixes the following installation problems:

  * Apache OpenOffice 4.x
      o all platforms: fix bug in parsing UTF-16LE output from "unoinfo",
      o on Windows: find Apache OpenOffice 4.x installations via registry,

  * on Linux/Unix: creating logfile BSF4ooRexx.log for user "root" in "/tmp".



On 08.09.2013 17:23, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Hi there,
> BSF4ooRexx is package for bridging ooRexx and Java.
> [BSF4ooRexx even includes camouflaging support that makes Java appear to be 
> the dynamically typed,
> case-insensitive ooRexx! :) ]
> ---
> Please point your browser
> to:<https://sourceforge.net/projects/bsf4oorexx/files/GA/BSF4ooRexx-411.20130714-GA/>
>  in order to
> download the latest version of BSF4ooRexx, which is now "generally available" 
> (GA) as of September
> 8th, 2013.
> Please remove first any installed version of BSF4ooRexx (using the BSF4ooRexx 
> menu, path
> "installation -> uninstall").
> After successful installation of BSF4ooRexx you can find further information 
> via the installed
> BSF4ooRexx menu entitled "Information", which contains PDF-files introducing 
> some of the features
> of BSF4ooRexx. The information folder also contains a brief introduction to 
> Rexx and ooRexx
> suitable for programmers who either do not know Rexx or do not (yet) know 
> ooRexx.
> If there are any questions with respect to BSF4ooRexx and/or Java then please 
> post them on one of
> the BSF4ooRexx mailing lists:
>   * the BSF4ooRexx developer list:
> <https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=bsf4oorexx-devel>
>   * the BSF4ooRexx support list:
> <https://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_name=bsf4oorexx-support>
> In the case you find a bug, then please report it at:
>   * <https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=400586&atid=1660873>.
> In the case that you look for the documentation of the Java classes used in 
> the Rexx nutshell
> examples use first the JavaDocs (HTML-pages documenting each Java class) for 
> Java 1.4 as this
> version of Java has quite legible notations: 
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/>.
> In the case that you need newer JavaDocs, then you may want to use one of:
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/1.5.0/docs/api/>, 
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/> or
> <http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/>, which all use heavily the 
> "<xyz>" notation for
> "generics", which may be quite distracting for novice readers. Hence the 
> advice to start out with
> the easy to comprehend JavaDocs for Java 1.4! (Please note that the Java 
> documentation sites have
> plenty of interesting tutorials that demonstrate how to take advantage of the 
> functionality of
> different kinds of Java classes.)
> Information, documentation for BSF4ooRexx and samples can be easily accessed 
> via the BSF4ooRexx menu.
> ---
> About "BSF4ooRexx":
>     "BSF4ooRexx" is an external ooRexx function package which camouflages 
> Java class libraries as
>     ooRexx class libraries. This way one is able to use ooRexx to exploit all 
> functionality that
>     any Java class library contains, using the dynamic and caseless 
> principles of the ooRexx
>     interpreter.
>     If you have Apache OpenOffice (AOO, http://openoffice.org) or LibreOffice
>     (http://libreoffice.org/) installed, then the BSF4ooRexx installation 
> adds ooRexx as a macro
>     language to AOO or LO! There are numerous ooRexx examples that 
> demonstrate how easy it becomes
>     to program AOO (word processor, spreadsheet or presentation module).
>     There is no easier way to access Java from ooRexx!
>     ;-)
> For the BSF4ooRexx team, a RexxLA project.
> ---rony
> P.S.: Meet the developers at this year's International Rexx Symposium, cf. 
> <http://www.RexxLA.org>!

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