One of the features I've been working on is a concept of namespaces that
can be used to disambiguate information pulled in from different ::requires
files.  The basis if this is a new NAMESPACE option on the ::requires
directive where you give a simple name to a loaded requires file.

::requires 'some.file' namespace somename

Once a requires file has been tagged with a namespace name, it can be used
to qualify references to classes within that namespace explicitly identify
which version you want.  As part of this, there is a special reserved
namespace of REXX that will allow you to always get to the
interpreter-provided version of things.

My thoughts on how the namespace is specified builds on what is done with
the message syntax for message sends where we have things like


Where the first token is the target name, the part after the colon is the
qualifier.  This works for namespaces, but part of me thinks this might be
better with the qualifier first.

There are multiple places where this will show up.

1) .variables.  This will allow things like .array:rexx~new...or should
this be .rexx:array~new?

2) ::class directives.

   ::class foo subclass rexx:object (or should it be object:rexx).

3) Potentially on function calls and call instructions.  Again, should it
be qualifier first or second?

The more I look at this, the more I think it should be namespace:name
rather than name:namespace, but this is the reverse of the method name
convention.  These are not strictly the the same concept, but it is
different.  What do others think?

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