An AskDialog always comes up in the centre of the screen. When you hit “Yes” or 
“No” on the AskDialog, the dialog ends and so disappears from the screen.


Now, your code has several AskDialogs appearing one after the other. And if you 
move the first AsklDialog from the centre, then hit either Yes or No, then that 
dialog ends and closes - i.e. disappears. BUT - your code  immediately brings 
up a *new* AskDialog, which appears, as did the first, In the centre of the 


This sequence looks as if the original AskDialog has moved. But it hasn’t – it 
just ended and the new one appeared.


Maybe you need to build a dialog that has some radio buttons in it, so you can 
select all the options you need, and then press Enter (or whatever). 


If it would help (let me know) I’ll see if I can build such a dialog for you as 
an example. However, unfortunately I’m not able at this point to *promise* to 
do so any time soon. 







From: Bertram Moshier [] 
Sent: 27 February 2015 22:09
Subject: [Oorexx-users] (no subject)


Hello again Oliver,

> Sounds a bit weird - don?t know if I can help, but what kind of dialog is it 
> ? i.e. what?s its superclass (e.g. UserDialog)?


Oh, weird?!  Ah.  Well, I'm learning to the ooDialog by using bits and pieces 
of sample code.  Thus maybe I'm incorrectly using a call or something.  Here is 
a snippet of the code.

Background:  This Rexx program allows the user to set the Power Plan for the 
system.  Originally written only to support passed parameters (e.g. PowerPlan 
High or PowerPlan GoodNight, I added Dialog in two places.  One displays a list 
of the power plans and allows the user to select one of them.  The other 
toggles between two plans (High Performance and a "Good Night" plan I created).

Code Snippet:

if GBL.parameter.0 = 2                                    & ,
   ((abbrev('DIALOG',upper(GBL.parameter.1),1)    | ,
     abbrev('DIALOG',upper(GBL.parameter.2),1))           & ,
    (abbrev('TOGGLE',upper(GBL.parameter.1),1)    | ,
     abbrev('TOGGLE',upper(GBL.parameter.2),1)))            then do

  if PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer <> HighPerf   & ,
     PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer <> GoodNight  then do
    call !!Say_Directed 4,'w','Current "' || PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer || '" 
is not valid for Dialog Toggle.  Changing the current power plan to "' || 
HighPerf || '" and continuing.'
    PowerCMD '-setactive' HighPerfGUID
    DialogAnswer = HighPerfPCL

  msg = 'Toggle Power Plan?  Yes or No (Quit)'             || 
.endOfLine~copies(2) || ,
        'Current Power Plan is' PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer

  do while AskDialog(msg, 'Y')
      when PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer = HighPerf then do
        PowerCMD '-setactive' GoodNightGUID
        call !!Say_Directed 10,'i','Power plan changed to Good Night (' || 
GoodNightGUID || ').  Reqest is: Dialog Toggle.'
        PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer = GoodNight
      when PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer = GoodNight then do
        PowerCMD '-setactive' HighPerfGUID
        call !!Say_Directed 10,'i','Power plan changed to High Performance (' 
|| HighPerfGUID || ').  Reqest is: Dialog Toggle.'
        PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer = HighPerf
      otherwise do
    msg = 'Toggle Power Plan?  Yes or No (Quit)'             || 
.endOfLine~copies(2) || ,
          'Current Power Plan is' PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer
  call !!Say_Directed 1201,'i','Dialog terminated.  Current power plan is "' || 
PowerPlanName.DialogAnswer || '."'

  call !!EOJ 0
 else if GBL.parameter.0 = 2 then do
        call !!Say_Directed 1200,'e','Invalid double parameter combination.  
They must be Dialog and Toggle.'
        call !!EOJ 1200


I chose the AskDialog call because all I need is a Yes or No (Yes, toggle; No, 
end).  Maybe I'm expecting too much from AskDialog to stay where put, as it is 
a message.  If so,

*       What is a better call given the toggle idea and the existing code?
*       What is a good way to learn how to use ooDialog? 
*       Also a good resource compiler?

Thank you, Oliver, for your two replies thus far. :-)



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