Hi folks,

Happy Friday! Feature freeze is today, so by the end of the day in a
timezone of your choosing, any new features that are going into 3.0
should be merged to master. There may be a /tiny/ amount of leeway if
something that would not be generally destabilizing might not be 100%
baked but could be reviewed and go in over the weekend. If you expect
to need that leeway, please check in with me.

There are a few potential new-featurish things that at this time I'm
inclined to grant specific exceptions for and allow to be merged
through mid-September.

* Debian Stretch support

See https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1708048. This one is a
bit trickier than normal because of ldconfig changes apparently
introduced in Debian 9, and might require that we have to release an
OpenSRF 2.6.0 as a minimum required version for Evergreen 3.0, at
least on Stretch. Nonetheless, I'm keen to have this for 3.0 rather
than wait until 3.1.

* General improvements to I18N tooling
* Improvements to support for HTTPS-only operations (these are
arguably bugfixes anyway)
* Potential changes for better Hatch integration.
* Cases where a (small, non-destabilizing) new feature may need to be
added to the web staff client to retain parity with the XUL client. We
need to be cautious about these, though.

I am not planning to branch of rel_3_0 at this point, but since there
already at least a couple significant branches that would benefit from
thorough review during the 3.1 cycle, I may create rel_3_0 if those
branches get to the point where they're ready to be merged to master.

We've had a flurry of big merges the past month and will have some
today, so after the dust settles, the main focus during September will
need to be stabilizing master and addressing showstopper bugs in the
web staff client.

Today also marks string slush. After feature freeze passes, POT files
will be updated so that translators can start doing their work. Once
that happens, string changes should be minimized, but they are not
forbidden (e.g., if a string addition is needed as part of fixing a
browser client showstopper).  Full string freeze will be on 27


Galen Charlton
Infrastructure and Added Services Manager
Equinox Open Library Initiative
phone:  1-877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
email:  g...@equinoxinitiative.org
web:  https://equinoxInitiative.org
direct: +1 770-709-5581
cell:   +1 404-984-4366

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