Hi All,

I've pushed the 2.3.7 files to the Evergreen previews site:


There is a release branch at working/user/berick/rel_2_3_7

This is a fairly minor release as far as new code goes.  Testing
appreciated.  I'll announce the release officially tomorrow, assuming no
show stoppers appear.

For the curious, here is the summary changelog (minus some upgrade noise)
for 2.3.6 to 2.3.7.

7fd240b 2013-05-16 stamping upgrade for field 264 reporter view Dan Wells
82f568b 2013-05-16 LP1071505 - Add 264 RDA tag to reporter views Ben Shum
462034e 2013-05-16 LP1071505 - Add 264 RDA tag to TPAC pubinfo display Ben
9285aa2 2013-05-16 Correct subfield format for authority lookup Mike
e5a34ea 2013-05-16 Repair faulty MARC editor authority validation Bill
5796d8f 2013-05-15 Make sure the "running" indicator goes away Mike Rylander
2ffbec5 2013-05-15 Add a $cache_timeout-based backstop for infinite loops
Mike Rylander
c291645 2013-05-15 "Queue Compression" -- let one do the work for all
identical, concurrent searches Mike Rylander
8708741 2013-05-15 Apply all 2.2 upgrades prior to running 2.3.0 upgrade
Dan Scott
12950b9 2013-05-14 LP1179614 - fix Export All Records action Ben Shum
6037151 2013-05-14 Serials: MFHD::get_compressed_holdings() can reach
infinite loop Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
3e754be 2013-05-14 Serials: Test method to identify holdings that lead to
summarization bugs Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
cd28e51 2013-05-07 Exports are broken Mark Cooper
3ceea7b 2013-04-27 LP1076411 Return updated circ object from checkin Bill
7d1f52e 2013-04-27 When adding errors from failed processing to
acq.edi_message, set error_time Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
fd52eb9 2013-04-27 Add accepting_usr to IDL to fix reporter field Remington
030973d 2013-04-27 LP1104823 - OPAC search results "Limit to available
items" toggles off "Show more details" Kyle Tomita
66e9aa3 2013-04-18 Acq: re-use more code for two ways of creating invoices
(EDI and manual) Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley
4468488 2013-04-18 Minor change to chrome/content/util/list.js. Jason
550f773 2013-04-18 Fixed bug in staff client offline mode. Dmitry Nechai

Bill Erickson
| Senior Software Developer
| phone: 877-OPEN-ILS (673-6457)
| email: ber...@esilibrary.com
| web: http://esilibrary.com
| Equinox Software, Inc. / Your Library's Guide to Open Source

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