Hello all,

Now that 2.5.0 is officially out the door, we can turn our attention toward 
establishing a release manager for 2.6.  At the Hack-a-Way, I took a few 
minutes to reflect on how I felt 2.5 had gone, and at one point joked about my 
desire to stay on for 2.6.  During that talk, and in the days and weeks since, 
I have been surprised (and honored) by individuals expressing their support for 
this idea, so I think it is time to officially address it.

Like all jokes, this one had a grain of truth.  I can be a perfectionist, and 
while the 2.5 release went well, I do tend to dwell on the things I could have 
done better.  Were I to stay on for 2.6, my primary goal would simply be to 
compress the release into 4 months, and get us back on track for 
March/September releases.  This is something I had hoped to pull off for 2.5, 
but in this case, my inexperience became my failure.

So, in short, I think it is very important that we get back to the prescribed 
schedule, and I now have a better understanding of how to set and keep 
realistically scheduled milestones which will accomplish that.  If others agree 
with this goal, and want that I stay on for a few more months, I will certainly 
accept this duty.  On the other hand, I do admit that I am also somewhat worn 
by my work for 2.5, so if anyone else wants to carry out this task (or proposes 
and finds support for a different plan altogether), I would also be quite happy 
to step aside.


Daniel Wells
Library Programmer/Analyst
Hekman Library, Calvin College

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