Hi all,

MassLNC has contracted with Lucien Kress to manage MassLNC development
projects on an interim basis. If you need to contact MassLNC about any
ongoing development work after tomorrow, please email him at

Specifically, we are still seeking funding partners for our project to move
acquisitions to Angular. We have a little more than half of the commitments
we need. We also expect to be getting quotes soon for more acquisitions
sprints, so we're looking forward to hearing from more community members
who are interested in assisting with the next important phase of the web
client project. Lucien will be coordinating the funding commitments from
here on out.

Don't forget. There are lots of goodies in this project for those who do
not use acquisitions!

On a more personal note, I want to thank everyone who welcomed me to this
community and showed me what it means to be part of a vibrant, open-source
project. I truly enjoyed the experience of contributing to the project,
getting to know all of you who are also working to improve Evergreen, and
doing my part to make Evergreen better for all of our libraries.

I'm hopeful that our paths will cross again some day and that I will once
again find myself in a game of Resistance with a bunch of Evergreeners.


Kathy Lussier
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128kluss...@masslnc.org

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