Hi Glen,

I believe the application_perm entry is used to define whether another given group has the ability to edit users of the group with the perm.

So say for example, you create a patron group called "Child", if you set that group with an application_perm like "group_application.user.child" then only a patron group with that particular permission will have the ability to view / add people to that Child Group. Like say if my "Circulator" group had that permission associated with them, they could see "Child" in the Profile dropdown, but if the "Cataloger" group did not, they would not be able to create / save "Child" patrons.

If the field is blank, I believe it defaults to the parent groups, meaning that if you're creating these new groups under "Staff" it's likely that they inherit something like "group_application.user.staff" as the type. But your average circulator/cataloger account wouldn't have staff editing powers so they wouldn't be able to see those groups while creating new patrons.

Conceptually, it's important to be clear that "Staff" groups and "Patron" groups share the same parts of the database, so you may actually need to have "Staff Patrons" as a group to keep them distinct from "Staff" as various login types for the staff client. Though Evergreen is flexible enough to support any user login if you grant them the permissions to use staff functionality.

Hope that helps somewhat... permission groups can be tricky at first.

-- Ben

On 5/24/12 10:42 AM, Glen Modell wrote:
Hi, this is Glen at the Ann Arbor District Library. We're not on Evergreen, but I'm experimenting. I'd like some advice about adding permissions groups. In the client I've gone through Admin, Server, Permissions Groups, and added several groups under Staff. These show up in the permission.grp_tree table, but there is a column called application_perm which does not get filled automatically. Perhaps because of this, the new permissions groups aren't valid. When I create a new user and assign the user to that permissions group, that value is not retained after I save it. I've tried running an autogen but that didn't help. Is there an additional step I need to do in order to add a permission group? Thanks. -- Glen.

Benjamin Shum
Open Source Software Coordinator
Bibliomation, Inc.
32 Crest Road
Middlebury, CT 06762
203-577-4070, ext. 113

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