Hi all,

I just wanted to send out a reminder that the Evergreen web team is seeking
feedback on the user stories the team created for the Evergreen web site.
User stories are a method of creating software requirements for software
applications and in our case, online communities. First, we define our web
site visitors by grouping them into personas based on shared objectives and
characteristics. Once we've identified a user persona, we can develop "user
stories" for the persona. These are sample activities representing every
task that a user from that role may wish to perform - everything from
finding certain inforomation to participating in online discussions.

We have received a suggestion to add a vendor to the list of users who may
have a reason to visit the Evergreen web site. Are there any others we
missed? Did we overlook any tasks that a particular user may want perform on
the web site? There's no need to provide the alliterative names (unless you
really like doing so!)  The team would like to receive any feedback on the
user stories by the first week of January.

Our current user stories are available at
http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=webteam.visitor_analysis and
are also listed below:

A) Patty Potential is a Circulation Manager at a regional public library
system. Patty's libraries are currently running a proprietary ILS and she is
interested in learning more about Open Source Library Systems (OSLS) and
Evergreen in particular.

   1. Patty can easily find a centralized and authoritative EG site with a
minimum of searching.
   2. Patty can view a "one-pager" offering a high-level overview of both EG
software and the EG community
   3. Patty can view contextual background information on Open Source
   4. Patty is directed to visit a "Considering Evergreen?" web page which
offers a curated introduction to EG resources, created by EG community
experts. This page presents links to decision-making information in a
logical order, aimed at the potential implementer. The functionality of this
page is currently served by the E-ILS.org's "About Evergreen" page.
   5. Patty can browse through a hierarchical list of resources aimed at
potential implementers
   6. Patty can use keywords and filtering to search for a specific resource
aimed at potential implementers
   7. Patty can pose questions a community of existing users, using the
existing IRC channels, existing mailing lists, and/or a web-based forum
   8. Patty can easily find a demo "sandbox" implementation of Evergreen to
   9. Patty can search for an EG Service Provider based on certain criteria
  10. Patty can search for existing EG libraries based on certain criteria
  11. Patty can search for individuals in the EG Community based on certain

B) Max Migration is a System Administrator at a regional public library
system. Max's library is in the process of planning and performing a
migration to Evergreen from their proprietary ILS.

   1. Max can easily find a centralized and authoritative EG site with a
minimum of searching.
   2. Max can easily find a collection of resources targeted at libraries
performing a migration
   3. Max can search for specific resources (by keyword) concerning a
specific aspect of the migration
   4. Max can pose support questions if he encounters a problem during his
migration planning or implementation

C) Addie Admin is a System Administrator at a regional public library system
that uses Evergreen ILS. Addie is tasked with ongoing maintenance,
administration, and user training for her library's ILS.

   1. Addie can easily find a centralized and authoritative EG site with a
minimum of searching
   2. Addie can learn about news and developments in the EG community
   3. Addie can choose to be notified about news and developments in the EG
   4. Addie can search for specific EG-related resources by keyword or other
   5. Addie can browse a categorized collection of EG resources
   6. Addie can participate in a user forum of other administrators to ask
questions and exchange best practices
   7. Addie can easily request a new feature that she feels would be
beneficial for the larger EG community
   8. Addie can review and comment upon new feature requests suggested by
other users in the EG community
   9. Addie can easily access the EG Bug Tracker and submit a bug report
D) Dave Developer is a developer on the Evergreen project, employed by a
consortium of EG libraries.

   1. Dave can keep official project documentation maintained in a doc
repository separate from the overall EG resource library/collections.
   2. Dave can see a summary of Feature Requests submitted by members of the
   3. Dave can see a detailed history of each Feature Request including
commentary from members of the community
   4. Dave can see documentation for procedures on submitting code to the
the community.
   5. Dave can see documentation and tutorials on Evergreen system
   6. Dave can see a list of other developers he can contact for advice.
E) Gertie Governance is a volunteer on the Evergreen Foundation management
board's Communications Committee. Gertie is tasked with utilizing the
website and user community systems to enhance growth and development of the
greater EG community.

   1. Gertie can easily generate (and export) a list of website users that
have registered, filtered and sorted by role, location, and any other info
useful to the CommsCommittee.
   2. Gertie can easily add content to the website as requested by other
members of the management team
F) Wally Webmaster is the webmaster of the newly-overhauled Evergreen web

   1. Wally can easily manage and maintain the website and associated
properties, including the ability to securely delegate authority for
administration to other users
   2. Wally can easily identify and purge outdated content.
G) Carla Consultant is a representative of an organization that is
considering offering Evergreen related services.

   1. Carla can view view a "one-pager" offering a high-level overview of
both EG software and the EG community
   2. Carla can view a list of Evergreen implementations by certain criteria
such as geographical area or specialty.
   3. Carla can view a list of potential Evergreen related service providers
and request that her organization be added to the list
   4. Carla can view a list of Evergreen feature requests.
   5. Carla can view a list of Evergreen related services, RFIs, and RFPs
from members of the community.

H) Sally Skeptic isn't sure what the big fuss is about open source but she's
been asked to look at Evergreen by her boss, either for informational
purposes or because her library is seriously considering migrating to it.

   1. Sally can find out why open source is a good idea.
   2. Sally can learn about the differences between Evergreen and Koha.
   3. Sally can see clearly that people using Evergreen are happy with their
   4. Sally can learn about the pros and cons of open source on a "Why Open
Source?" page.

I) Sarah Stand-alone is looking at an open source system for her library.
Sarah likes the idea of open source, but thinks that Evergreen might be for

   1. Sarah can find a page of resources for stand alone Evergreen
   2. Sarah can get in touch with other stand alone libraries that have
moved to Evergreen.
   3. Sarah can do everything Patty can do, without feeling like an

Thanks all!
Evergreen web team

Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 756-0172
(508) 755-3721 (fax)
IM: kmlussier (AOL & Yahoo)
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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