Hi all

Due to Czech accounting rules we need to hand over a list  containing copy
barcodes/IDs related to every paid invoice  item saved in Evergreen
Acquisition to our Accounting Department. We use report module for printing
overview of copy barcodes attached to each invoice, but this way is a bit
laborious. If the barcode could be added to the trigger event definition
template processed on demand when printing the invoice, it would save us
much time and effort. I have previously successfully  customized the
"Invoice" template" in Notification / Action Triggers interface according
to most of our needs but as I am not a template toolkit expert I failed to
add barcode(s) of item paid to the template output.
Is there an easy way to add copy barcode (or at least ID) to the "Invoice"
trigger event definition  template (e.g. do you think  using a part of the
"lineitem worksheet" trigger event definition template would solve the

Thanks in advance for your ideas :-)


PS: The default Invoice trigger event deffinition template looks like this:

[% FILTER collapse %]
[%- SET invoice = target -%]
<!-- This lacks general refinement -->
<div class="acq-invoice-voucher">
        <strong>No.</strong> [% invoice.inv_ident %]
        [% IF invoice.inv_type %]
            / <strong>Type:</strong>[% invoice.inv_type %]
        [% END %]
            [% BLOCK ent_with_address %]
            <dt>[% ent_label %]: [% ent.name %] ([% ent.code %])</dt>
                [% IF ent.addresses.0 %]
                    [% SET addr = ent.addresses.0 %]
                    [% addr.street1 %]<br />
                    [% IF addr.street2 %][% addr.street2 %]<br />[% END %]
                    [% addr.city %],
                    [% IF addr.county %] [% addr.county %], [% END %]
                    [% IF addr.state %] [% addr.state %] [% END %]
                    [% IF addr.post_code %][% addr.post_code %][% END %]<br
                    [% IF addr.country %] [% addr.country %] [% END %]
                [% END %]
                    [% IF ent.phone %] Phone: [% ent.phone %]<br />[% END %]
                    [% IF ent.fax_phone %] Fax: [% ent.fax_phone %]<br />[%
END %]
                    [% IF ent.url %] URL: [% ent.url %]<br />[% END %]
                    [% IF ent.email %] E-mail: [% ent.email %] [% END %]
            [% END %]
            [% INCLUDE ent_with_address
                ent = invoice.provider
                ent_label = "Provider" %]
            [% INCLUDE ent_with_address
                ent = invoice.shipper
                ent_label = "Shipper" %]
                [% invoice.receiver.name %] ([% invoice.receiver.shortname
                [% helpers.format_date(invoice.recv_date) %] by
                [% invoice.recv_method %]
            [% IF invoice.note %]
                    [% invoice.note %]
            [% END %]
        [% FOR entry IN invoice.entries %]
                [% IF entry.lineitem %]
                    Title: [% helpers.get_li_attr(
                        "title", "", entry.lineitem.attributes
                    ) %]<br />
                    Author: [% helpers.get_li_attr(
                        "author", "", entry.lineitem.attributes
                    ) %]
                [% END %]
                [% IF entry.purchase_order %]
                    (PO: [% entry.purchase_order.name %])
                [% END %]<br />
                Invoice item count: [% entry.inv_item_count %]
                [% IF entry.phys_item_count %]
                    / Physical item count: [% entry.phys_item_count %]
                [% END %]
                <br />
                [% IF entry.cost_billed %]
                    Cost billed: [% entry.cost_billed %]
                    [% IF entry.billed_per_item %](per item)[% END %]
                    <br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF entry.actual_cost %]
                    Actual cost: [% entry.actual_cost %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF entry.amount_paid %]
                    Amount paid: [% entry.amount_paid %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF entry.note %]Note: [% entry.note %][% END %]
        [% END %]
        [% FOR item IN invoice.items %]
                [% IF item.inv_item_type %]
                    Item Type: [% item.inv_item_type %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF item.title %]Title/Description:
                    [% item.title %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF item.author %]Author: [% item.author %]<br />[% END %]
                [% IF item.purchase_order %]PO: [% item.purchase_order
%]<br />[% END %]
                [% IF item.note %]Note: [% item.note %]<br />[% END %]
                [% IF item.cost_billed %]
                    Cost billed: [% item.cost_billed %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF item.actual_cost %]
                    Actual cost: [% item.actual_cost %]<br />
                [% END %]
                [% IF item.amount_paid %]
                    Amount paid: [% item.amount_paid %]<br />
                [% END %]
        [% END %]
        Amounts spent per fund:
        [% FOR blob IN user_data %]
                <th style="text-align: left;">[% blob.fund.code %] ([%
blob.fund.year %]):</th>
                <td>$[% blob.total %]</td>
        [% END %]
[% END %]

Mgr. Eva Cerniňáková
Tel. +420 211 222 409

Knihovna Jabok
http:/knihovna.jabok.cuni.cz <http://knihovna.jabok.cz>
Tel.  +420 211 222 410

Jabok - Vyšší odborná škola sociálně pedagogická a teologická
Salmovská 8, 120 00 Praha 2

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