This is 1.6.1 and we have staff client imported authority records but want to make changes to some of them.

The MARC authority records standard seems to facilitate such a scenario:
- in the leader in position 5 you would have "c" for "corrected"
- you keep the record ID or Control Number in field 001 the same of- course for matching with the outdated authority record already in Evergreen - in field 005 you would have a more recent date than the one in the outdated record

Or fulfilling our need to delete obsolete authority records in Evergreen by importing a second time with Leader position 5 set to "d" for deleted.

QUESTION: trying these scenarios does not work: the staff client batch import simply refuses to do the import second time round and that seems to be it.

Can anyone help:
- is there an automatic overlay (and delete) mechanism for authority records by re-importing and how should the record look like
- if not: how can we update or delete outdated authority records

Thanks a lot,

IISG and PPL libraries, the Netherlands

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