Hi all,

As many of you know, the Evergreen Outreach Committee has been working since 2015 to increase Evergreen's visibility to the larger library community. As part of this effort, we have scheduled programs at ALA Midwinter meetings and annual conferences that showcase Evergreen to potential and existing users. These programs have included a focus on innovative catalog features during the 2017 annual conference in Chicago as well as a program on the new web client in Denver last month. More information on the latest program is available at https://evergreen-ils.org/evergreen-project-represents-at-ala-midwinter/

Due to the limited funds available through the community, the Outreach Committee tries to plan dynamic programs that also don't place too high of a burden on the funds that support this effort. However, during our program at Midwinter, we had an unanticipated expense for audio-visual equipment, which cost the project a little more than $1,000. The cost is high for the Evergreen project to support. I therefore am putting out a call to see if any Evergreen organizations would be willing to contribute a small portion of the fee to help offset the expenses for this program. If several organizations contribute a small amount of money, I am confident we can quickly replenish the community funds that supported this program.

C/W MARS and MassLNC have already contributed some funds to offset this expense, leaving about $775 that needs to be reimbursed. If you are interested in contributing to support community outreach, you can donate by following the donation instructions at https://evergreen-ils.org/conservancy/. Also, please send me a direct email letting me know so that I can track how much has been donated for this specific purpose and can give credit to your organization.

Finally, I wanted to leave off with a note on why I think it is important for Evergreen organizations to support these Outreach efforts. Conferences are where a lot of libraries do their system shopping, and proprietary ILS vendors are highly visible at these conferences with booths in the exhibit hall as well as meetings (or maybe breakfasts or lunches). By scheduling Evergreen programs at these conferences, we are also providing a way for system shoppers to learn about our system. Growing our community of users ultimately benefits all Evergreen users since a larger user base expands the potential for more vendors to support the system and increases the number of people who can contribute to code, documentation, testing, etc. All of this grown ultimately leads to continued improvements of Evergreen.

I hope you can help us out!


Kathy Lussier, Evergreen Outreach Committee Chair
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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